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(593%) _se231 1337-1408) F733 | Be, MR fag Pics xe fouigs _ Introduction 20 2G AS be ea edi ee BS paalt é Woy ok The Moda Period i in En; Me E Zher the begiofing of" the twentieth century through roughly 1965. In broad | serms, the period was marked by sudden and unexpected breaks with traditional Literature oecupied the years ftom shortly ways of viewing and interacting with the world. Experimentation and individualism became virtues, where, in the past they were often heartil Gscouraged. Modernism was set in musa aes 2 igo. a series D evade cultural shocks. The first of these great shocks iy ‘the Great Wer, which | ravaged Europe from 1914 through 1918, known now as World War One, At the time, this “War to End All Wars” was looked upon with such ghastly horror | ar many people simply could not imagine what the world seemed to be plunging towards. os Ur ariCinies, Theft hints ofthat petcuar way of thinking called Modemism stretch “peck int} the ninetdenth Sentury. As literary periods go, Modernism displays a ely strong sense of cohesion and similarity across genres and locales. ermore, writers who adopted the Modem point of view often did so quite jberately and self-consciously. Indeed, a central preoccupation of Modemism yh the inne self and gonsciousngss In codtrent 0 the Romantie world view, remnist cares rather little for Nature, Being, or the overarching structures history. Instead of progress and growth, the Modemist intelligentsia sees (gecay and a growing alienation of the individual. The machinery of modern ty is perceived as impersonal, capitalist, and antagonistic to the artistic pulie. War mostgensinly had e,grat deal of influence on such ways of aching the world. Tas World "Wars in the span of a generation effectively shell-shocked all of Western civilization. The genesis of the Modernist Movement: The Modern Movement was result from the contribution of the most * > remarkable figures of both the English and American Literary scenes, including eS ee Ezra Pound, TS. Eliot, and Harriet Monroe. In England, the English poetry el Gearing the 19" c. was domifnated by the imapect of both the late Victorian poets and Mathew Amnold’s concept of ‘seriousness’ in writing poetry . Ezra Pound E: a ‘wes dissdtisfled with the literary principle of the English poetry at that time. In kis critical essay, Pound warned poets aesint treating poetry seriously. Thus, he and a group cf radical po poets ee a ita eT in 1912. The outcome of their radical thoughts was Imagism which marked the rising of the modernist poetry in England. Ii this context, Imagism was just an anti- © Romantic and anti-Victorian movement. In fact, the devotes of the school. Imagism, usually employed the language of the man in- the-street in their poetry im order to present clear-cut images about the external world to denote specific ‘connotation. For them, the natural phenomena’s of the concrete world were of primary concem. Ped Seas oe z In American, the Roceoii Movement striéd with the emergence of the American Poetic Renaissance by the founding of poetry, fiterary, magazine . + edited by Harriet Monroe, in 1912, in fact, Mrs Monroe shared with the Pound * the same desire to modify the course of the American poetry and release it from the shackles of the late Victorian poetry’s impact. Striving to modernize the | aGjarican’ poetry. Pound started his vigorous participation in the poetry's issuances to put an end to. a the es of tie ia sey English poets: In 1992, the impact of imagist movement “penetrated the American Berary scene through the literary pages of pocty al was ene Moreover, in 1939, Pound published the Imagist’s! manifesto’ in the same magazine. Inthe following year, he decided put his theory into practice by editing ‘Des Tmai ies anthology. This anthology marked the onset of the modernist movement in America. In this respect. John McCormick started that” it is not too much to say that without Ezra Pound. The modern movement in the poetry might never have taken place’. rele, Like Pound, T. S. Eliot played a principle role in the American poetic renaissance as he was responsible for modifying the path of the American Poetry. Both of them, ’shared ..a conviction about the futility...of the late Victorian tradition in poetry’. In fact, Eliot's poems were published in ‘American through the agency of Pound. In 1915, the Majority of these poems appeared in various literary magazines: "The Boston Evening Transcript’ and -Prufrock’ in poetry, the’ preludes” in Blast, and ‘Portrait’ in Others. In 1917, Eliot's anthology. Prufrock and Other observations, was published in poetry. That anthropology was considered the latest date for emergence of Modernism of Modernism in America, besides, it fired the first short in the young American poets in their revolt against Imagism. Through that anthology incorporate all the important principles of Imagist movement, Eliot’s contribution can be seen vividly in his ability to relate the image, the neutral fact, to the human experience as was the case with’ Pruftock. audi 23 ats9\ 9 6 ~ 233) Celso Themes of the Modern poetry: DsDy) 2P2 Pr SJ) 1+ Alienation. ..the feeling of being alone. Sr ee DS ie modern poet feels that he is alone re because of the ebbing of religion and the destruction of the social ties. Spyhadnes ‘2- Dislikeness of city: The city is seen by the modem poet as an inferno or as the waste land because is the place where the moral, religious, and spiritual values are lost. aM 3- Horror of war: ‘The modern poets are horrified by the Great War because it caused a lot of bloodshed in the English society. Thus, they depict it in a rather _» loomy picture in their poetry. Saab 351 4 Fear of futui rear re: &, For te mde got ye i nm bste i the moral valuts are di i Se shai _5- The spiritual emptiness: Mi oe lacoy Moving away from religion has brought the modera man to be empty from inside as if he were a body without a soul. 4 =e) CS “ od wei) es A Then main characteristics of modern poetry ql, Fae con F ans, len Bs s Dre of the main features of the is the alepgomes of mn 2531 cmsds Gd Va ea “output But this Se. & fs ual y resulled in the lowering er qaliay. pies fem “aah gh That i is wy A.C. Ward dessibes ind mm foety s connie’ Standard oe of piety have gone own. Yet, some of the ‘Boden Poets are of outsfning ao cee SD cea Du excellence, ‘Their poems have achieved penn siguifcanse Hower, Pe SRI ae jo modem age lacks dominating poets like Wi or Tennyson, It is an age age lordsseoethvor:Tenmgoony age tailor M aca eect Gest enlpeee. wed Sy pectesye@tF im oahtr Cebeads sig Secondly, modern poetry has arietv of themes. The moder poets a vB? 3 Kane tha) “Bids i iti elle any neers, telephone arid such other things ‘s ost yd Gre on plac terest, Modern Mor ets ave at Fed ther are ofiteret. The wigenntiebatechein heir exience Sophenteaieares of Modem pact are related On, ees Ose b to the religion, mysticism, science ah fairyland. This ns piven bith toa wide aie variety of poems. oh Pe 2» he Wh AD Byrd eee = - seit . Romanticism, patrol aspects, shephds, knight and such like Ace ay & bye 2 $9 es) ee tendencies have become of tig pt. The Bets of he Maem ine have ae ean action reise dtirsaber daringly. Realistié factors like wars, slums, Pah ; e Ueliness, itor nd poverty. dais like Rober. Bes, Masel and “Gibson are highly ye. —— aa ca 2 Sead Vs Le “S| Modern pty aio bears the foie roof i and aisill jonment. . The - Js emo wits have colt st jcomy few oa on be pty Saat of wan hge, The Modern By Ce? = his been rightly described as” the age of amiety’. Ih spite of our material aa progress, we are full of tensions and anxieties. Disappearance of faith in 7 Che Bee iio

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