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Our body uses 3 main nutrients (macronutrients) to function:

 carbohydrates
 proteins
 fats

Fibre is a type of carbohydrate that the body doesn’t digest. It keeps our
digestive system healthy and prevents constipation. Fruit and vegetables
contain a lot of fibre.

They provide the body with energy.

Carbohydrates are quick fuels.

Proteins build muscles and help you fight infection.

Fats serve as reserved energy and help the body absorb more nutrients from

We get carbohydrates from: fruit, vegetables, pasta, bread, rice, and cereals.

We get proteins from

 dairy products like milk, yoghurt and cheese

 non-dairy products: meat, fish and seafood, nuts and beans.

We get healthy or ‘good ‘ fats from : avocadoes,olives, peanuts, sunflower

seeds,oil, walnuts, soymilk, tofu.

We get unhealthy or ‘bad ‘ fats from: cookies,doughnuts, muffins, cakes, ice

cream, butter, pizza, snack food, fried food (fried chicken, French fries,
chicken nuggets).

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