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Sustained" (the judge agrees with the objection and disallows the question, testimony, or evidence) or "Overruled"
(the judge disagrees with the objection and allows the question, testimony, or evidence).


COC: All rise.............

COURT Call the cases
COC Crim. Case No. 15-126689
People of the Philippines versus ANVARI F. ARGUELLES
For Rape under Art. 266 of the RPC for the presentation of evidence by the Prosecution.
COURT Appearances?
PROS. ALLAN For the prosecution, Your Honor, we are ready to present our witness, MAAN P.
QUILANG. Your honor, we will be presenting today the hotel receptionist/attendant in the
hotel considering that we cannot present the private complainant in this case because he
is in dispose and I already advised him to bring to this court a medical certificate duly

ATTY. For the defense, ready Your Honor.

COC On the witness stand.
INTERPRETER (Swear in the witness )Raise your right hand. Do you swear to tell the truth the whole truth
and nothing but the truth?
MAAN Yes, Ma’am.
INTERPRETER Please state your name, age and other personal circumstances.
MEDELITA Maan P. Quilang, of legal age , residing at 552 south cembo Makati, presently working as
receptionist/attendant at Red Planet Hotel
INTERPRETER Your witness, Fiscal.
PROS. ALLAN Your Honor We are offering the testimony of this witness to prove the material allegations
in the information; to identify the accused in this case and likewise to identify some
documents to this case and to testify on such other matters as may be relevant your honor,
Your Honor. With the permission of the Honorable Court, may we proceed your Honor.

PROSECUTOR: Madam Witness. You mentioned that you are a receptionist/attendant at RED PLANET HOTEL. Is
that Correct Madam Witness?

WITNESS: Yes your honor

PROSECUTOR: What proof do you have to show that you are a hotel attendant at Red Plant Hotel?

WITNESS: I have my I.D.

PROSECUTOR: Your honor the ID has already been marked as exhibit C during the pretrial.

PROSECUTOR: What is the schedule of your work at Red Planet Hotel?

WITNESS: Monday to Friday except Saturday and Sundays. 10 pm to 7:30 am

PROSECUTOR: Madam Witness do you remember if you were on duty last August 9, 2015 at around 1 am?


PROSECUTOR: What time did you report for duty on August 9, 2015?


PROSECUTOR: By the way Madam Witness, do you know the accused Anvari Argueles in this case?

WITNESS: Yes your honor.

PROSECUTOR: Could you please describe him Madam Witness?

WITNESS: YES your honor

PROSECUTOR: Please describe the accused

WITNESS: (ADLIB) Tall, white, and handsome. Black eyes, slim, and …… he looks intoxicated and with a bad smell.

PROSECUTOR: If you will see him again. Would you be able to identify him Madam Witness?


PROSECUTOR: Is he in court?

WITNESS: YES, your honor.

PROSECUTOR: Please point to the accused.

PROSECUTOR: May we asked the name of the person pointed to by the witness.

Sir, what is your name OR INTERPRETER

ACCUSED: Anvari Arguelles

PROSECUTOR: Madam Witness why do you know him?

WITNESS: I know him because I saw him because he checked in with another male person.

PROSECUTOR: What about the companion can you please describe Madam Witness when he checked in?

WITNESS: Very drunk and with a bad smell.

PROSECUTOR: You said that the accused is with a male person. Is the male person who was with him present in
this court?

WITNESS: Not in court your honor.

PROSECUTOR: Madam Witness you said that the accused together with the victim in this case checked in in your


PROSECUTOR: Do you remember what time they checked in?

WITNESS: 1 AM your honor

PROSECUTOR: When they check in what do you mean by that they checked in?

WITNESS: They asked for a room.

PROSECUTOR: And what did you do Madam Witness when they asked for a room?

WITNESS: As a matter of a procedure, we welcome and greet the guest, we checked whether they have reservation
or if there are still available rooms. If there is an available rooms we will ask for I.D. Card with the guest’s signature
where we will photocopy it and I will confirm the length of stay. Then issue the key card.

PROSECUTOR: Madam Witness What ID Mr. Anvari Arguelles given to you?

WITNESS: A school id.

PROSECUTOR: What did you do with the school id?

WITNESS: I photocopied his id with his signature and attached it to the transaction receipt.

PROSECUTOR: Your honor the photocopy of the id is already attached to the record of the case marked as exhibit B
and the signature of the accusd Anvari Arguelles as exhibit B-1.
PROSECUTOR: Madam Witness there is a copy of the Id. Could you please tell us what relation is this to what you
have said that you photocopied an Arellano Id?

WITNESS: That is the photocopy of the Arellano Id that was presented to me by the accused when he checked in
together with the victim.

PROSECUTOR: And after that what happened?

WITNESS: I gave them the key. Room 123.

PROSECUTOR: And after that Madam witness. What happened if any?

WITNESS: Around 6 am the accused returned the key to me and checked out.

PROSECUTOR: After that, what happened next?

WITNESS: He signed the transaction receipt

PROSECUTOR: I am showing you the checked out receipt that the accused signed. What is the relation of this to
what you have said that the accused signed the transaction document?

WITNESS: That is the transaction document where the accused signed.

PROSECUTOR: There is a signature above the name Argulles? Whose signature is that?

WITNESS: The signature of Arguelles.

PROSECUTOR: How did you know that is his signature?

WITNESS: He signed it in my presence.

PROSECUTOR: Your honor, the transaction receipt has already marked as exhibit A. And the signature of Arguelles
be marked as exhibit A-1

PROSECUTOR: What did you do after he returned the key if any?

WITNESS: I proceeded to 123.

PROSECUTOR: Why did you go to the room?


PROSECUTOR: After entering the room, could you please describe what did you see if any?


PROSECUTOR: After that what happened?


PROSECUTOR: No further question your honor.

If the complainant is ready your honor. We will present him next hearing.

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