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Anemia in Women- Caption

 The term "anaemia or Pandu” refers to a drop in circulating haemoglobin mass

below the critical level.
 Anemia is one of the most common pregnancy complications, contributing directly
or indirectly to 20% of deaths in developing countries.
 Anemia during pregnancy is known as Garbhini pandu in Ayurveda and it is mainly
caused by Rasa Dhatu.
 Iron, vitamin B12 or folic acid deficiency, chronic diseases (rheumatoid arthritis,
kidney disease), blood loss due to heavy menstruation or constant bleeding (peptic
ulcer, haemorrhoids, etc.), infections such as malaria are all common causes of
 Iron deficiency is the most common cause of Anemia during pregnancy. Folate
deficiency has been linked to defects such as neural tube abnormalities and low birth
 According to Ayurveda, Rasa Dhatu becomes more responsible for the nourishment
of three factors: the embryo, the breast, and the pregnant woman. Because of this
stress on Rasa Dhatu during pregnancy, the pregnant woman is more likely to
develop Garbhini Pandu.
 Several therapeutics have been suggested in classical Ayurvedic texts for the
treatment of Garbhini Pandu.
 As a hematinic (anti-anemic) drug, Dadimadi ghrita works by raising Hb levels and
decreasing Pandutva (faintness of the nails, eyes, and skin), pain in the calf muscles,
increased heart rate, swelling around the eyes and fatigue. Amalaki helps nourishing
blood tissues and Yastimadhu has hemostatic and coagulative properties.

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