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The New York Times urge a acabar con detención de

inmigrantes en EE.UU

NEW YORK, USA (15 / JUL / 2015) .- The US government must end the detention of
undocumented immigrants because it is cruel and immoral, especially for children and women
who are fleeing persecution in their countries of origin, he said The New York Times (NYT).
 In an editorial, the newspaper found that the immigration detention system denies victims
due process of law, in addition to representing a disproportionate punishment to the ball and
generates a high cost to taxpayers.
 Entitled "End the immigration detention", the newspaper said that "the system of mass
incarceration, in particular women and children fleeing persecution in Central America, it is
 The New York Times said the changes announced this week by the director of the Bureau of
Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), Sarah Saldana, to improve the care of detainees
"does not touch the heart of the problem."
 "It is time to end the mass arrests, particularly of families. Close the system and reemplácenlo
with something better," the newspaper argued.
 He said the immigration detention system has grown out of control, 85 000 beds from 1995 till
2013 440 000 spaces.
 Also criticized NYT long waits for immigrants present their case before immigration judges,
599 days on average, with even greater delays at two years.
 He explained that end the mass arrests would not allow immigrants disappear before their
trials because they could be tracked monitoring technologies, community programs and better
case management.
 The newspaper regretted, however, that no "humane" solution for immigrants can be
implemented in the short term, due to the willingness of Congress to maintain at all times 34
000 immigration detention beds.
 "The problem, however, needs to be recognized.. The inhumanity and expenses wasted on to
detain people who could be working and providing for their families The US immigration
system must reflect our values detention system does not "He settled daily.

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