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Offering Help and Responses Dialogues

Juwita Rahmaningtyas 19 MIPA 3/12

Viona Aprillia Churin’ain 19 MIPA 3/32

Juwita : “Hey, Viona! Long time no see, huh?”

Viona : “Hey, Juwita! Yeah, how are things coming along?”
Juwita : “All the better for seeing you. How about you? Anything interesting?”
Viona : “I’m still working on my Science Final Project. I’m still struggling to
make my prototype work.”
Juwita : “Whoa, it’s been two weeks, isn’t it? Do you want me to have a look?”
Viona : “Yeah, but i don’t want to bother you.”
Juwita : “Oh, okay. Good luck. But don’t hesitate if you need some help.”
Viona : “Thank you. What about you? Are you busy with your school work these days?”
Juwita : “I’m doing just fine with those works. But I do worry about my cat. She’s
been acting strange lately.”
Viona : “What’s wrong? Is she okay?”
Juwita : “I have no idea. She doesn’t want to eat, to play nor anything. I’m afraid
she’s getting ill.”
Viona : “Oh no, have you taken her to the vet?”
Juwita : “I want to, but both my motorcycle and car are being repaired.”
Viona : “I’m going to vet this Sunday. Do you want to come along?”
Juwita : “That’s very kind of you. If you don’t mind, then yeah.”
Viona : “Okay then, i’ll pick you up at 9 if that’s okay?”
Juwita : “Alright. Thank you, Vio! I’ll see you on Sunday, then?”
Viona : “See you~ Have a good day, Juwita!”

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