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What is the deadliest cancer?

Lung cancer is the most common cancer in the world. More people die as a result of
lung cancer each year than from breast, colorectal and prostate cancer combined.

Can you live with cancer for years without knowing?

If you're wondering how long you can have cancer without knowing it, there's no
straight answer. Some cancers can be present for months or years before they're
detected. Some commonly undetected cancers are slow-growing conditions, which
gives doctors a better chance at successful treatment.

Where does your back hurt with liver cancer?

Liver cancer pain is commonly focused on the top right of the abdominal area, near
the right shoulder blade. The pain can sometimes extend into the back. It can also be
felt in the lower right portion of the rib cage.

Does liver cancer show up in a blood test?

Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC or liver cancer) cannot be diagnosed by
routine blood tests. There is only one specific blood test which can be used towards a
diagnosis of HCC. This test specifically measures for the levels of the protein alfa-
fetoprotein in serum (AFP).

What age does liver cancer occur?

Although liver cancer can happen at any age, it is most common in older people. Most
people diagnosed are over the age of 60. The highest rates are in 85 to 89 year olds.

Can you get liver cancer from a fatty liver?

People with this blood sugar disorder have a greater risk of liver cancer than those who
don't have diabetes. Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease. An accumulation of fat in the liver
increases the risk of liver cancer.

How do you know if a liver tumor is benign?

Noncancerous (benign) tumors are quite common and usually do not produce
symptoms. Often, they are not diagnosed until an ultrasound, computed tomography
scan, or magnetic resonance imaging scan is performed. There are several types of
benign liver tumors, including the following: Hepatocellular adenoma.
Can liver cancer be prevented?
You can't prevent liver cancer, but you can take steps to reduce your risk of
developing the disease. The most important step is to adhere to a healthy lifestyle,
which includes: Exercise regularly. Maintain a healthy weight; if your current weight is in
a healthy range, maintain it.

How serious is cancer in the liver?

The outlook for liver cancer is poor. People often identify liver cancer at a late stage.
Before liver cancer spreads from its original site, the 5-year survival rate is 31%. This
means that 31% of people who doctors diagnose with liver cancer will survive to at least
5 years after diagnosis.

How is liver cancer treated in humans?

Treatment options might include ablation, embolization, or both for the liver tumor(s).
Other options may include targeted therapy, immunotherapy, chemotherapy (either
systemic or by hepatic artery infusion), and/or radiation therapy.

What are some signs that death is near?

They could have:
 Different sleep-wake patterns.
 Little appetite and thirst.
 Fewer and smaller bowel movements and less pee.
 More pain.
 Changes in blood pressure, breathing, and heart rate.
 Body temperature ups and downs that may leave their skin cool, warm, moist, or

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