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Writing assignment II: Brecht and Garcia Marquez

Compare and contrast Bertolt Brecht’s Verfremdungseffekt (the alienation effect) in The Caucasian
Chalk Circle and Gabriel Garcia Marquez’s use of hyperbole in The Incredible and Sad Tale of Erendira
and Her Heartless Grandmother. In your response, you should consider how the authors draw attention
to aspects of ordinary “social” reality by alienating the reader through defamiliarization, in the case of
Brecht, and by extreme exaggeration in the case of Garcia Marquez. Give specific examples from the
texts that demonstrate your understanding of these two literary techniques as modes of social critique.

Your response should be no less than 750 and no more than 1000 words. Your essay should be
comparative in nature and written in essay format. You do not need to use outside resources for this
assignment. However, it is a good idea to watch the videos posted on SUCourse.

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