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A guide to mask use

 There are numerous options available when choosing a mask. Here are some of Do’s
and Don’ts-
 Do choose masks that
1) Have two or more layers of washable, breathable cloth.
2) Do select masks that cover your nose and mouth completely.
3) Do go for masks that fit securely against your face’s sides and don’t have any
4) To prevent air from seeping out of the top of the mask, use a nose wire.
 Don’t choose masks that
1) Are made up of fabric that makes it difficult to breathe, such as vinyl.
2) Do not choose N95 respirators or surgical masks that are designed for healthcare
3) Do not choose ones that have vents or exhalation valves which allow virus
particles to escape.
 To ensure optimal fit, look for a mask created specifically for children.
 Make sure the mask fits comfortably over the nose and mouth, as well as under the
chin, with no gaps around the edges.
 Do not use on children younger than 2 years old.
 Wear a mask correctly and consistently for the best protection-
1) Before putting on a mask, make sure you wash your hands or use hand sanitizer.
2) When wearing the mask, do not touch it. If you have to touch/adjust your mask
frequently, it isn't fitting you well, and you may need to switch masks or make

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