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Universal Grammar Exercise

Revise the following ungrammatical sentences.

1. The road was too dangerous and, having drunk alcohol the bus driver, the football team they
were very scared.
2. In a house lived two men who ate green apples constantly.
3. The Football is a sport that see many people at home.
4. I think the story that tell this text is incrediblely.
5. I were in city where during the war died many person.
6. I have planted carefully the tree where had been buried the cat.
7. She would like to lived the way that lived the first settlers in the country.
8. The man was accused of murder but he denied it for a long time until at last he accepted
that had killed by little girl.
9. Everybody was playing tennis and golf because were the most fashionable sports.
10. They people are so different that can’t talk to one another.
11. I can solve the problem if it is simple but not if is complicated.
12. The problem with the girl began when started to starve herself because she was thinking
that was very fat.
13. The bell was so heavy that must have been heard everywhere.
14. He wasn’t sure if was seen his father.
15. I like the book because of the love story represents.
16. She enjoyed the trip but her eyes hurt so much that started to cry.
17. All the lights in the village Int off because the previous night had been a big storm.
18. In an ideal city wouldn’t exist violence.
19. It is true that rains all the time in Manchester?
20. In the text says that she felt very sorry for everything.
21. In Spain it’s so hot that is not possible to do anything after lunch.
22. I go often to parties in which is impossible to listened to a normal conversation.
23. What film did you say on TV last night?
24. Who one people did you say came last night?
25. In a house were living two men which ate continually green apples.
26. Driving fast a car pleases me enormously.
27. Does he enjoy very much the action films?
28. I planted carefully the tree where had been buried the cat.

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