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Testimony of Praise

Welcome parents and guardians, teachers, staff, invited guests’ completers and graduates. It is my great
honor to be able to deliver a speech today at this special occasion.

As you commence to another chapter of your lives, let me ask you to think about what would you bring
with you in your backpack of experiences as you move up?

When I graduated in 2012, that question didn’t cross my mind. I was eager to finish high school and
become an adult – which was a bad idea. But as I face the trials outside the comfort of the campus, I
learned that I unknowingly carried a backpack full of things taken from this school. Today, let me share
with you what forms my own backpack.

In the year 2003, I started studying here in Ebenezer School in Grade 2. The school was calm, and the
field was vast, perfect for palaro. On my first day, I was guided into the Chapel for the weekly service
sponsored by the respective sections. I look around, I was nervous. Thankfully, Ma’am Quey was there
to console me. Pews were filled with students chattering and running around. At that same place, I came
to know Jesus – the single most important thing I have taken with me from this place. He is the one
who’s given me the strength and courage to press on both academically and spiritually through my years
of learning, especially in times of discouragement. I remember listening to one of my Bible education
teachers who sang Proverbs 3:6 “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not unto your own
understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him and He shall direct your path.” At this point, I placed
God in the center of everything. I hold on to Him in good and bad situations.

The toughest time of my life was being away from my family when the pandemic erupted. I was on duty
that day and all I think about is the safety of my loved ones. I felt anxious. At that time, there were so
much uncertainties. It was my lowest, to a point where I just wanted to quit and go home, but I did not
falter. Through such times of discouragement and loneliness, God assured me, “I can do all thing
through Him who strengthens me.”

The next most profound item that I left EBCS with is fruitful and meaningful relationships with
schoolmates and teachers. I met some of the best people here and I’m still in touch with them. They are
the people I can turn to in difficult situations.

Now, as you consider the things, you’re taking with you in your backpack, I encourage you to keep your
faith. When you step outside the corners of your room, life will welcome you with challenges, critiques,
rejection, and depression. You must bring your strongest weapon – Him and Him alone.

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