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At this time I will make a project on papaya tree plantations, the papaya trees can be

harvested at this time, but here I will also explain about the benefits, advantages, and how to
cultivate papaya trees properly and correctly in the way I have often done in the garden.

The Papaya plant which has a Latin name (Carica Papaya L) is a plant originating from
southern Mexico and Nicaragua. Then the papaya plant is widespread and cultivated in
tropical countries including Indonesia. This plant is indeed easy to grow, with a soil medium
with a mixture of sand, enough sunlight and good drainage, the papaya plant can thrive. The
California variety of papaya plant is one type of papaya that is being loved and is being
cultivated by many farmers at this time because it is very promising. This California papaya
has its own characteristics and advantages, namely the fruit is not too big, weighing 0.8 - 1.5
kg / fruit, thick and smooth green skin, oval shaped, yellow ripe fruit, sweet taste, chewy and
thick flesh.

This California papaya variety is superior and early age, the tree / trunk is antique dwarf /
shorter than other papaya species, the plant height is about 1.5 - 2 meters and can be
harvested after 8-9 months of age. The tree can bear fruit up to four years old. In one month it
can be harvested up to four times. One harvest, each California papaya tree can produce 2 to
3 fruits at one time, but the crop area is not so large that every week it can reach around 50kg
of papaya. The current California papaya plant is actually one of the tropical agricultural
commodities that have a very big opportunity to be developed in Indonesia as an agribusiness
business with promising prospects. However, the cultivation of California papaya in Alue
Gajah Village, Nagan Raya Regency, Aceh Province is still a small amount, so it produces
less production per month.

Development of California Papaya Plants on peatlands as an effort to help Alue Gajah

Village in optimizing the potential of untapped land, through the development of California
papaya plants in addition to reducing environmental pollution by smoke caused by burning
peatlands, the main thing can be one of the important efforts to increase income during

The California Papaya plant has small, oval-shaped seeds, if sown with light green leaves and
before 7 months of age there are pigtails or antennae that rise short at the tips of the leaves.
Papaya tree height is relatively dwarf 1.5 - 2 m with a trunk that is short and frond. Flowers
are of two types, namely flowers that cannot bear fruit (kembang paes) and flowers that can
bear fruit that appear on the stalks a lot after the plant is about 3 months old. The ability to
bear fruit can reach 25-30 fruits with a bright green outer skin color. When it is ripe, a
yellowish color will appear around the stalk. The color of the flesh is bright red perforated
like a star. Sweet fruit tastes and has a shelf life of up to 5 days without the help of

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