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The ultimate character crunching, creature crippling Dungeon of TRAPS for use with any Role-Playing System. Compiled by Jim "Bear" Peters Illustrated by Steven S. Crompton Sigs Produced by Flying Buffalo Inc. Printed in USA First Printing 1992 ATTENTION The traps in this book are designed for game purposes only. Actual Construction of these traps might prove harmful, and such construction is strongly discouraged. Flying Buffalo has five other Traps books available in the series. Each is $9.95 and is available from your local game store. Grimtooth's TRAPS First book in the series. #8501 Grimtooth's TRAPS TOO More mayhem & puzzles #8502 Grimtooth's TRAPS FORE Even more fiendish traps #8504 Grimtooth's TRAPS ATE! Includes Grimtooth's Scrapbook #8508 Grimtooth's TRAPS LITE Kinder Gentler Traps & Comic #8509 Copyright © 1992 by Flying Buffalo Inc. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or ‘computerization, or by any information storage and retrival system, without permission in writing from: Flying Buffalo Inc., P.O. Box 1467, Scottsdale Az 85252 Any resemblance or similarity between characters or situations described in this book and persons living or dead, or any situations in real life, is purely coincidental and completely unintentional. DUNGEON — or: DOOM Contents Introduction Some Backround Mechanics. . or Pe Dungeon of Doom Map. ‘The Entrance: ...............0- “ ‘Trap #H: “When Ido tis I Get this tingling sensation!” “Some bottomless pits are deeper than others.” And You Thought This Was Going To Be Easy. ‘Trap #4: “Ye Olde Digit Dicer.” Me : “Just When You Thought It Was Saf : “The Sand Gets In Your Eyes.” .. . “You Bring These Things On Yourself.” . : “Going Down?” . ‘Trap #9: “If At First You Don't Succeed Try Try And oe On Trying!" seve dS 17 A 19 19 :21 222 123 83 26 ‘Trap #10: “We Must Be Getting Close I Smell Smoke” ‘Trap #11: “Finally Our Just Reward!” : ‘Trap #12: "Climbing The Stairway to Heaver ‘Trap #13; “Water? What Water, IDon't See Any Water.” ‘Trap #14: “Things Get All Screwed Up.” .....-- ‘Trap #15: “These Things Sort Of Spring Out At You! ‘Trap #16: “What Goes Up Must Come Down!” ... ‘Trap #17: “The “What's Up?" Dock.” ... Semitrap #18: “Boating Has It’s Ups And Downs. ‘Trap #19: “More Ups And Downs!” 27 ‘Trap #20: “Row Row Row Your Boat, Life Is But A Scream!” ........27 Trap #21: “Poke, Grapple, Wrestle, And Chomp: Personal Injuries A Specialty!” ..... 28 ‘Trap #22: “Rock and Roll River" by Evinrood and the Delvers! 229 ‘Trap #24: “Chutes and Graters” 5 232 ‘Trap #25: “How Long Can You Tread Water? 33 ‘Trap #26: “What's The Matter? Cat Got Your Tongue?! 33 Trap #27: I'm Sure You'll Get The Point! 36 ‘Trap #28: The Danger Here Will Be Crystal Clear. . 37 ‘Trap #28a: Just What Every Delver Needs, A Little Polish. 38 ‘Trap #29: Heated Harassment Harries Hapless Hunters. . 39 Trap #30: “Put That Down, You Don't Know Where It’s Been.” 39 Trap #31: Proof Positive That All High Level Mages Are Screwy! .....41 ‘Trap #32: “To Sleep, Perchance To Dream...” .. 42 Trap #33: “A Thousand And One Ways To Use Killer Bees! 242 “Did Some One Mention Poison Gas?” 44 “Cummon Guys Get A Grip!” ... 245 ‘Trap #36: “So You Want To Get To The Bottom Of This, Eh?” 46 Trap #37: “Evinrood Trys To Dust Off The Party.” . Trap #38: “...Jt Makes Me Feel Tingly All Over!” .. Trap #39: “Make Mine Very Dry...” : Trap #40: “...Cool, Clear, Water! Trap #41. “These Things Tend To Get Away From You!” ..-. Trap #42: “And You Thought You Got Away.” ... ‘Trap #43: “I Always Figgured Tomb Robbers Deserve A Good Trashing.”. 54 034 “This Trap Is A Ga: 6 : “This Will Really Light Your Fire!” . aS : “Hit’em And Hit’em, This Trap Will Leave’em No Place To Go.” Fieiwongne etna gee 56 “Oh No, Not The Old Chutes And Razors Gag! 57 : “Arr! Here There Be Barried Treasu seeteeeeeeeeesST : “You'll Get A Bang Out Of This One.” .... 59 “Some How This All Seems Too Easy!” -60 “The Things You Must Go Through For Loot!” -63 : “You Light Up My Life!” 64 Trap #53: “Lest You Become Too Complacent Evinrood Pitches A Curve!” wees GS' 1f You Think You've Got It Made You're All Wet!” . .....66 : “Check Your Deamons At The Door!” 68 : “The fabled “Earthly Reason” At Work.” . 69 “Never Touch A High Level Wizards “Stuff!” . . 69 ‘Trap #58: “As You Sow So Shall You Reap!” or “Ladies And Gentlemen, Evinrood Has Left The Tomb.” ... -70 Dungeon of Doom Exterior Map. 23 74 Appendix DUNGEON oF: oo GRIMTOOTH'S DUNGEON OF DOOM A.K.A, THE TOMB OF EVINROOD THE WATER WIZARD Salutations, fellow character crunching, creation compacting, creature crippling, cognoscenti of chaos. Itis time once again to enter that entertaining world of mind boggling mayhem that makes the operation and maintenance of dungeons such an attractive career. Come with me once more into the world of traps! Over the last fifth of a century I've been been scouring the known (and toa degree unknown) world to supply you with individual traps. Each has been attractive in it's own charmingly gruesome way. They have, however, been like a double handful of unset gem stones. They flash with brilliance, but they are alone; isolated from the striking settings that will enhance their natural diabolical luster. Inprevious tomes you have come toenjoy the thrill of knowing in advance just what cleverness the hapless boobs that blunder into your arrays of my devices ‘of doom will need just to survive. But in the end you have had to fall back on the usual run-of-the-mill castof monsters, orcs, golems, and such like less clever, and more fallible minions. This will change. After years of globe trotting for youredification and delight Ihave finally unearthed (literally) a true gem. Yes, after all this time of serving you tidbits piecemeal I now can offer you a feast. Built from the ground up, a dungeon consisting entirely of TRAPS! ‘Once characters enter here they will be thrown back on that one resource that you and I know they possess in shortest supply: their wits. Rest assured you can use each trap and mechanism separately to punch up the sagging “kill ratio” of your local family maze or warren, but forthe first time ever you will now have access to a true TRAPS DUNGEON, that in and of itself is complete and fully functional. ‘As Iam cager to begin, let me just step aside and bid you enter into the wonderful world of the Ancient Wizard Evinrood, and his intricate Tomb. Page 3 SOME BACKGROUND... The search for the perfect traps dungeon is rooted in antiquity. Tt involves a duel between two of the greatest wizards of their time. A time so long ago that all records have been lost. Until now. (If we kept records on something other than vellum scrolls and other such primitive materials we would probably find out that the “ a time lost in antiquity’ is in reality something like two or three hundred years ago.) On acliff overlooking the sea, I discovered (with very litle help) a great Capstone. Upon closer inspection it was found to be covered with an inscription. The letters thatmade up the message were so faded that it was only with greatcare that the legend was deciphered. Itread as follows: This was the Final resting place of Evinrood the Water Wizard. He did battle with Selgolub the Master of Deamons inthe year of the Bitter Wyvern. He failed to over throw Selgolub and was Accursed. Herein lies the master Wiz- ard; Savior of Karthaki, friend of the dwarves, and kobolds, Master of the Elements. Here too lies his greatest rreasure. Disturb this slumber at your peril After prolonged research more was found about the legendary Evinrood. by consulting an archivist sorcerer who’s specialty is restoring ancient records. (This is a wizard who spends his time restoring old scrolls hoping one will contain a map to some old castle site, dungeon, or tomb. These he sells to hapless fools through a“broker”. Thisis considerably safer than exploring them himselt,) It seems Evinrood’s chief claim to fame was a feat of conjuration he performed at the behest of Shillary Lockwood, Chateline Of Karthaki. (As with all wizards it was more than likely alarge “gold” behest.) During the third year of the Reign of Terror, brought on by the Death Empress of Khazan, attacks into the reign around Karthaki were rife. Evinrood destroyed one such expedi- tionary force outof Kharkadan. He used his control of the earth elementals, and the aid of the dwarves and kobolds to drive the horde to the banks of the river Dajja. There on the banks of the river he summoned amyriad of waterelementals. The attacking horde was dragged into theriver and consumed by the elemental force. Thus ended the Battle of Three Plains. (The archivist/wizard will gladly sell youa map tothe site for a “small fee, 80 good luck, you'll need it.”) Page 4 DUNGEON — or. DOOM MECHANICS: In this book, there will be many comments about the likelihood (usually given in both percentagesand Level - e.g.10% (L1) chance of making itacrossthe pit) of successor failure. ‘The percent chance isa straightforward and generic way to determine the odds. You, as the ‘Bamemaster, can either use it directly by rolling a 100-sided Zocchihedron or two 10-sided dice, or you can use the numbers to come up with whatever “saving throw” fits into your own. ‘game system. Naturally this is modified by any bonuses that a player has for that particular activity. The level number is just another comparison of the difficulty of an action, Level 1 means anyone but a raw beginning character should have lttle trouble with this. Level means that beginners should experience aseriousrisk of failure, and even experienced characters should have a chance to miss. Level 3 is seriously dangerous to beginning characters, experienced characters should be a litle nervous, and even mega-characters should have atleast a possibility of missing. Level 4 should be almost out of the question for beginners, dangerous to experienced characters, and somewhat dangerous to the mega-characters. ‘And soon. Remember in all cases, that although Grimtooth has set this adventure up for you, “YOU are now the gamemaster and can adjust things as you think best. ‘There are also references to the amount of damage that occurs listed as the number of D6 (the ‘universal six sided die) that could be rolled to determine the number of hits tobe taken off of however many hitsittakesto kill thecharacters. Ifthisis notappropriate for your game system, you can come up with your own numbers for one of these, and then use these numbers for comparison, We have also included a chart in the back of this book listing some suggested numbers for several game systems. These numbers are not authorized by any particular company, buthave merely been suggested by one of our playtesters ayes “ATYPICAL DOOR SET-UP_IN EVINROODS (NOTE THE HOLES)” Page 5 tetat The Entrance: Evinrood has the treasure, and the Delvers get the shaft ‘The entrance to the Tomb of Evinrood is located on a grim, dark moor overlooking the sea, Soaring sea birds seem tocry his lament, as well as forlom warning totheadvancing party of delvers. : ‘The actual location is marked by a large graven capstone set almost flush 10 the ¢ground, in a collar ring of stone work. On the surface of the capstone is a message, carved 0 long ago thatthe letters have faded almost to ilegibility. With care the carving becomes clear: This is the last resting place of EVINROOD the Water Wizard He did battle with Selgolub the Masier of Daemons In the year of the Bitter Wyvern, Sixth year of the Reign of the Death Empress He filed wo overthrow the daemon lord and was Accursed EVINROOD, Savior of Karthaki, friend of the dwarves, and kobolds MASTER OF THE ELEMENTS THEMSELVES Rests herein with his great treasure disturb them at your perit | the promise of treasure and what is clearly an undisturbed Tomb complex doesn’t inspire your prospective victims they are in the wrong line of work. So itis without further ado I submit for your approval the first trap. (Being as itis, before the party actually enters the Tomb, this will serve to separate the sheep from the goats in any party of delvers.) Trap #1: “When I do this I Get thi 1g sensation!” ‘The capstone is 10 feet in diameter. Iis et tightly enough nto the stone collar that itis just possible to insert a crowbar, or such lke implement of destruction into the gap around the edge. (Note: I the party is foolish enough to use sword points they have a 10% chance of breakingtheir weapons, (L1)) With uitable gruntsand groans they willbe ableto pry the stone up high enough out of the stone collar to grasp the edge. With the applied strength equal to that of 8 average men they should be able to move the stone aside. Ifthey try to peek in around the stone before they attemptio move itthe darkness will not permit them to see any great detail. That is unless they lft the stone high enough which will, of course, set off the trap. ‘As the party lifts the capstone clear they willbe treated to one ofthe cleverestnon- magical “Zap” traps available. ‘The underside of the capstone is covered with a thin layer of copper plate. This plating goes all the way to the edge. Ifthe stone is lifted by hand it wll be impossible todo 0 without touching this copper plate. Inthe center of the underside of the capstone isan axle on which is mounted a 5 foot copper-coated ladestone disk in such a way that it wll spin freely. (Don'task me wherche got alodestone atleast it is non-fagic.) Out from the axle is fixed a long thin copper brush making a radius of the copper disk and just touching it. Wound around the axle is 200 feet ‘ofa fine elfish rope that is resistant to the ravages of time. This rope passes over a pulley also ‘mounted on the bottom ofthe capstone, and thence on toa 20 pound stone weight set in an alcove carved 4 feet below the lip of the stone collar. Also fastened to the same peg as the pulley isa thin piece of thread which runs with very litte stack toaring bolt setin tiny wedge that prevents the 20 pound weight from falling into thelong dark shaftbelow. (Secillustration.) ‘There is one last ite item, fastened tothe bottom of the capstone, On the opposite side from DUNGEON —or: DOOM Pears owELoMs Si NA OURS SOW AST Wel? Page 7 DUNGEON OF: DOOM Page 8 the pulley there is, fastened by a copper pin, a thin copper thread, This thread trails into the

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