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Subject: English
Teacher: Francisco Javier Mejia Rodriguez
Coures: 11-04
Student: Karelis Solano Córdoba


 PAGE 96
 Write either a real or imaginary situation in which your rights are affected
based on exercise 9 page 96.
Write 2 for each righ

1. To choose your own friends. Nobody can decide this for you.

* My boyfriend won't let me have male friends because he says I'll be


* I can't go out with my friend Tatiana because my boyfriend likes him.

2. To follow your own path. The individual wishes of each person are
important in a relationship

* I want to go to Europe but my partner will leave me if I go

* I study during the day and the money is not really enough, I have to
work at night in a restaurant but my boyfriend does not want to
because he thinks I will see many men.
3. To be in a healthy relationship where you share your love as equals

* Many times I feel that my husband does not give me the love I
deserve, he always makes an excuse when we are alone

* I'm always the one who is aware of my boyfriend, he never has time
for me.

4. To give your opinions. Your partner must respect them even if he/she has a
different opinión

* Every time I want to give an opinion regarding the project of our

house, my husband says that he is Asian and that he has no opinión.

* When we are reunited with my boyfriend's family, he does not let me

speak or say anything because for him I speak charades.

5. To not have sex or to practise safe sex, if you choose.

* I talked to my boyfriend and I told him that I did not want to have sex
with him until we were married, he told me that if we did not have, we
would finish.

* My husband wants to have sex every day and I don't want to make
me do it.

6. To be with your boyfriend or girlfriend without emotional, physical or sexual


* My boyfriend forces me to be with him just because of my physical

appearance, he doesn't love me.

* When I started hanging out with my boyfriend, the first time we were
there I didn't want to, he abused me.

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