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Assalamualaikum wr wb

I will explain about nutrition to fulfill my English assignment

NUTRITION is the process by which food is taken in and utilized by the body
Nutrients are the chemical substances present in food and are responsible for nourishing
the body.
I want to you know The composition of 4 healthy 5 perfect are as follows:

1. Staple Food

Staple food is food that is a source of energy in the body. In this case, including food
sources of energy are foods rich in carbohydrates such as rice, corn, wheat, potatoes, oats,
and tubers.

2. side dish

Side dishes are the main side dish of the staple food. Side dishes serve as a source of
building substances for the body. Many side dishes contain protein, such as eggs, meat, fish,
tofu and tempeh.

3. Vegetables

Vegetables that are good for health are green vegetables because they contain lots of
vitamins, fiber, and vegetable protein which are very useful for health, such as spinach,
tomatoes, eggplant, and others.

4. Fruits

Fruits are rich in vitamins which contribute to freshness and health. In addition, fruits also
contain minerals and fiber which are good for digestive health.


In this 4 healthy 5 perfect food formula, milk is a complementary food, in the sense that
milk is not mandatory, but it would be better if you can supplement it with milk.

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