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Siemens’ Theory of Connectivism emphasized the importance of a network and that

“maintaining connections is needed to facilitate continual learning.” (Davis et al., 2008, p.1).
How do you concretize and operationalize this in an actual classroom setting (online/remote
class)? In what way is this principle related to active learning and cooperative learning? Cite
specific examples. *

As we face the trends of 21 st century in education there are a lot of theories has been
made or developed through times and one of them is Theory of Connectivism. Based
on the statement of Theory of Connectivism it enhances or views the learning process
by having connections and networks between students and also the teachers. It is
always seen in the face-to-face set-up where there are activities which connectivism is
implied because the current trend of education is not just only to develop and to learn
different knowledge and information but also to enhance the different intelligences of
the students like interpersonal, intrapersonal skills, etc.
Development is a process, as a subject teacher and classroom adviser, I must
maintain the networks and facilitate continual learning through different activities. For
example, the activity of the students is about events in World War 2, the groups may
be divided into 5 groups and each group may represent some countries that is
involved, Philippines, United States of America, Japan, Germany and Poland, each
member are assigned to have a character like a General, Soldier, native people of
each country (victims of war). The learners will present their output through role
playing, their goal is to present their character and assess their character. The
students will learn the different events of World War II and how do people live in those
This activity is related to active learning and cooperative learning, the activities or
projects will not be able to become successful based only in the product or outcome
but there are also implied learnings in different cooperative implemented activities like
building relations and to learn the significance of socialization, the implied concept for
these activities is Social constructivism, the students learned the value of networks,
connections, compassion and the humanity. Cognitivism is also implied because the
students are learned because of collaboration, the knowledge and learning are
transferred through networks or connections of student’s collaboration.
Careful planning of the organization of the subject matter is the foundation of teaching. An
incoherent organization of contents may bind committed teachers to fail no matter how
creative the subject is presented. There are three categories of content in the instruction
process. These are facts, concepts and generalizations. Discuss how these three are
organized and presented in an instructional design. Give specific examples. This is especially
true in Social Studies. Identify a specific topic in social studies and discuss how you integrate
the principles of localization and contextualization. *

In organizing a lesson, there are 3 that is interconnected, design, delivery and assessment, it
is the flow or connection for a successful learning. If the teacher failed to plan or failed to
organize the design, instructional delivery and assessment, the students will not learn. In
teaching history or social studies. Facts, concepts and Generalizations must be
chronologically arranged for us to deliver the instruction or lesson organize or steadily. As a
teacher, I will present and teach to my students the facts and concepts of the lesson in a
sequential way, I will use different instructional materials like presenting a footage, presenting
a short video about the topic and teaching them the implied concepts of the lesson. Lastly, for
generalization, the students may discuss and express their learnings about the lesson. As the
facilitator of learning I will also generalize the lesson.

An example of using this method, I taught Philippine Politics and Governance last semester
and there is a lesson about the history of politics and governance in the Philippines, I started
from the Pre-Colonial Period up to the present times for the students to be able to understand
the chronological events in our politics and governance with the support of instructional
materials, secondly I also taught which is implied to the different sub topics of the lesson the
different concepts in our politics and governance, for example in Spanish Colonial Period our
society and government has become Patriarchal in nature due to the influence of Spaniards
and lastly I generalize the lesson by letting my students to express their insights and learnings
about our lesson.

Localization and Contextualization is a vital principle of teaching social studies in a

patriotically way because in Junior High School, the lessons in Araling Panlipunan is about the
history of Asia, World, Economics and Contemporary issues. A large percentage of these
subjects is focused on the history of other countries. We must integrate localization and
contextualization because we are Filipinos, we have our own shared local identity that we
must understand and learned. As a social studies teacher, I will always integrate our local
history and our own contextualization by comparing the topics in Philippine set-up. We have a
sole responsibility and it is to produce a patriotic, responsible and productive citizen of our
What is most unique about geography of Southeast Asia? Discuss how geography shapes the
region’s economic, political and educational development. *

The Physical and Human Geography of Southeast Asia is historical, beautiful, and diverse.
The most unique in the geography in Asia are the rivers because our rivers shapes who we
become. We people, innate by our own rivers, it symbolizes flow, travel and richness. In
ancient times, we travel in our rivers, until now we still utilizing it and we can see the richness
of our region.
Our geography shapes our region economically, politically and in educational development.
First, economically because our landscape and features in every parts of our region is rich in
natural resources. In Thailand there is oil in their sea beds, In Philippines, we have copper
and gold, in Indonesia there is rubber and copper. In every corners of our region there is
minerals. It is the reason why most of countries in Asia are considered as Tiger Cub economy
or Tiger Economy because we utilize our minerals and natural resources as fuel or our
economy. Most of people in rural areas are fishermen because of the landscape of our region,
we are surrounded by rivers and seas.
Next is politically, because of the rich natural resources of the central sea of Southeast Asia or
the West Philippine Sea, it arises a lot of conflicts between different countries because there
are countries in Southeast Asia not only People’s Republic of China has also expressed their
claims in the West Philippine Sea region. why there is a conflict of interest? Because it is rich
in natural resources specifically oil which is vital in economy.
Lastly in educational development, most countries in Southeast Asia like Vietnam and
Thailand is prioritizing agriculture and fishery because of our geographical landscape, they
integrated in their curriculum the value of agriculture and fishery. The result is they are self
sufficient in terms of rice, poultry, fishes and etc.
To summarize as I stated at the opening part of this statement, rivers shapes who we become
and also it symbolizing and serves as the connection of our countries. Southeast Asia is rich
because we are interconnect and we have harmony just like our rivers.
Make a critical assessment on at this pandemic time. How will you ensure the
best and quality education among the students? Prepare your plan of action for
implementation this opening of classes. *

In our current set-up of remote learning, we still face a lot of challenges and problems, I
remember Dr. Feliece Yeban stated that still we are in emergency remote learning set-up
because the sole purpose of education is the students will acquire or learn new knowledge
and informations. We cannot assure that students learned in this current set-up, there are a
lot of issues that students are not learning because of lack of learning materials, technology
and access to internet and also the parental guidance which some of the parents they do the
output of their child.
Private schools and public schools faced these challenges but as a teacher we must make a
pavement to achieve best and quality education. We have a lot of lessons from this school
year and as we faced new school year, we must assess, evaluate and to craft a new learning
modality to achieve our goal which is to produce educated, responsible and productive citizen
of our county.
As I have walk on the first steps of planning for the first months of last school year, we do a
background check, interviewed parents if they can financially support their child for the
upcoming online classes but if they can’t, the learner will become modular student.
Next thing to do is to assess, revise and print the learning materials of the students. The
current struggle of teachers is the learning materials are not prepared, well written and
evaluate. For us to execute efficient self-learning or modular learning, we as teachers or in the
field of education, we must also give them efficient materials for them to be able to learn, we
must use the “mother tongue”. When I attended a seminar last year which is conducted by
“Bagong Kasaysayan” (organization). One of the resource speakers stated that we must
employ or used the mother tongue when writing a module or teaching students online
because when we are using our own native language the students can easily to understand
and learn the lesson.
The school’s may also hire people that will communicate to the students or parents of the
students. One of the struggles and problems of the teachers is communication but if school’s
will have people or employees that will call, communicate and follow up the stakeholders, it
will lessen the burden of the teachers. As a teacher we all want our students to learn by
having this passion if the students do not cooperate it has a direct impact to the emotions of
the teachers. These said employees may also do the non-academic activities or assist the
teachers in module preparation and distribution.
Lastly, as a subject teacher and classroom adviser. Communication or network is the
essential way to achieve learning in our current set-up. As classroom adviser, I will assign
students who will become the leaders per group that may assist and address to me the
problems that their classmates encountered or currently experience.

No one can replace the best instructional material in the world of learning, teachers
are still the best instructional material, we are the stream of learning and humanity.
Briefly discuss completely/comprehensively the following statements:“Critical Social theorist
recognized that traditional beliefs and the existing social structure would have to be destroyed
and then replaced with a “new thinking.”

As a social studies teacher and as a human, we must replace old ideas by new way of
thinking for us to achieve progress but we must not completely destroy classical thinking
because without these traditional beliefs there is no existing new thinking.
The conflict of liberalism and conservatism is still existing now a days, in Philippines most of
us are conservative because of our religion and existing traditional social beliefs and as we
see the result we cannot achieve the moral development because we are bounded of our
traditional ideas and beliefs. We are in 21 st century and 4th industrial revolution, as we see our
world is continuously developing, for us to be able to achieve development, we must also
have moral and social development. Sometimes traditional beliefs and existing social structure
is the main core of discrimination and prejudices.
People must accept new ideas because our world is continuously changing, in the progress of
development all of us must be in it, it may sound utopic but we are human, we are all equal.
Use yourself as the best application in discussing the following theories. Creationism Theory
Evolution Theory Mendell’s Theory *

Creationism Theory
This theory believes that God is the creator of the entire universe and all of things within. This
theory is based on biblical or religious perspective. I will use myself as an example because
as a Christian, there is no artwork or painting without a painter, there is no life form or
universe without God. There is no me without my parents and my creator. This conservative
classical theory is divine based and as a person even though it is part of our culture and
beliefs as a Christian, I believed that there is divine God which is our creator.

Evolution and Mendel’s Theory

Anthropology claims that all of us evolved because there are factors that affects us, it is the
environment we lived and the time. Change is constant, our environment has a direct impact
to our physical structure and it also shapes how we think. I will use myself as an example. We
all know that Filipinos are brown skinned people based from the pictures and descriptions of
historians but nowadays we can easily seen that our color has been changed due to some
factors because in ancient times, pre colonial period or in our history our homes are made of
pawid or there is no umbrella that we always used when it is hot but now we used a lot of skin
care products and our homes is build which the heat cannot easily enter, my skin change
timely but it is not like the accustomed skin type of early Filipinos.
According to Darwin, for us to be able to survive we must adapt to our environment. It is not
through physical strength but to be mentally fit to adapt the different phenomenon and that’s
what we are doing now.

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