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The Importance of Keeping Physically Flexible With a Power Meditation Program

Many of you have drastically amplified your powers and energies, and some of you,
under the directions of the Powers of Hell have succeeded in raising your serpents
in a very short time. Given the unheard of short time it can take through the Grace
of Satan in raising one's serpent, there are certain things one should be aware of.
It does take both the body and soul time to adjust to the drastic increase of
energy. Even if one's serpent has not yet ascended, amplified energy in the body
needs to be taken care of in the way of conscious circulation. This is very
serious. The body must be kept as limber as possible. Daily sessions of hatha yoga
accomplish this. The more amplified the energy, the more one needs to attend to it.
Regardless of your age, this can be accomplished enough for you to raise your
serpent. This is what Guardian Demons are for- to protect and guide you
spiritually. Even if you do not know your Guardian Demon, just making an effort and
being open for signs from the Powers of Hell is enough. The more you advance, the
more you will be open to astral communications.
Inflexible joints in the hips can trap serpentine energy in the legs and feet. If
this is left to remain, there can be serious problems. One indication is feeling
like your feet are on fire. Simply sitting on the floor and stretching by spreading
your legs apart as far as they will go, stretching by putting your feet together
and pulling them in, while pushing down on your knees and also stretching the
hamstring muscles in your legs; this will open up any trapped energy and also
prevent it. There is a free hatha yoga pdf in the files section of most of these e-
The entire body should be stretched every day. This does not have to be in any
ideal setting, only consistent. I am now working on revising some of the JoS
information and also will be adding some 1,000+ more articles of information. The
most important thing you can do is to work to amplify your energies- getting that
energy buzz after your meditation/yoga session. The session can be done in as
little as 20 minutes a day, but then you have to keep still for some 15-20 minutes
to let the energy amplify. Just doing 2 rounds of kundalini yoga breathing right
after a hatha yoga session; even 54 repetitions and then 54 more after about 1
minute works wonders. One does not need to do long periods for major benefits.
I learned Satanism on the job. There are some articles that need to be revised. I
wrote of meditation and yoga under IDEAL conditions. Ideal conditions are not
necessary to make major advances and few of us have these. Hatha yoga can be done
even while the TV is on, music, noise, whatever. I have lived in a very small house
under conditions adverse to anything near ideal for many years. TV
52 2011 2012 2013 Sermons Volume 3 1036blasting almost 24/7, loud people yacking on
the phone all the time, pets, noise,
you name it. Through all of this, I have managed to make major advancements
and much more, THROUGH CONSISTENCY. When the energy buzz comes,
yes, ideally, it is best to have silence and meditate on it, BUT, it will still
even if you spend the time sitting still while watching TV. The reason I am writing
this is because very few have IDEAL conditions, and many more don't bother
because they mistakenly believe that idea conditions are needed. My point is you
can get there through Satan in spite of not having any ideal conditions. Some of
you already know this. The most important is DEDICATION AND
Once you reach a certain level, you must consistently make sure your energy is
always circulating freely. I remember a case where a martial artist did too many
pushups at the insistence of his instructor. Because of ignorance and stupidity on
the part of the instructors and their superiors, very little knowledge is shared
freely. IMO, most don't even know. Whether the soul is amplified through yoga
practices [which IMO are much more powerful], or with internal martial arts
[which is powerful on its own in amplifying these energies and also giving
different spiritual benefits], one should be fully informed and aware of what this
energy does and can do. Unfortunately, due to ignorance, fear and in some
cases, an exaggerated sense of self-importance; [pretending to be an expert on
what one does not even have any real knowledge about], much of this
information is kept in the closet, so to speak. This does plenty of harm. Getting
back to the case above, the student who was at black belt level, because of
doing the extreme amount of pushups; his chi/vril/witchpower energy got trapped.
Well, he nearly died from it.
These 'expert' instructors, from what I read did nothing, the young man went to a
hospital where there was no knowledge of this sort of thing [Eastern Medicine].
He actually needed an acupuncturist. He wound up with kidney failure and all
sort of serious life-threatening problems of which he was fortunate enough to
survive. The western doctors didn't know how to treat him. He didn't bother to
stretch enough after the grueling pushup workout and his chi got trapped and he
damned near died.
As long as you keep your body moving and flexible, your chi/serpentine energy
will follow. The key word is FREEDOM. SATANISM = FREEDOM. Never neglect
to stretch thoroughly. This is of extreme importance. Also, AGAIN, conditions do
not have to be ideal. Just do the best you can. One with hampering conditions
who is consistent and dedicated in one's practice can far surpass one with ideal
conditions who lacks the persistence, perseverance, and consistency.
Satanic power meditations and yoga give many different benefits, ranging from
being able to maintain inner calm during periods of crisis when others are coming
apart, being able to think with a cool head and rationally in pressure situations.
Yoga benefits the nervous system and along with this- the subconscious mind
2011 2012 2013 Sermons Volume 3
1037[known ad 'darkness' in Satanism], works as a friend in helping you with
guidance and intuition, instead of being untamed, wild, and unruly and wreaking
havoc in your life. Yoga also gives healing energy on its own. The serpent is and
always has been the symbol of healing.

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