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Holmes (dalam Wardhaugh, 2010:59) says that ‘A creol is pidgin which has
expanded in structure and vocabulary to express the range of meaning and serve
the range of function required of a first language’. (dalamWardhaugh, 2006:59)

“Bahasa Tangsi” in Sawahlunto, West Sumatera is the 4th Creole
language in the world and the 1st in Indonesia.
Example of Bahasa Tangsi :
“Ke kalo jaek kenak marah sama bapak ke ntik”( If you are naughty, you
will be scolded by your father.)
* The word of 'jaek' comes from Minang language which means evil /

“Ondeh! Kemana aja ke ndak ketok-ketok?” (Where have you been, why
have you never been seen?)
*The word of ‘ketok’ comes from Javaness Language which means seen.

2. Jargons

Jargon is the complex language used by experts in a certain discipline or

field. This language often helps experts communicate with clarity and
precision. Jargon refers to the specialized language of a professional or
occupational group. While this language is often useful or necessary for
those within the group, it is usually meaningless to outsiders.

Some examples of jargon include:
 Due diligence: A business term, "due diligence" refers to the
research that should be done before making an important business
 Cache: In computing, "cache" refers to a place for short-term
memory storage.
 Phospholipid bilayer: This is a complex term for a layer of fat
molecules surrounding a cell. A simpler term is "cell membrane."
Example of Jargon sentence:
Bagaimana memenangkan agenda- agenda politik yang cenderung tak
pernah bergeser dari maksud-maksud tersembunyi pembodohan di
tengah kecerdasan warga yang tumbuh beribu kali lipat dari stagnasi
intelektual dan skill elit dan para pemandu pemerintahan?
Teleconfrence, social media, hanyalah sekelumit di antara banyak
medium itu. Tetapi jika berfikir sebaliknya, betapa singkat waktu yang
diperlukan untuk sebuah perlawanan serius yang bisa mengkristal
bagai bola salju untuk ketak-pantasan yang masih ingin dipelihara
(residu). Adakah gerangan pejabat keparat Indonesia yang tidak suka
pelumas? Berilah apel malang, pasti mau, apalagi apel washington,
pasti digasak. Bila tak percaya, tanyailah KetuaBesar. Mumpung ia
belum digantung di Monas.

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