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Holiday Reflection

1. Sketch reflections
● Grab an A4 piece of white paper and take 15-20 minutes to draw, write and
colour your experiences throughout the June holidays
● What did you do? How did you spend your time? Where did you go? Tell us all
about it in your sketches!

2. It’s My Bag
● Find a bag (e.g. a plastic bag, pouch etc.) and fill the bag with 3-5 things found in
your house which reminds you of your holidays or best describes how you spent
your holidays
● Share the items with your peers and tell them why you chose them
Tips to cope with COVID-19 situation

1. Practice self care

2. Have a regular good night's sleep
3. Eat well, exercise well
4. Stay healthy and hydrated
5. Talk to friends, family or anyone trusted whenever you are feeling down
6. Do not constantly occupy yourself with work, relax!
7. But do not procrastinate until you have to rush you work in the end
8. Do things that make you happy
9. Spend time with your loved ones be it online or physically
10. Practice keeping yourself hygienic!

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