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Tell us about yourself and programme areyou applying

My name is puteri,I am 18 years old,my secondary school was sma al maarif

2. Why do you t hink thisprogramme for you?

-Given the level of expertise and significance in the business world, accounting is a highly respected
career. It’s a great way to engage with the practical applications of mathematical and economic
concepts — all while helping hardworking business leaders keep their companies afloat.The
accounting profession tends to be structured and intellectually challenging. While all sorts of people
and personalities enjoy the profession, someone who is great with numbers and logic is likely to
thrive in this type of work – accountancy could be your route in.

-The skills you gain when you study accountancy turn you into a highly sought-after finance
professional who can work across teams and in strategic, diverse roles – all the way up to the

-‘Accountants with the right skills can do a lot more. It's just a matter of being a bit bolder, open-
minded and having the right qualification."

Jeffrey Chew FCCA

3. Who is your role model and why are he/she chosen

4. Disscuss your strengths and weaknesses

S- I am very honest. When I feel that my workload is too large to accept another task, or if I
don't understand something, I always ASK MY FRIENDS

W-. Shyness is something that I struggle with in large groups. I find it intimidating to ask
questions or raise points, so I have often remained quiet in the past. I have been trying to be
more vocal in smaller groups to become more confident.

5. What are your interests and how do you de-stress yourself during studies?
6. In this pandemic situation,teaching and leraning will be made through online distance do you prepare yourself?

- During a closure, communication between administrators, staff, parents and students is more
important than ever. In addition to posting and distributing FAQs, schools should set up
communitywide texting to communicate quickly and then advise people where to find follow-up
messages via email or on your website.Next, prepare a step-by-step guide on how to access and use
online learning tools and curriculum. Make sure you present this information in various formats
including video and text and include screenshots and screen-casting tutorials. Ask families to make
sure all students – especially the youngest learners – know how to log in to the apps and know their
passwords. Teachers need to know how to take attendance. Provide extra tech support and make
sure parents and teachers know how to ask for help

- which stresses that online learning should never be an excuse to assign busy work, but rather to
address clear engaging learning objectives. Bailey, the Beijing teacher-librarian, adapted Yang's guide
into one for parents to help them understand the objectives.

7. In your opinion ,why do you think think it is importontant for an accountant to posses a
professional qualitification?(support your answer accordingly )

8. Lets say we only have one spot left in this programme,tell us why out of all candidates,we
should choose you?
- a recent college graduate, I know that what I'm lacking is career experience. However, the
qualifications that I bring cannot be measured by traditional experience.
- I hope I've demonstrated my understanding of being chosen to be an accounting students
here and analysis along with my passion forbeing account in the future. I'd love nothing more
than to join your team here and to born a new backing students in accounting unit.
9. If y ou arenot selected,what will be your next option?
My name is puteri.iam 18 years secondary school was sma al maarif,kuantan Pahang.
I am applying for profeesional accounting programme as I was chosen to be the candidates
for the matrics programme.well,I think this programme is for me bcs The skills that I gain
when you study accountancy turn you into a highly sought-after finance professional who
can work across teams and in strategic, diverse roles – all the way up to the
boardroom.environment. -Given the level of expertise and significance in the business world,
accounting is a highly respected career. It’s a great way to engage with the practical
applications of mathematical and economic concepts — all while helping hardworking
business leaders keep their companies afloat.The accounting profession tends to be
structured and intellectually challenging

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