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When I was a child, I used to procrastinate all my obligation, because I didn’t like to do my

homeworks and I spent all my time playing videogames. I waited until last time to do my

obligation, so I didn’t do a good job.

In the past, When I put off my obligation I felt stress becuase I did all my homeworks in the

last moment. Therefore I couldn´t finish my homeworks. However, When I entered to the

university.I changed my habits. I made my own schedule, I reduced my slepping time and I

began to make exercise. My perfomance in the university improved so I was happy to have

improved in the university.

To change your habits and avoid procrastination, I think We need motivation,You should

make yourself these question: What do you wanna do?, What is your purpose? , Are you

going to be persevering ?

Beginng a new project, in this case avoid your bad habit, is always difficult. But the secret is

to begin. You can have to much ideas about How your are gonna change, but If you don’t

start, Your ideas are going to be only that “ideas”.It is not going to be easy but You are going

to be happy with the outcome.

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