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Nama:F.Wisanggeni S.



The Story of My Phone

The first I first had handphone of giving my father when I was still in the childhood.My handphone
was still in the from of old Nokia and not touchscreen.I also use it just to play games like Snake
Xenzia and also I use as the flashlight because of the first i do not understand about SMS and
telephone.Althought the first my handphone still not tech that sophisticated like nowe,i still happy
to have it

Now,I’ve had a handphone more sophisticated,that i bought from the my money savings.Its brand
remain Nokia but of course its technology already proportionate far with my first handphone.From
my first handphone can only to SMS,call,and can only playing some game until my now handphone
to acces a variety of application.But for me,its as old as your phone or its as sophiscated as your
phone it remains stuff that should be valued and also grateful

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