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Online Payment Response


Transaction Response

Payment-Gatway Response : Success

Successful Transaction

Thank you. Your Payment has been successfully received with the following details. Please quote you transaction reference number
for any queries relating to this request. Note: Payment will be credited to your Railwire Billing account within 3 working days.

Transaction Status Success

MIMO Transaction Reference Number to the Banker Y8A1574URE71020200819095658

BSS Reference Y8A1574URE71020200819095658

Transaction Date and Time 2020-08-19 09:58:25

Recharged Amount (Rs.) 999

GST 179.82

Payment Gateway Charge 1.20% 14.15

Grand Total 1192.97

Please quote the Order No. for your queries regarding the transaction.

1 of 1 19/08/20, 9:59 am

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