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One day I was passing through a house that has always giving me bad vibes

because it looks very scary for me and also that’s where one of my best friends died a

few years ago when he and his parents lived there. Long short story, Michael, my best

friend from the kinder garden, was a boy whom I spent a lot of time with playing games

such as the pirates and saviors of the world but sadly he was a kid whose parents

didn’t take care of him. Ten years ago, when I was 5 years old, his parents forgot to

close the backyard door which was connected to Michaels bedroom so in the coldest

night of the 2010, a couple of thieves discovered the entrance and broke into my friends

house to get some things that could be sold. They entered around 1 am and everyone

was sleep so the thieves weren’t worrying about the family noticing them but for some

reason, Michael heard some word voices which didn’t correspond to his parents so he

decided to check his house, which was being stolen at the moment.

When the kid started walking around the halls, the couple of thieves noticed that

someone at the house was awake and that it could represent a big danger for them so

they took a gun out of their pockets and shot the little 5 years old at his favorite place in

the world, whose house represented a safe place for him to be at when not a single

adult was taking care of him. That night his parents regretted all the wrong decisions

they took in the past because now the kid is gone forever and I lost a young friend that

was scared by weird sounds and died when we least though it would happen because

kids are suppose to live until they become old and had lived a good life.

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