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General Instructions:
1. All questions are compulsory.
2. This question paper consists four Sections A, B, C and D.
a. Section - A contains 5 questions of 1 mark each
b. Section -B contains 5 questions of 2 marks each
c. Section -C contains 12 questions of 3 marks each
d. Section D contains 3 questions of 5 marks each and one question of 4
marks (Value Based Question).
3. There is no overall choice. However, an internal choice has been provided in
one question of 2 marks, one question of 3 marks and all the three questions
of 5 marks weightage. Attempt only one of the choices in such questions.
4. Wherever necessary, the diagrams should be drawn neat and properly labeled.

1. Write the scientific names of Housefly and Mango.

2.How are polar molecules transported across the lipid bilayer
.membrane? 1

3. In some plant species roots come out of the ground and grow vertically

upwards to get oxygen for respiration. What are such roots called? 1

4. Which molecule is called as energy currency of the cell and why? 1

5. What is a peptide bond?How it is formed? 1

6. Differentiate between Racemose and Cymose inflorescence. 2
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7. What do you understand by “Binomial Nomenclature”? Name the scientist
who had proposed this system. 1+1=2

8. If the amount of DNA is denoted by 2c and number of chromosome are 2n in

gap-1 phase of cell cycle. What would be the number of chromosome and
amount of DNA after S-phase of cell cycle? 2
9. How are secondary metabolites useful to human welfare? Give two examples
of it.
10. What do you understand by alternation of generation? Explain with any one

pattern of plant life cycle? 2

11. What is coelom? Classify animals on the basis of coelom. = 1½+1½= 3

12. Mention the criteria for essentiality of an element. Give one example of an
essential element. 3

13. Define the term Aestivation and write its types with suitable examples.(any
two) 1+2=3

14. Explain the structure of plasma membrane as proposed by Singer and

Nicolson (1972). With diagram 3

15. Cnidarians exhibit two basic body forms. What are they? How do they differ
from each other? Give one example in each. 3

16. (a)What is heterocyst?

(b)Write two differences between Rhodophyceae and Phaeophyceae on the
basis of chlorophyll and reserve food material. 1+2=3

17. (a)Name the types of connective tissue which contain (i)mast cell and (ii)fat
(b)Mention functions of the following in cockroach:
(i)Malpighian tubules. (ii) Gizzard 1+2=3

18. Define Centromere? How does the position of centromere from the basis of
classification of chromosomes?

19.(a)Which meristem in the grasses results in the regeneration of parts

removed by grazing herbivores?
(b)Write two differences between Heartwood and Sapwood. 1+2=3

20. What is the significance of meiosis? How does meiosis differ from mitosis? 3
What are the sub stages of prophase I of Meiosis I? Explain briefly. 3
21. What is facilitated diffusion?How symport transport is different from
antiport transport?

22. Discuss the factors responsible for ascent of xylem sap in plants. 3

SECTION D (Value Based Question)

23. During vacation Ram visited his village.Next day he went with his
grandfather to visit their sugarcane fields,which was the main crop
their.All the fields of sugarcane showed poor growth and dwarf
varieties.They were not juicy as well.He suggested his grandfather and
other farmers of the village to apply growth regulators in order to increase
the yield and quality of sugarcane.
(a)Which growth regulator Ram must have suggested them?
(b)Which impact it would have on quality and yield of sugarcane?
(c )Name any other two applications the hormone,useful in agriculture.
(d)What values are reflected byRam? 1+1+1+1=4
24. (a) How Ligases differ from Lyases in their function.
(b)How the activity of enzymes is reflected by the temperature and
concentration of substrate molecules.
(a) Amino acid behaves like a Zwitterionic form?Comment.
(b) Explain Primary,Secondary and Tertiary structure of protein.
25. Mention the phylum along with one example with reference to the distinctive
features mentioned below (½+½ )=1 X5=5
a) Water vascular system :
b) Malpighian tubule :
c) Cnidoblasts present:
d) Triploblastic, Acoelomate animals:
e) Bioluminescence and comb plates:

Differentiate between chordates and Non-Chordates; give an outline of
classification of the sub - phylum Vertebrata up to class level 2+3=5

26. Explain how Nitrification is different from Nitrogen fixation. Mention the role
of Thiobacillus in nitrogen cycle? What do you understand by biological
Nitrogen fixation? 2+1+2=5
Name the technique of growing plants in soil free, nutrient solution? What is
the basic purpose of the experiment? Name one sulphur containing amino
acids. State the role of Mg in plants. Name one free living nitrogen fixing
cyanobacteria. 1+2+½+1+½ = 5

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