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NMIMS, Mumbai, India

The phenomenon of Knowledge hiding is very common in workplaces. This could be due to variety in
demographics like age, gender, cultural background, or the feeling of having more power in terms of
knowledge as compared to one’s peers. Reason can be any of these, but its consequences are many which
are bearded by the organization, the team, and the individual as well.

The importance of knowledge sharing for not to reveal some organizational level trade
organizations long term benefit, innovation and secrets.
success has been proved by a lot of research. In the short term if we see, knowledge
Promoting Knowledge sharing within hiders get a lot of time for performing their own
organizations helps to build strong employee tasks and can increase their performance as
relationship, relationships within teams ultimately compared to another coworker (Barzel,1989). KH
leading to better performance of an individual and has also shown feelings of more responsibility and
organization also (Connelly et. al ,2015).Despite ownership and positive evaluations of object itself.
its benefits, the concern regarding knowledge Employees with higher sense of ownership are
hiding(KH) have been faced by many more committed and see through the task till
organizations. There are many types of completion and are less likely to abandon projects
knowledge hiding, be it intentional or in between. Such employees have the idea of may
unintentional, it affects an organizations culture be “their baby”, “their idea” and want to go on
in a very negative way, causing drop in their own to pursue their idea without anyone
employee’s performance or organizational else’s interference (J.Webster,2018). Such
citizenship behavior which leads to workplace implications lead to positives for the organizations
deviance (Bari et al.,2019). Therefore, it becomes sometimes.
important to understand the outcomes of
knowledge hiding in the workplace. Negatives:
On a broader level, it has influences on an However, they can experience damaged
individual and on organizational level. It can also interpersonal relationships due to reciprocity in
have some positive outcomes which are described an employee’s decisions (J.Webster,2018).
below in the following lines in the paper. Moreover, in a long run knowledge hider can
also experience a decrease in their performance
The Individual because when they would require help, others
might not be readily available. It can also
happen that the loyalty between workers also
On an individual level, KH can lead to negative
as well as positive outcomes. Withholding decreases. Employees become reluctant to share
knowledge sometimes become important so as their knowledge with hiders in future if need
Organizational level II. Effect on Work performance:

There are a lot of additional consequences that Having the skills and competencies required for a
an organization has to face when practices like particular job is not enough, the collaboration with
KH goes on a regular basis. Due to the secrecy peers and team members through knowledge
norms of organizations, it acts as a shield for sharing to able to deliver properly is an important
many workers to conceal knowledge. This aspect in a workplace. This also enhances one’s
happens when guidance provided by norms are motive , creativity, and one’s work performance.
unclearly stated and knowledge hiders use it in Knowledge seekers argue that they experience a
their interest. decline in their performance. They also feel that
Even if knowledge is shared among people, they searching or requesting knowledge from alternate
may not be willing to fully listen or incorporate source results in wastage of time, inefficiency
other’s ideas. This happens because of feelings of increases, results in lack of creativity ultimately
ownership, affecting their territory ( knowledge) causing suboptimal work performance.
means asking for other’s ideas but not
incorporating because they are not their own Inefficiency: If any senior official declines to
creation. Such reasons create serious implications provide necessary information to any of its sub-
on an organization’s creativity on a whole. ordinates, sometimes it becomes difficult for them
Increasing level of KH have a lot of to complete their tasks and problem-solving skills
negative consequences directly linked with an on time. Many times, the knowledge seekers are
individuals’ behavior or organizations left on their own, therefore consuming a lot of time
performance (M.W.Bari et. al), e.g. innovation, in solving any technical issue which directly
individual’s creativity, performance, hampers their work performance. It is observed that
interpersonal relationships and increase in the knowledge hiding behavior with the workplace
interpersonal distrust(Connelly et. al ,2015).In negatively affects their ability to contribute to the
addition to this its consequences on target it can best of their capability.
also negatively influence a knowledge hider’s
creativity(Bogilovic et. al,2017). Gathering knowledge from external source is time
consuming: Due to lack of cooperation from peers
I. Personal Reputation: or senior officials, knowledge seekers have to rely
It has been found that if the seekers don’t get the on other multiple sources, which needs to be
information or knowledge to perform their roles, verified also and becomes a time-consuming
they feel their reputation at stake. It is very process. It requires a substantial amount of energy
common to find people at higher level to and time, which they can use on other productive
deliberately hide knowledge from their tasks. It also increases the stress level and
subordinates, and nothing can be done regarding demotivates them. Not getting required information
this by their peers as there is no procedure to within the team or organization sometimes makes
report such issues with the top level management them to look elsewhere like to a friend working in
so that to avoid in future time (A.S.Butt,2020). another organization.
Knowledge seekers feel many times that hiders
have a certain knowledge and possess a higher Suppressed creativity: Not able to perform fully or
position and strong reputation which adversely give creative ideas for a particular task can also be
affects the knowledge seekers reputation when the caused due to lack of knowledge for that particular
knowledge is hidden from them and thus they are job assigned. Inability to perform a task in different
not able to deliver properly due to lack of way and to find out the best among them can
information. happen due to lack of knowledge.
Many other limitations like brainstorming
sessions, bringing new and innovative ideas on hiders have good relationship with upper
the table during meetings or discussions follow management, the complaint by knowledge seeker is
due to lack of knowledge. Knowledge hiders neglected. In this way he gets involved into the
many a time tell the seekers that they will share office politics and can become target of many other
information but later on keep neglecting it. senior officials for complaining. When difference
in information exists , workers in an organization
III. Escalation: no longer interact with each other on equal terms,
When the behavior of knowledge hiding prevails which stops them from searching of different
for a longer period of time within an organization, aspects and interpretation of new knowledge
it creates a negative atmosphere for many to work (Webster et. al, 2008)
in. The motivation to work in such an
environment decreases with time. This results into IV. Poor relationship between employees:
victims of knowledge hiding resigning the When knowledge is hidden intentionally, it affects
organization. If the top management is serious adversely the working relationship of the two
enough for such a behavior it can lead to involved. When knowledge seekers feel that the
expulsion of the perpetrators from the firm as hider is not being supportive enough and is
well. It has also been observed that many times lingering on for the information, he tries to manage
knowledge hiders are left with no option but to on his own rather than relying on others. Gradually
resign themselves from their positions as the last he maintains a distance with the perpetrator due to
option. lack of trust and loyalty which hinders in forming a
healthy and long-lasting relationship with the
Resignation of knowledge seeker: Many studies perpetrator.
have revealed that when an employee is not
treated well by his upper management, he is left Reduced interpersonal trust: A trust deficit in the
with no option but to resign. No employee would business relationship gradually starts to emerge,
like to work in an organization where he cannot once employees find out that they are not being
get opportunities to grow and learn. Struggling on supported or assisted by their peers or managers, be
daily basis to get knowledge for a task it by providing information or any other work
completion and feeling as left in isolation in a related help. This makes them lose trust to such an
company cannot be tolerated by an employee. extent that they also feel that the perpetrator might
These results in resignation of an employee and give a wrong information if they rely on him in
losing an important asset to an organization. future. This also creates barrier if they want to talk
to discuss about their problems with their peers or
Dismissal of perpetrator: If knowledge seekers managers as they can exploit on their weakness
instead of giving resignation, confidently escalate and might disclose it with other workers within the
this matter to higher management, and if it works team or organization (Violetta et. al, 2019).
out in his favor, it eventually results in the Sometimes, if the seeker wants to discuss any new
dismissal of the perpetrator. But this requires a ideas, he feels reluctant because of the trust deficit
higher amount of potential to fight back, as such in their business relationship. Therefore, any
matters hardly come out with any fruitful results. important and new ideas from the young
For such results, the policies, and guidelines of an professionals aren’t shared which becomes a loss
organization on behavior of knowledge hiding for for the organization.
perpetuators should be strictly made and followed
too. Reduced loyalty: There is a lot of dependency on
each other while working in a professional life, and
Power and politics: Many times when knowledge this dependency can be used only when there is a
sense of loyalty between workers. When
knowledge seekers know about the intentions of follow have subsequent results (J.Webster , 2018).
the hiders, they stop giving them favors, Its influence can be seen on a much greater level
supporting them or standing beside them when like organizational relationships, employee
knowledge hiders need their help in certain cases satisfaction, trust and loyalty, organizational
like working extra, taking extra shifts etc. One’s effectiveness. Clear organizational policies or
working behavior changes abruptly when norms of secrecy should be made to smooth social
employees find out about knowledge hiding interactions and to minimize conflicts within each
nature of their peers other and within teams resulting from knowledge
V. High Turnover: Although organizations can do a little in
Lack of motivation, dedication, and determination changing the individual characteristics that
towards one’s job makes an employee leave their becomes the reason of withholding of knowledge,
job. One finding the boss not taking him on board but an atmosphere in workplace can be created to
while disseminating important business encourage trust, fairness, and reciprocity. Clear
knowledge, makes an employee question his guidelines need to be mentioned and adhered by
importance in the organization. Having less the employees for their decisions about sharing.
knowledge than required makes one feel not fully
engage with his job role. If such employees find a
better and suitable job elsewhere, they
immediately leave their organization and join
other where they look for healthy working

VI. Reduced Business Volume:

Research has shown that deliberate knowledge
hiding causes a decline in the business volume in
a long run. Due to lack of knowledge any project
can face challenges and errors, and it creates a
problem specially when the project has to be
completed in a time bound. The pressure from the
client end, thinking about reputation of the
company makes it a lot worse. It also happens that
the project has to then started from the scratch and
it affects client’s timelines and the years long
relation that is built with them. Sometimes an
organization can also lose an important customer
for the lifetime (A.Irum et. al, 2019).


Holding up knowledge transfer is part of everyday

story of organizational life. Confusion regarding
what information to reveal to whom often come a
lot in an employee’s mind, and the choices people
6. Namita Ruparel ,Rajneesh Choubisa
References: (BITS, Pilani); Knowledge hiding in
organizations: A retrospective narrative
review and the way forward,2020
1. Muhammad Waseem Bari, Misbah
Ghaffar and Bashir Ahmad; Knowledge- 7. Ayesha Irum, Koustab Ghosh and Agrata
hiding behaviors and employees’ silence: Pandey; Workplace incivility and
mediating role of psychological contract knowledge hiding: a research agenda,
breach,2020. 2019.
2. Atif Saleem Butt, Department of 8. Violetta Khoreva, Heidi Wechtler,
Management, American University of Ras Department of Management and
Al Khaimah, Ras al Khaimah, United Organization; Exploring the consequences
Arab Emirates; Consequences of top-down of knowledge hiding: an agency theory
knowledge hiding: a multi-level perspective, 2019.
exploratory study, 2020
9. Mengtian Xiao , Fang Lee Cooke; Why and
3. Lu Bai, University of Science and when knowledge hiding in the workplace is
Technology, Nanjing 210094, Jiangsu, harmful: a review of the literature and
China; A Review of Knowledge Hiding directions for future research, 2018
Behavior, 2020
10. Ramsha Zakariya, Sajid Bashir; Can
4. Qing Xia, Shumin Yan and Yuliang
knowledge hiding promote creativity
Zhang, Baizhu Chen, the curvilinear
relationship between knowledge among IT professionals, 2020.
leadership and knowledge hiding the
moderating role of psychological
ownership, 2018

5. Jane Webster, Graham Brown, David

Zweig, Catherine E. Connelly, Susan
Brodt, and Sim Sitkin; Beyond knowledge
sharing: withholding Knowledge at work,

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