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Name : Dewi Lutfiyah

NIM : 1810510111

Class : TBI-C

Result Observation

The writer has conducted some observation to english learners, they are Aninda
Syifa Rosita Uyun and A. Zulfa Salam. Each observations will be alaborated as

1. Collage in Muria Kudus University

Name : Aninda Syifa Rosita Uyun
Sex : Famale
Age : 21 years old
Interview with Aninda
Me. : Assalamualikum Aninda, how are you?
Aninda : I am fine wi, and you?
Me. : I am fine too, oh yeah how about your learning english in pare?
Aninda : Alhamdulillah it's fine, lots of lessons, experiences that I got
from there, and now I can speak English through learning at Pare, although
not fluent, but I can still understand English.
Me : is there a difference in learning there and here?
Aninda : there must be, if here the learning is more fixated on the existing
curriculum, but there each student is given a brief, practical and definitely
easy to understand lesson, so that graduates from there must be able to
speak English properly and correctly.
Me : then what about your college now? why not just take english?
Aninda : actually I also want to enter the English language study program,
but I see the opportunities that exist today, there is a demand from my
father to also major in informatics engineering.
Me. : oh I know, then are you still learning English now?
Aninda : of course still, currently I am developing my English by adding
friends who can speak English, so that I can develop my English with my
friends, and usually I watch movies or listen to music in English subtitles.
Me. : yes, thanks for your time, because you are busy just continuing
your work and duties, sorry for disturbing you
Aninda : it's okay, just relax, let's go to pare together sometime
Me : hehe, okay.
I call her aninda. She is now studying in UMK, she chose informatics
engineering, but before she decided to go to college, she studied in Pare,
Kediri, Central Java. the place is very well known as the English village,
because he did learn English in Kediri for about 4 months. previously he
studied at the MA in his area. both parents educated her carefully,
especially her father, her father wanted her to be a tough person who could
continue carry on his father's talent.
While his mother always supports what he wants, there is a reason why he
went to Kediri. because he wants to enter into one of the most famous
universities in Indonesia, because previously he had registered here and
there but was not accepted at any of the universities. he thought that with
honed his English skills he could easily enter a well-known university in
Indonesia. for his school background he is in an environment that will be
thick with religion, all the schools are based on religion, but he is now
studying at Muria Kudus University to find out the new atmosphere out
there and of course add new experiences. even his English skills can be
said to be sufficient for the stature of a person from the country
Even though Aninda has not studied English in college at this time, she is
still developing her English in her own way, namely adding friends who
are good at speaking English and developing it through them, either by
speaking in English or chattingan in English, because according to her that
relationship really needs to be considered to develop our abilities.
2. Junior high school (first class)
Name : A. Zulfa Salam
Age : 12 y.o.
Sex : male
Interview with Salam
Me : hello brother, how are you?
Salam : I am fine.
Me : how do you learn english?
Salam : I learn English by way of learning that has been given to the
teacher to learn.
Me. : are these lessons fixated on the current curriculum?
Salam : yes, definitely fixated on the curriculum.
Me. : it is fun for you?
Salam : sometimes it's fun, sometimes it's boring, it's fun when the teacher
gives us a game for a moment, it's boring if the teacher always provides
material continuously.
Me : then how do you learn English if like that?
Salam : when outside of class hours I often listen to music in English, and
I repeat English lessons at home by studying according to my wishes, like
studying while listening to music.
Me : thanks for the time my brother.
Salam : your welcome.
I usually call him greetings, he is my first sibling, he goes to school in one
of the famous schools in TBS, he is first grade in junior high school,
because of the covid-19 he studies online, so his teaching is monitored by
his parents, the basic of school is more concerned with religion. For his
own English, he doesn't really understand how important English is, so he
neglects it too much, for his own online learning via the Zoom application
and the teacher explains. Meanwhile, for their own environment, their
peers are more difficult if they are instructed to learn, but for monitoring
from parents it is quite helpful.
Greetings learning English since grade 2 MI, means that it has been 6
years of learning English, but the learning is in accordance with the
curriculum set by the government. so he only knows little by little about
English. because now when studying online, he doesn't even know the
material, because he lacks parental supervision, but he understands a little
about English even though he knows little.
All these factors come from the environment, and circumstances, because
he is the third child while his parents are old, so he lacks supervision from
his parents, and his siblings are not at home with him.
From these two observations, it can be concluded that learning English can
be done anywhere and anytime even with anyone. because learning
English must be instilled in the student's thinking, the willingness to
accelerate learning English. many things can develop English such as
listening to music, watching movies in English. Apart from the inside,
namely the willingness of the student, learning English there are also
external factors such as the surrounding environment, I take an example
from the family, if someone from the family can speak English then the
student will develop his English more quickly and easily but if not
available who speak English, the student has a little difficulty in learning

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