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YouTube Channel Budget

Microphone $700.00
Camera $3,000.00
Tripod $200.00
Equipment Training $300.00
Video Editing Software $50.00
Flyers $15.00
Total $4,265.00

1. A high-quality microphone is important for a quality video.

2. A good quality camera is also important for a quality video.

3. A tripod means a steady camera.

4. Staff need to know how to use the equipment that has been purchased.

5. Part of making a quality video also means editing.

6. Flyers are a way of getting the word out about the service.

Revised Budget: The library can only afford to give $1,835.00 to the set up of the channel.

Revised YouTube Channel Budget

Microphone (library staff managed to find a less $700.00 $30.00
expensive microphone that was still good quality)
Camera (library staff managed to find a used $3,000.00 $1,600.00
camera still of good quality)
Tripod $200.00
Equipment Training (a volunteer was able to help $300.00 $0.00
library staff learn the necessary skills)
Video Editing Software (after some research, $50.00 $0.00
library staff found an acceptable freeware
Flyers (the library can advertise via social media $15.00 $5.00
and local news outlets and rely less on flyers)
Total $1,835.00

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