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The Future of the Bible Translation Movement Survey

Conducted by the Wycliffe Global Alliance

Results by Question and Grouped by Area:
for Americas Area
(16 May 2020 version)

The researchers highly recommend that this Area specific Report be read in conjunction
with the separate Analysis and Report in order to have the global context of this

Survey questions and responses

1. What are my organisation’s primary needs as it participates in the BTM?

LA1 1. Given the changes we have to adapt the face-to-face language training courses to semi-face-to-face,
we need resources to make this transition, if we do not cease to be relevant in the medium term. 2. We
need to help the church understand how the mission field has changed and if field conditions have changed
in order to guide the church in a new mission strategy in Bible translation. 3. This is the time for
collaboration and cooperation, it is necessary to go deeper into this vision and strategy.
1. dado los cambios tenemos que adaptar los cursos de capacitacion lingüística presenciales a semi
presencial, necesitamos recursos para realizar esta transición, si no dejaremos de ser relevantes a mediano
2. necesitamos ayudar a la iglesia a entender como ha cambiado el campo misionero y si las condiciones de
campo han cambiado para por guiar a la iglesia en una nueva estrategia de misiones en la traducción bíblica
3. este es el tiempo de la colaboración y la cooperación es necesario profundizar mas bajo esta vision y
LA2 Freedom of movement, organisation of events, finances, personel.
LA3 Innovation
LA4 Human Resources
LA5 Our primary need is supported personal for administration work.
LA6 Strengthen the relationship with the projects of formation of translators, exegetes, consultants and
churches to contribute to an integral formation of servants in the pastoral, exegesis and translation areas.
Strengthen technological resources (virtual platforms) to make museum and academic training resources
offered by [AO], available to more servers. Strengthen the management of translation projects with willing
and committed servants for this area.
Fortalecer la relación con los proyectos de formación de traductores, exégetas, consultores e iglesias para
contribuir a una formación integral de servidores en las áreas pastoral, de exégesis y traducción. Fortalecer
los recursos tecnológicos (plataformas virtuales) para poner al servicio demás servidores los recursos
museográficos y de formación académica que ofrece [AO]. Fortalecer la gestión de proyectos de traducción
con siervos dispuestos y comprometidos para esta área.
LA7 Mobilization materials with needs in the Muslim world.
Materiales de movilizacion con necesidades en el mundo musulman.
LA8 Learn more about the Bible translation movement, know about service opportunities in this field, and
how to get involved in this great work of the Lord.
Conocer más sobre el movimiento de la traducción de la Biblia, saber sobre las oportunidades de servicio en
este campo y cómo involucrarse en esta gran obra del Señor.
NA1 As a fundraising organisation our primary need is wisdom to attract new donors and audiences. As
some business may have failed this becomes more of a challenge.
NA2 Funding and Field Partners
NA3 Moving our staff safely around the world. Trying to determine how they will work if they are unable to
return to the field in the near future.

1. What are my organisation’s primary needs as it participates in the BTM?
NA4 Needs? More students to educate. We want to make a greater contribution
NA5 * Our highest priority need is to understand our field partners – what the context is like, how we
can serve them during the pandemic and afterward. What has changed in their context, and how does
our approach need to shift as we continue to partner with them? * We also need to understand what
[country] churches want/need. Go further/ deeper than before.

2. What are my organisation’s primary goals in the BTM?

LA1 1. reconnect with the local church (face-to-face networks) 2. mobilize with the church in the vision of TB
(face-to-face and non-face-to-face) 3. update and adapt the Fundamental Linguistics Course under this new
paradigm 4. develop skills and an organizational mindset that respond to new challenges and realities
(leaders who are capable of dealing with multiple challenges)
1. reconectar con la iglesia local(redes-presencial) 2. movilizar con la iglesia en la visión de TB (presencial y
no presencial) 3. actualizar y adaptar el Curso fundamental de linguistica vajo este nuevo paradigma 4.
desarrollar habilidades y una mentalidad organizacional que respondan a los nuevos desafíos y realidades
(lideres que sean capaces de enfrentar multidesafios)
LA2 Mobilising youth for a participation and commitment in the Bible translation.
LA3 Reduce heavy structure and be more fluid.
LA4 Training and sending people to the field
LA5 To mobilize the Argentinian church to know about the Bibleless people groups, training and
accompanied the local churches and other mission organizations in sending missionaries to serve in the BTM
LA6 To provide translators, exegetes, pastors and the Church in general with exegetic-hermeneutical
elements that, through the disciplinary articulation of Biblical Sciences, Philology and Theology, contribute
to dialogue and training consistent translational theories relevant to current needs.
Bringing reflections favorable to the unity of believers by starting a translation of the LXX into… (the first
translation in universal history with which the early church spread Christianity in its first 400 years of
existence), remembering with it the history of the formation of the text, the canon and the value of the
history of translations. Spread among society the contributions that the Bible as the most copied and
translated book of humanity can bequeath to the field of translation, linguistics and literary studies.
Proveer a los traductores, exégetas, pastores e Iglesia en general elementos exegético-hermenéuticos que,
mediante la articulación disciplinaria de las Ciencias Bíblicas, la Filología y la Teología aporten al diálogo y la
formación teorías traductológicas consistentes y pertinentes a las necesidades vigentes. Traer reflexiones
favorables a la unidad de los creyentes mediante el inicio de una traducción de la LXX al castellano (primera
traducción en la historia universal con la que la iglesia primitiva difundió el cristianismo en sus primeros 400
años de existencia), al recordar con ella la historia de la formación del texto, del canon y el valor de la
historia de las traducciones. Difundir entre la sociedad los aportes que la Biblia como el libro más copiado y
traducido de la humanidad puede legar al ámbito de la traductología, la lingüística y los estudios literarios.
LA7 Translate the Bible in a way that facilitates Muslim evangelism and discipleship.
Traducir la Biblia de manera que facilite el evangelismo y discipulado de musulmanes.
LA8 Reach all the language groups in the country… , mainly with the translation of the Old Testament that is
lacking in many groups, and strengthen leadership for this purpose.
Alcanzar a todos los grupos lingüísticos del país…, principalmente con la traducción del Antiguo Testamento
que en muchos grupos faltan, y fortalecer el liderazgo para este fin.
NA1 Our goal is to fund approx 10% of Vision 2020 using national workers as the chief owners of each
NA2 Support Bible Translation projects, especially for those with nothing, and with an accelerated impact
NA3 Our primary goal is to work with partners to see God's Word come to every language community that
still needs it. We also want to see the full Bible made available to every person on earth in the language(s)
and forms that best serve them.
NA4 To prepare men and women to cross language and culture boundaries with the accredited education to
help in the various aspects of the BT movement.
NA5 Our primary goal is still to serve our field partners, but during major shifts like this one, we need to
be prepared to toss out old assumptions. We talk about our mission in terms of ending Bible poverty and
addressing the spiritual roots of all forms of poverty.

3. Looking ahead, what could stop my organization from meeting its goal of participating in the BTM?
LA1 An unfocused attitude or faith (there is a new paradigm and it is being imposed quickly and accelerated
!!, The old paradigm was governed by excess control and was rigid, it always required permission to
continue, the new paradigm takes more cooperation and less control to be able to adapt to constant
changes, but without losing vision and purpose, the new paradigm requires more awareness of the other
(vulnerability, financial need or their limitations to perform the task or their needs
Una actitud o fe desenfocada ( hay un nuevo paradigma y se esta imponiendo de manera rápida y
acelerada!!, El viejo paradigma estaba regido por la exceso de control y era rígido, siempre requería permiso
para poder seguir adelante, el nuevo paradigma lleva mas cooperacion y menos control para poder
adaptarse a los cambios constante, pero sin perder la vision y el propósito, el nuevo paradigma exige mas
conciencia del otro(vulnerabilidad, necesidad económicas o sus limitaciones para realizar la tarea o sus
LA2 I don't think our organisation will be "stopped" from meetings its goal of participating, but it can be
hindered through restrictions of gathering people and the freedom of travel. We are trying to be creative so
our organization will not be stopped.
LA3 If transition becomes too slow
LA4 Lack of human resources
LA5 Our national government requirements
LA6 The absence of the filling of the Spirit leading to a lack of confidence and discernment to find the
financial and servant resources committed to compiling and preserving translations of the Bible, in addition
to Biblical teaching and research.
La ausencia de la llenura del Espíritu que desemboque en falta de confianza y discernimiento para encontrar
los recursos financieros y de siervos comprometidos con la recopilación y conservación de traducciones de la
Biblia, además de la docencia e investigación bíblica.
LA7 The threats in the present world are continuity of funds in the economic recession and visas in countries
trying to protect themselves from the coronavirus. I have willing staff and our number of candidates remains
Las amenazas en el mundo presente son continuidad de fondos en la recesión económica y visas en países
tratando de protegerse del coronavirus. Personal dispuesto tengo y nuestro número de candidatos sigue
LA8 The lack of knowledge and management of existing programs or platforms, the declarations of
quarantines that do not allow mobilization, the lack of planning to anticipate the events.
La falta de conocimiento y manejo de programas o plataformas existentes, las declaratorias de cuarentenas
que no permitan movilización, la falta de planificación para anticiparse a los hechos.
NA1 Lack of new funds to replace aging donors. The current COVID 19 crisis presents a challenge to funding
at least temporarily. Our national organisations will have to recover from the aftermath of the crisis. This
could be staff and volunteer shortages in the villages and head offices.
NA2 collapse in major and mega investor funding
NA3 I don't know that we see ourselves being stopped. We do see ourselves being limited in how we
participate if we don't change some of our methodologies and ways of working.
NA4 Borders closing to [country] students entering countries where our skills are needed
NA5 * If the [country] Church stops believing in the Scriptures. Actually, it’s more nuanced than that. If
the Bible-believing remnant of the Church becomes too small a constituency to support Wycliffe’s
mission. There are quite a few scenarios that slowly diminish our impact by reducing funding or
undermining our ability to recruit and send missionaries, but they wouldn’t stop us. * All other scenarios,
including potentially losing charitable status, a human rights challenge to our hiring practices, closed
borders or dealing with anti-missionary sentiment among [country], are challenges requiring resilience
to mitigate.

4. How am I seeing God working in various ways?

LA1 1.I think we were very focused on the organization and its plans, God has taken away everything we
could do to think about what God wants us to do for him and his purposes; 2. God has brought through
vulnerability and weakness our dependence on him; 3. God is awakening the need sincere prayer

4. How am I seeing God working in various ways?
1. creo que estábamos muy enfocados en la organización y sus planes, Dios nos a quitado todo lo que
podíamos hacer para pensar en lo que Dios quiere que hagamos en adelante para el y sus propósitos. 2. Dios
ha traído a través de la vulnerabilidad y la debilidad nuestra dependencia hacia el 3. Dios esta despertando
la necesidad oración sincera
LA2 Slowing down our consumer based culture, inviting us into a depth with Him that we were not
experiencing in the midst of "doing, doing, doing."
LA3 At this point we see a stronger interaction with the [country] leadership of several denominations
despite the smaller number of recruits.
LA4 As He always did. He keeping calling his people to his mission
LA5 First, in sending to us many new candidates that would like to serve in the BTM. He is making new ways
for our members to receive their support in the fields. We have more than 50 volunteers mobilizing the org
across the country.
LA6 Bringing to memory and persevering in the awareness of our vulnerability and finitude, impels us to
renew the loving commitment of our being to the Lord from whom we expect guidance and mercy to discern
His will in a strengthened faith if we survive the pandemic. Dialogues with servants of the Alliance
Organizations have strengthened relationships that enable better mutual care and service. The need to
suspend off-campus activities has provided the opportunity to improve internal organizational care, as well
as bibliographic and museum care, which are essential sources of the work of [AO].
Traer a la memoria y perseverar en la conciencia de nuestra vulnerabilidad y finitud, nos impulsa a renovar la
entrega amorosa de nuestro ser al Señor de quien esperamos guía y misericordia para discernir Su voluntad
en una fe fortalecida si sobrevivimos a la pandemia. Los diálogos con siervos de las Organizaciones de la
Alianza han fortalecido las relaciones que posibilitan un mejor cuidado y servicio mutuos. La necesidad de
suspender actividades fuera del recinto ha provisto la oportunidad de mejorar el cuidado organizacional
interno, así como el cuidado bibliográfico y museográfico que son fuentes esenciales del quehacer de [AO]
LA7 The western church is experiencing a little of what it means to be a church elsewhere. People are
understanding that life is fragile. Some workers are becoming bolder.
La iglesia occidental esta experimentando un poco de lo que significa ser iglesia en otras partes. La gente
esta entendiendo que la vida es frágil. Algunos obreros se están volviendo mas audaces.
LA8 God is sovereign and in him everything is perfect, in this sense, I understand that God uses his methods
so that his kingdom advances although for us it is somewhat invisible. If we go ahead despite everything, he
will continue to work using our lives organizations for his own purpose. I believe that if we want to see God's
work we and our organizations must be willing to serve Him.
Dios es soberano y en él todo está perfecto, en este sentido, entiendo que Dios usa sus métodos para que su
reino avance aunque para nosotros sea un tanto invisible. Si nosotros seguimos adelante a pesar de todo, él
seguirá obrando usando nuestras vidas organizaciones para su propio fin. Creo que si queremos ver el obrar
de Dios debemos nosotros y nuestras organizaciones estar dispuestos a servirle.
NA1 Each year funds come in from unexpected sources. We are able to connect with supporters for a day of
prayer via ZOOM. This was a first for us.
NA2 We are learning new, less expensive ways of accomplishing our work. Our virtual fellowship times at
morning devotions are better attended than ever
NA3 We are seeing this season as an opportunity to re-examine how we work and to look for new ways to
engage with communities so that they own the work and make more of the decisions. We also believe we
need to shift the ways in which we participate in funding the work so that local communities are providing
more of the resources for the work.
NA4 The accreditation we have is being affirmed; our faculty is gradually becoming younger and so more
adventurously current in theory and practice
NA5 * He does far more with our Plan B’s than we could have imagined for Plan A. He did that in our
board meeting last week, and he did that in a donor appreciation event a week ago that was originally
intended to reach 50 donors in person but reached 340 as an online event. * He is growing the entire
staff into a larger community through our Zoom chapel services. We may have had deeper community
among those gathered in the office, but we have broader community now that everyone can participate.
And God prepared us for this moment by prompting us to experiment with all-virtual staff meetings and
virtual chapels in January. * I believe God is accelerating SIL’s localization initiative far beyond what they
envisioned because of repatriation, protectionism and closed borders. * God blocked us from moving

4. How am I seeing God working in various ways?
forward with a capital campaign and putting our office on the market. The timing of this pandemic and
economic recession could have been devastating to our finances. * We are learning resilience. After DFT,
I told our staff that the closer we get to starting all remaining languages, the more we can anticipate
obstacles and resistance. This preparation will prove helpful – if we learn from it.

5. What new opportunities might God be opening?

LA1 develop new and innovative resources for training and mobilization
desarrollar recursos nuevos he innovadores par la capacitacion y la movilización
LA2 Taking away distractions of "unproductive" travels and inviting us to invest locally with relevant
theologies and strategies.
LA3 A greater member participation in intersession movement.
LA4 With this crises we can see and learn that we are not just local. We are global and connected to each
other. If we want to continue making difference and be effective in this world, we need to work together as
one body, as we really are in Jesus Christ.
LA5 Restructuring our organization to serve our current needs
LA6 The opportunity to serve graduates and bachelor's degrees in Biblical Sciences, Biblical Languages and
Theology, especially translators, exegetes and consultants in training, and to strengthen teaching in the
service of a broader public, which transcends [city] and surrounding areas. line so that the students go to a
more personalized rhythm.
La oportunidad de poner al servicio de un público más amplio, que trasciende la [city] y zonas aledañas, los
diplomados y licenciaturas en Ciencias Bíblicas, Idiomas bíblicos y Teología, especialmente a traductores,
exégetas y consultores en formación y de fortalecer la enseñanza en línea para que los educandos vayan a
un ritmo más personalizado.
LA7 Electronic communication of the gospel is increasing the number of people exposed to the gospel.
La comunicación del evangelio por medios electrónicos está aumentando el numero de gente expuesta al
LA8 I think clearly this is the opportunity to use the mass media (Internet, Facebook ... platforms) to
continue spreading the gospel. I think now is the time for each local organization to implement an area that
has to do with the use of the media.
Creo que claramente esta es la oportunidad de usar los medios de comunicación masiva (Internet,
facebook... plataformas) para seguir expandiendo el evangelio. Creo que ahora es el tiempo para que en
cada organización local se implemente un área que tanga que ver con el uso de medios de comunicación.
NA1 We re connecting with the diaspora church with great interest from the Ethiopian church. Other
possibilities we are working on are the Nigerian and Filipino Churches in [country]. This is also a good time
to focus on developing the TBTA translation software using returning expats to help develop the translation
NA2 As our funding stream thins, it is an opportunity for more material collaboration and cost sharing with
field partners
NA3 Again, we see new opportunities to work in ways that come alongside of communities so that they can
carry out what God has laid upon their hearts to accomplish.
NA4 We are trusting God to lead us into the new area of linguistic training for sign languages
NA5 * I mentioned localization. We have to figure out what it means for [AO]’s staff in some situations.
How does it shift roles of [country], and how do we prevent undermining the field leadership in the way
we redeploy members? * There were some real wins in work practices during our lockdown period, and
it was long enough to build some new habits and ways of working. What have we experimented with
that we want to keep, even when we go back? Where is reflection needed to make sure we learn the
right lessons and grow? Where is leadership required to keep people from resorting back to previous

6. Looking ahead, how might I need to rethink my organisation’s goals?

LA1 I think it is too soon to answer this question exactly, the church in general needs to finish understanding
and respond to the new way of life in the world ... at the moment the church we see it on social networks ...
we need to see what will be the impact?

6. Looking ahead, how might I need to rethink my organisation’s goals?
creo es muy pronto para responder esta pregunta con exactitud, la iglesia en general necesita terminar de
entender y responder al nuevo modo de vida del mundo... al momento la iglesia la vemos en redes sociales
...necesitamos ver al será el impacto?
LA2 We are trying to become more focused and using the time to analyse our origination and respond with
proper restructuring.
LA3 We are considering and working towards being denominations facilitators so they can lead in their
recruiting and training.
LA4 We need to adjust and rethink a lot. At first, we need to be closer to a [country] church and other
missionary organizations.
LA5 We see our organization moving from just talking about the BTM to be more involved in sending people.
LA6 It will be essential to strengthen virtual services related to exhibitions, academia and research.
Será imprescindible fortalecer los servicios virtuales relacionados con las exposiciones, la academia e
LA7 We need to put more emphasis on electronic media and social media to reach the populations we pray
for. I think the Lord is forcing us to use more of the new tools that we conservatively embraced very slowly.
Tenemos que poner mas énfasis en los medios electrónicos y redes sociales para alcanzar las poblaciones
por las que oramos. Creo que el Señor nos está forzando a usar mas las nuevas herramientas que
conservadoramente abrazamos con mucha lentitud.
LA8 Once all this is over, we must implement a communications area that enables and uses the mass media
appropriately to carry out the work and continue to spread the gospel by such means and mainly manage
Una vez que pase todo esto, debemos implementar un área de comunicaciones que capacite y use los
medios de comunicación masiva adecuadamente para realizar los trabajos y seguir expandiendo el evangelio
por tales medios y principalmente manejar plataformas.
NA1 We will need to give more emphasis to social/humanitarian functions of Bible translators in order to
bring a more holistic approach to the Gospel and attract a different donor that is more sensitive to these
issues. After the crisis OneBook may be required to assume a greater role in leadership encouraging other
organisations to take an adjusted approach to Bible translation.
NA2 We are rethinking Vision 2025 in light of the Every Tribe Every Nation All-Access goals for 2033
NA3 We are right in the midst of that discussion right now. Our Vision, Mission, and Values will stay the
same but the way we live those out may change. We don't know the "how" or "what" yet, but that is what
we are seeking the Lord for now.
NA4 We are moving away from the training of 'doers' to the training of those who will train 'doers'
NA5 * What would it look like for [AO] to be oriented toward supporting remotely-assigned workers who
serve the field? What technology or office space or resourcing might be required? * If the Church is
reconstituting, with some congregations not making it financially and not able to be relevant without f2f
meetings, recent history says the new churches aren’t often focused on global mission. How do we start
influencing them? What networks? What conferences? What influencers? * We were preparing to move
our office. How should we think differently about our office? How does this experience change our view
of what an office needs to be and what we need from it?

7. What unique contributions could my organisation bring to the BTM?

LA1 1. we mobilize churches to be part of the TB movement. 2. we provide basic training (CF) for the future
translator. 3. we collaborate in sending and contacting the mission field
1. movilizamos iglesias para ser parte del movimiento de la TB. 2. brindamos la capacitación básica(CF) para
el futuro traductor. 3. colaboramos en el envio y contacto con el campo misionero
LA2 More unity within the americas. A youth committing to translation at an earlier age.
LA3 Pass on our know-how of mission's training and sending to the church
LA4 That is a difficult question. I got to know if this is a contribution, but I am aware now, that we were not
prepared for this crisis; we don't think to much about our work in the future and his can we keep involved in
God's mission in a changing world.
LA5 Qualified staff for mission field work and a very good mobilization model

7. What unique contributions could my organisation bring to the BTM?
LA6 Academically serious historical-theological training for translators, exegetes and pastors and the Church
in general around the history of the most translated, loved and persecuted book in the world that allows the
interpretation and integration of translational reflections in relation to the irruption of the message central
to the Bible despite the philological differences inherent in the transmission of texts and despite the
difficulty of transferring concepts and beauty from one language to another, facing the challenge of
translation work into the more than three thousand languages that They don't have a Bible yet. Provide for
the [language]-speaking community of believers the translation with which Christianity was born, the Bible
used by the apostles, which was the basis of New Testament theology and the basis of translations until the
4th century AD. and that it will become a beacon in translation work by providing principles for the
reflection of translation concepts and a basis for comparison between [language] language translations.
Perform, from an academic perspective, revision and evaluation of translations.
Formación histórico-teológica, académicamente seria, para traductores, exégetas y pastores e Iglesia en
general en torno a la historia del libro más traducido, amado y perseguido en el mundo que permita la
interpretación e integración de reflexiones traductológicas en relación con la irrupción del mensaje central
de la Biblia a pesar de las diferencias filológicas inherentes a la transmisión de los textos y a pesar de la
dificultad de trasladar conceptos y belleza desde una lengua a otra, frente al reto que supone el trabajo de
traducción a las más de tres mil lenguas que aún no tienen Biblia. Proveer para la comunidad de creyentes
de habla [name] la traducción con la que nació el cristianismo, la biblia que usaron los apóstoles, que fue
base de la teología del Nuevo Testamento y base de las traducciones hasta el siglo IV d.C. y que resultará en
un faro en los trabajos de traducción al aportar principios para la reflexión de conceptos traductológicos y
una base de comparación entre las traducciones de lengua [name]. Realizar, desde una óptica académica,
revisión y valoración de traducciones.
LA7 We can place Bible translators in teams close to the ethnic groups in which they need to work in jobs
that make sense and give time for translation, we can instruct in Islamic studies, we have a team dedicated
to supporting the spread of the Word by electronic media.
Podemos colocar a traductores de la Biblia en equipos próximos a las etnias en las que necesitan trabajar en
trabajos que tienen sentido y dan tiempo para la traducción,, podemos instruir en estudios islamicos,
tenemos un equipo dedicado al soporte de la difusión de la Palabra por medios electrónicos.
LA8 Train a team in the use of means of communication (platforms) and this can train base teams working
on the translation of the Bible.
Capacitar a un equipo en el uso de medio de comunicación (plataformas) y este puede capacitar a los equipo
de base que trabajan en la traducción de la Biblia.
NA1 [AO] is smaller and very nimble. We have and continue to lovingly challenge the status quo through
innovation in order to accelerate Bible translation. As some expat positions may be replaced by national
workers, [AO]'s example of funding and promoting national translation movements may be helpful to the
Bible translation movement globally.
NA2 Connecting Bible Translation to the ministry of the broader church context, rather than remaining
restricted to Bible translation specialists.
NA3 We would appreciate the opportunity to have these types of discussions with our partners around the
world. We are willing to shift resources to working differently with partners as we determine together with
those partners.
NA4 Accredited education at the undergraduate, graduate and doctoral levels.
NA5 * I think the [country] holistic approach (a hallmark of [AOs]) could be especially helpful in a time
like this. Yes, we are about Bible translation, but our larger goal of addressing Bible poverty and focusing
on the use of translated Scripture allows us to be more responsive to stated needs, whether they’re in
ministering to people through their languages, supporting capacity building efforts or engaging in
literacy and MLE. * [AO]’s approach will model collaboration. [AOs and organization] are launching
shared services, joint fundraising initiatives and new field-based initiatives together for computational
linguistics, competency-based education and research into Scripture engagement.

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