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Hobbit – the story of Bilbo Baggins

Once upon a time, in a hole in the ground there lived a hobbit. This
hobbit was a small man named Bilbo Baggins. He often worked in his garden
or went for walks. But what he liked the most was eating. He ate six times a
day! And after a good meal he smoked his pipe. He really enjoyed his peaceful
life. But one day something unusual happened. The old wizard Gandalf
visited Bilbo in the afternoon. And with him came thirteen dwarves. They
stayed for dinner and made a big mess in the hobbit’s house. After the dinner
they took out their instruments and sang a lot. But then they put a big map
on the table. And they spoke of treasure and dragon. Bilbo noticed that it was
a map of the Lonely Mountain. But he understood them only a little and soon
he fell asleep. When he woke up, the dwarves were not in his house anymore.
First, he thought it was only a dream. But then he found a message. The
dwarves wrote him a letter. In this letter they asked him to go with them.
They wanted to find the dragon’s treasure. And they needed Bilbo to be their
Burglar. So Bilbo set on a journey....

Find all the verbs and decide whether they are regular of irregular.

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