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S: Hello Angela!

A: Hi Sandra, where do you live?

S: I live in Paris in France

A: Do you work in paris?

S: No, i dont. I work three days a week in London, in the uk and two days a week at home.

A: do you speak french?

S: I speak A Little french, and go my lessons on Friday.

S: Angela, Where do you live?

A: I live in Monterrey in Mexico

S: Do you work in Monterrey?

A: No, i dont. …

S: do you speak spanish?

Siblings= hermanos (hermano y hermana)
Sister in law= cuñada

Brother in law= cuñado

Father in law= suegra

Mother in law= suegra

Daughter in law= nuera

Son in law= yerno

Tell me about your family

My grandmother is Victoria My parents are Edwin and Yuriko,

I have two siblings harumi and Diego, they are younger. they are twelve and eighteen years old

(Siempre empezar por jerarquía, ya sea de abajo arriba o arriba abajo)

Daniela lives in buenos aires

Carlos lives in Brazil

Alex lives in Mexico

Maria lives in Istambul

Mehmet lives in Istambul

Carlos is 37 (thirty seven)

Alex is 19 (nineteen

Maria is 24 (twenty four)

I =1er

You,we they= 2da

He,she,it=3era para este caso aplica lo de presente simple de tercera persona

En tercera persona es “HAS” de have
2. He goes 16. He lies (se recuesta)3. She dances 17. He catches (atrapa)

4. he speaks

5. She studies

6. he enjoys

7. he fixes (arregla)

8. he jumps

9. he washes

10 she finds

11. he marries

12. she keeps (guarda)

13. it loves

14. he bothers (molesta)

15. she sings

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