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NAME: Lumanag, Jerriza H.

SECTION: BSCriminology 3-2


Mr. A always bought expensive things and gadgets before going home to
an affordable apartment so Mr. B is obsessed and tempted to rob Mr. And
so did Mr. He observed what time Mr. left. A in his apartment and what
time it will come home from work, so one day while Mr. entered. A
entered and robbed by Mr. B inside the apartment of Mr. A

In this scenario we see three elements of crime. first here is the motive
because it refers to the reason or cause of the crime why a person
penetrated a crime because of the showing of Mr. A purchase of
expensive equipment, second element is the instrument or means to
implement because these in turn are the gadgets that is why Mr. B who
robbed Mr. A and it also refers to those used by Mr. B in the burglary of
Mr.'s apartment. A, and the last element is the opportunity in which the
observation of Mr. B what time and home of Mr. A came from work so
that he would have an opportunity when Mr. A

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