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Test. Describing animals and people.

1. Horses have got...

A. paws and claws

B. hooves and a mane
C. a hump and a tail

2. cousin /My /got /fair /hair /long /has.

A. My cousin has got long, fair hair.

B. My cousin has got fair, long hair.
C. My cousin has got hair fair long .

3. Jack/ My friend and I/ Molly and Mary/ His sister

A. She/ We/ They/ He

B. He/ We/ They/ He
C. He/ We/ They/ She

4. Ben/ green eyes?

A. Have Ben got green eyes?

B. Has Ben got green eyes?
C. Has Ben green eyes?

5. Has the anteater got a long tongue?

A. No, it hasn't got.

B. Yes, it has .
C. Yes, it does.

6. What unusual pets have people got?

A. hamsters, dogs, and cats
B. fish, rabbits and birds
C. snakes, spiders and lizards
7. What are the plurals for: mouse/ sheep/ foot/ person/ fish/
ox/ wolf/ woman/child

A. mouses/ sheep/ feet/ persons/ fish/ oxen/ wolves/ womans/children

B. mice/ sheep/ feet/ people/ fish/ oxen/ wolves/ womans/childrens
C. mice/ sheep/ feet/ people/ fish/ oxen/ wolves/ women/children

8. They are from the UK. They are...

A. British
B. American
C. Canadian

9. ... are you from? your birthday? your best friend? the capital of London?
... old are you?

A. Where/ When/ Who/ What/ How

B. Where/ When/How/ What/Who
C. Where/ When/ Who/How/ What

10. Are your grandparents young?

A. Yes, you are.

B. No, we aren't.
C. No, they aren't.

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