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1. What is Culture?

Culture is a broad term to discuss but shares a similar meaning of bridging

people and forming identities. Culture is a broad term because it does not have a
concrete definition and needs to be narrowed down into different aspects such as
Psychological, Social, Materialism, or Semiotic aspects to understand it better.
Yet, despite it having various meanings, it has its common ground of bridging
people because culture was formed from the shared practices of the people.
Those people of the same practice bind together into a group creating an identity
based on that similar culture they have. Henceforth, culture is broad that needs
to be broken down into different aspects to understand it fully, yet despite its
many meanings, it shares a similar definition of bridging people by connecting
them through a similar practice which creates a culture that further forms people
identity base from the same culture they have.

2. What is Popular Culture?

Popular culture is the viewpoint of ordinary people, not of those upper
people, and it changes over time. Popular culture is the things, beliefs, practices,
and traditions that are prevalent, recognized, and liked by most people in
general. These are the aspect of society that appeals to the point of view of the
masses or common people, not of those in authority, upper-class people, or other
people who seek power over the people. Furthermore, due to the constant
changing of people's viewpoints, Popular culture also changes over time,
especially from the different influences it can acquire through time; that is why
popular culture is usually up to date because it showcases the trend of the time.
Hence, popular culture is defined as the viewpoint of the common people, not of
those upper-class people, for it recognizes things that have large-scale
acceptance to the masses, and it is constantly changing because it always
concerns people's interest at the current time.

3. What is Mass Culture?

Mass Culture is disseminated through mass media that can open up
manipulation and exploitation to the audience. Mass culture is a set of ideas and
values that are acquired from mass media such as newspapers, magazines,
radio, television, and the Internet. These mass media can be easily fabricated by
the people who control them, which can easily manipulate people to believe that
the ideals they had broadcasted are the truth. Those people they had influenced
by the falsified facts are vulnerable to exploitation because the people above can
somehow control a person's action and exploits things from them, which
commonly exploits people's money. Whence, mass culture is a set of ideas and
values inculcated and can be fabricated by the mass media, opening up a hole
for the people controlling these mass media to manipulate and exploit the people.

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