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Copyright ©D 1984, American Society for Microbiology

Evaluation of Cleaning Strategies for Removal of Biofilms from

Reverse-Osmosis Membranes
Environmental Analysis, Program in Social Ecology, Univ'ersity of California, Irvine, California 927171 and Water Factory
21, Orange County Water District, Fountain Valley, California 927082
Received 29 February 1984/Accepted 30 May 1984

An evaluation was made of the efficiency of five classes of chemical cleaning agents for removing biofilm from
spirally wound cellulose acetate reverse-osmosis membranes receiving influent with high or low levels of
combined chlorine. Each cleaning regimen utilized one or more of the following types of chemical: (i)
surfactants and detergents, (ii) chaotropic agents, (iii) bactericidal agents, (iv) enzymes, and (v) antiprecipi-
tants. Cleaning efficiency was tested in the laboratory on membrane material removed from operations at
various intervals (2 to 74 days). Cleaning effectiveness was evaluated against nontreated control membranes
and was scored by scanning electron microscopy and enumeration of surviving bacteria after treatment of the
membranes. The combinations of classes which were most effective in biofilm removal were the anionic and
chaotropic agent combination and combinations involving enzyme-containing preparations. Membranes
receiving influent with high levels of combined chlorine were easier to clean but more susceptible to structural
damage from prolonged exposure to combined chlorine. No treatment or combination of treatments was
completely effective or effective at all stages of biofilm development.

The development and use of the cellulose acetate reverse- removal of accumulated materials from pipes and reservoirs.
osmosis (RO) membrane have expanded greatly over the Cleaning cellulose acetate RO membranes is similar in
past 30 years. The first practical and efficient membrane was approach to removing biofilms from outer surfaces, but it is
developed by S. Loeb and S. Sourirajan in the early 1960s (8; more complex. The integrity of the cellulose acetate mem-
U.S. patents 3, 133, 132 and 3, 133, 137, 1964). It was brane is easily destroyed by strong chemical oxidants,
improved dramatically by Loeb and Manjikian in 1967 (7) enzymes, pH shifts, and temperature fluctuations. The de-
and has since been incorporated into several industrial sign configuration of spirally wound membranes makes
processes, the most common being the demineralization and physical methods of cleaning ineffectual or impossible. Pre-
purification of water from brackish and wastewater sources viously, the fouling layer of RO membranes has been consid-
(7). Several physical arrangements of the membrane unit ered to be primarily inorganic in composition (16-18). Re-
structure have been designed to maximize the surface area cent work (3, 12), however, has shown that the fouling layer
per unit of volume (packing density) and to maintain high may be either microbial or inorganic and that the extent to
pressure across the membrane (1). The spirally wound which either type of material predominates is the result of
membrane configuration (Fig. 1) has the advantage of a high such interacting factors as the chemical quality of the water,
surface area per unit of volume, it also has the disadvantage the microbial quality of the water, and the presence and
of relatively high pressure losses across the membrane and amounts of calcium and magnesium ions. Microorganisms
difficulty in handling large concentrations of solids. An composing the biofilm may accumulate owing to the adhe-
additional disadvantage is the difficulty in cleaning modules sion of organisms present in the feedwater or to the prolifera-
of this type of design owing to inefficiency in recirculating tion of a few opportunistic organisms at the membrane
the concentrate and subsequent resuspension of the fouling surface. Some of the fouling bacteria involved in the earliest
layer (4). stages of biofilm formation have been shown to exhibit a
Biofouling of surfaces over or through which water must marked affinity for the cellulose acetate membrane surfaces
pass has been of major economic importance because the (13). The differences in the accumulation mechanisms in the
formation of microbial biofilms can decrease water velocity, formation of a biofilm may be important in determining the
clog pipes, increase energy utilization, and decrease the best way to clean membranes or maintain their efficiency
efficiency of operations. Biofouling has been a major prob- with bacteriostatic or other agents.
lem in cooling systems for many years. Research on the This study examined a variety of compounds by utilizing a
fouling of cooling units has led to extensive characterization screening procedure to determine appropriate and potential-
of fouling layers on pipe and tank surfaces and other ly effective classes of chemicals which could be employed in
segments of each system (9, 14,15). The growth of microor- cleaning spirally wound cellulose acetate RO membranes
ganisms and the precipitation of inorganic chemical constitu- (Table 1). Chemical cleaning agents and combinations of
ents have been recognized as the major constituents of these these agents were classified as (i) surfactants and detergents,
fouling layers. To combat biofouling on surfaces of this type, which neutralize charged colloidal particles and resolubilize
bactericidal agents as well as various dispersants and surfac- or resuspend them; (ii) chaotropic agents, which denature
tants have been successfully applied in numerous laboratory proteins and therefore readily solubilize organic constitu-
and field trials (9, 14). ents; (iii) bactericides, which kill microorganisms through
Cleaning cooling systems requires physical or chemical cell lysis or dissolution; (iv) enzymes, which hydrolyze the
proteinaceous and glycoprotein exopolymers surrounding
Corresponding author. microorganisms; and (v) antiprecipitants, which remove






FIG. 1. Interior structure of a spirally wound RO membrane (13).

metals and other precipitated ions from the layer of fouling. moved, the layers of the membrane were carefully unwound
This experimental procedure allowed the screening of a large and spread upon a sterile surface. A measured section of the
number of possible cleaning agents and considered the membrane (600 cm2) was scraped with a sterile razor blade
chemical principle or mechanism of the selected cleaning to remove the adhering biofilm. This fouling layer was
compound. In this way, classes of chemicals or combina-
tions of classes were studied, and their effectiveness was
generalized to other compounds of the same class. Visual
inspection by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and TABLE 1. Classes of compounds used in cleaning treatments for
counting of the bacterial population remaining on the mem- RO membranes
brane were used to assess the efficiency of the treatment in Class Compounds"
the removal of biofilm. Antiprecipitants ..................... EDTA (disodium salt)
Sampling. Miniature spirally wound RO membrane units Bactericides ..................... MBTC
(diameter, 6.35 cm) were provided by Water Factory 21, GuHCI
Fountain Valley, Calif. This facility has been described in a Urea
previous paper (12). These units were put into service in an ZDDC
on-site testing module which received the same water as the CTAB
full-scale (diameter, 20.3 cm) counterparts to simulate actual Detergents-sequestrants ............... Triton X-100
operating conditions. Six membranes units in the module Biz"
were available: four received water containing 3 to 5 mg of CTAB
combined chlorine per liter (designated hereafter as the low- TSP
chlorine [LC] membranes), and two received water with a Sodium tripolyphosphate
combined chlorine concentration of 15 to 20 mg/liter (high- SDS
chlorine [HC] membranes). The feedwater entering the test
modules was secondary (activated sludge) treated municipal Enzymes ............. ........ Trypsin
wastewater from the Orange County Sanitation District Protease
facility. This water was treated by lime clarification, ammo- Papain
nia air stripping, recarbonation, and multimedia filtration Esterase
before RO. The membrane units were removed from the test Pancreatin
module and replaced by new units at each sampling time Biz
(Table 2). Membrane units were removed at intervals span-
ning 3 to 74 days. During each sampling, the membrane unit Chaotropic-denaturing agents .......... Urea
was removed from the module, placed directly on ice, and GuHC
transported to the laboratory (elapsed time between removal SDS
of the unit and processing was less than 2 h). At the " Abbreviations: CTAB, cetyltrimethylammonium bromide, GuHCI. guani-
laboratory, the spun-glass protective coating was removed. dine hydrochloride; MBTC. methylene bisthiocyanate: SDS. sodium dodecyl
At this point, aseptic conditions were introduced and main- sulfate; STP, sodium triphosphate: TSP. trisodium phosphate; ZDDC. zinc
tained throughout the rest of the processing. ' Biz is the trade name for a laundry presoaking detergent containing broad-
Processing. After the spun-glass covering had been re- spectrum enzymes and bleaching compounds.

TABLE 2. Sampling schedule of RO membrane units TABLE 3. Chemical compounds and dosages used to remove
Days elapsed at time of sampling" biofilm from RO membranes
Membrane unit Exposure
Initial unit Replacement unit Treat-
Chemical(s) Dose time
ment no.
1 3 43 (min)
2 5 57 1 Esterase 10 ,ug/ml 30
3 11 EDTA 311 FLl/ml (10 mM)
4 20
Sb 3 22 Trypsin 100 ,ug/ml 30
6" 11 63 Triton X-100 1 Ill/ml
Values show days elapsed after the beginning of the experiment. After
each membrane unit was removed, it was replaced by a new unit.
Received 15 to 20 mg of combined chlorine per liter in feedwater. 2 EDTA 311 ,ul/ml (10 mM) 60
Urea 120 mg/ml (2 M)
TSP 10 mg/ml
suspended in 10 ml of 100 mM phosphate buffer. pH 7.1.
Appropriate serial dilutions were spread plated onto m- 4 GuHCI 120 mg/ml (2 M) 60
standard plate count (m-SPC) agar (16) plates to determine CTAB 10 mg/ml
bacterial counts. Of the remaining membranes, two strips (1
by 12 cm) were placed in sterile screw-cap tubes, one for 5 Urea 120 mg/ml (2 M) 60
experimental cleaning treatment and one for a control. The SDS 10 mg/ml
control section received 100 mM phosphate buffer. pH 7.0.
Experimental treatments and dosages are summarized in
Table 3. The tubes were sealed, placed horizontally in a 6 Urea 120 mg/ml (2 M) 60
rack, and shaken at 110 rpm in a Lab-line Orbit Environ- CTAB 10 mg/ml
Shaker at 35°C for 1 h. The treated and control strips were
then removed from the tubes and were sectioned for ATP 7 Papain 100 ,ug/ml 30
analysis, protein analysis, bacterial counting, and SEM. Triton X-100 1 ,ul/ml
Bacterial counts and isolates. Serial dilutions of the mem- EDTA 311 p.1/ml (10 mM)
brane scrapings in phosphate buffer were spread plated onto
m-SPC agar. After 5 to 7 days of incubation at 28°C, colonies Protease 100 ,ug/ml 30
were counted. All plates containing 40 colonies or fewer Triton X-100 1 IlU/mI
were selected for identification. On plates with more than 40 EDTA 311 [LI/ml (10 mM)
bacterial colonies, 40 colonies were randomly selected from
the plate. Colonies were purified and stored on m-SPC agar 8 Biz 10 mg/ml 6()
slants at 4°C until identification. Identification of the isolates
was accomplished by the three-tube Lassen method for
gram-negative rods (6) and the acid-alcohol fast determina- 9 Pancreatin 100 p.g/ml 60
tion for mycobacteria with additional tests as recommended Triton X-100 1 p.1/ml
by Berge 's Maniual of Deterininativse Bacteriologv (2) for EDTA 311 ,ul/ml (10 mM)
gram-positive bacteria.
The 1-cm2 section removed from each strip was vortexed 10 Thermolysin 100 ,ug/ml 60
vigorously for 1 min in 5 ml of m-SPC broth to remove the Triton X-100 1 ,ul/ml
bacterial film. Serial dilutions were then plated onto m-SPC EDTA 311 ,ul/ml (10 mM)
agar plates. CFU were counted after 5 to 7 days at 28°C, and
15 colonies were picked, isolated, and identified as described
above. 11 GuHCI 2M 30
CTAB 10 mg/ml
SEM. The pieces of membrane to be studied by SEM were Protease 100 p.g/ml
placed in 5 ml of 2.5% glutaraldehyde in phosphate buffer,
pH 7.0, and were refrigerated overnight. The membranes Papain 100 ,ug/ml 30
were then dehydrated in a series of ethanol solutions: 30, 50, Esterase 10 p.g/ml
75, 85, 95, and 100% ethanol (the last twice), ethanol-Freon EDTA 311 p.l/ml (10 mM)
113 (1:1), and 100% Freon 113 (twice). The samples were
then air dried and mounted on aluminum stubs with a 12 CTAB 10 mg/ml 60
collodial silver adhesive. The stubs were then coated with
gold-palladium (60:40) and viewed on a Hitachi model SU
500 scanning electron microscope at 15 kev with a working 13 SDS 10 mg/ml 60
distance of 10 mm and a stage tilt angle of 00. Black and
white photographs were made with Polaroid P/N55 film. The
effectiveness of each cleaning treatment was scored semi- 14 Triton X-100 10 mg/ml 60
quantitatively according to the presence and appearance of
the biofilm. A score of 0 was given if no removal was evident 15 MBTC 10 mg/ml 60
(compared with an untreated control), and a score of 4 was CTAB 10 mg/ml
assigned if removal was complete. For the criteria utilized
for scoring by SEM, see Table 4, footnote b.
Chemical cleaning treatments. The chemicals used in each Continiued on following page

TABLE 3-Continued of the 24 treatments and doses applied are presented in Table
Treat- Exposure 3. Doses of previously investigated chemicals were chosen
Chemical(s) Dose time to approximate or exceed values reported in the literature (7,
ment no. (min) 11, 19). All of the chemicals were dissolved in 100 mM
phosphate buffer, pH 7.0. The control consisted of a strip of
16 ZDDC 10 mg/ml 60 the membrane treated in the same manner as test membranes
Triton X-100 0-1 ,V/mi
but exposed to 100 mM phosphate buffer, pH 7.0, alone.
This was used to control for the physical action of the liquid
17 STP 10 mg/ml 60 on the membrane.
EDTA 10 mg/ml
TSP 10 mg/ml RESULTS
Observation of the membranes by SEM provided the most
18 EDTA 311 RI/ml (10 mM) 60 direct evidence for biofilm removal. In Table 4, results of
SEM scores of the treated membranes are presented in
19 Trypsin 100 Rg/ml 60 ranked order, as described above, indicating the amount of
EDTA 311 ,u/ml (10 mM) biofilm removed compared with that removed from a treated
Triton X-100 1 ±1/ml control. The control corrected for the removal of any biofim
by mechanical effects during the treatment period. Table 4
shows the scores of the treated LC and HC membranes and
20 Esterase 10 ,g/ml 60 the mean score for all days sampled for each treatment.
EDTA 311 ±1/ml (10 mM) Finally, the overall score for each treatment was calculated
Triton X-100 1 Rl/ml as follows: n n

z XLC + z XHC
21 Urea 120mg/ml (2 M) 60 Overall score = Xtotal = i=1 i=1
nLC + nHC
22 TSP 10 mg/ml 60 Overall rankings of the treated membranes indicated that
treatments with a mean score of -2.5 were very good
23 Pancreatin 100 ,ug/ml 30 cleaners. These treatments included esterase-EDTA/trypsin-
EDTA 311 RI/ml (10 mM) Triton (i.e., treatment with esterase-EDTA followed by
Triton X-100 1 RI/ml trypsin-Triton), urea-sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS), papaih-
Triton-EDTA/protease-Triton-EDTA, Biz, and pancreatin-
CTAB 10 mg/ml 30 Triton-EDTA. Cleaners with an overall score of 2.0 to 2.5
were considered to be good and included SDS, sodium
triphosphate (STP)-EDTA-trisodium phosphate (TSP), tryp-
Control Potassium phosphate 17.4 mg/ml (100 mM) 60 sin-EDTA-Triton, and Triton. The remainder of the treat-
(pH 7.0) ments (poor cleaners) were consistently unable to reduce the
biofilm by 50% and are not included in Table 4.

TABLE 4. SEM evaluation of biofilm reduction by various cleaning agents on RO membranes receiving HC or LC doses of feedwater
Cleaning effectivenessb
Treatment' LC membranes on day: HC membranes on day:
3 5 11 20 43 57 Mean 3 11 22 63 Mean
Urea-SDS 2+ 3+ 3+ 3+ 2+ 3+ 2.7 3+ 3+ 4+ 4+ 3.5 3.0
Biz 3+ - 4+ 3+ 2+ 1+ 2.6 3+ 4+ 3+ 4+ 3.5 3.0
Esterase-EDTA/ 2+ 2+ 3+ 2+ 2+ 2+ 2.2 3+ 3+ 3+ 4+ 3.2 2.6
Pancreatin-Triton-EDTA 2+ - 2+ 3+ 2+ 1+ 2.0 3+ 3+ 3+ 4+ 3.2 2.6
Papain-Triton-EDTA/ 2+ 3+ 3+ 2+ 2+ 1+ 2.2 2+ 3+ 3+ 4+ 3.0 2.5
SDS - 3+ 1+ 1+ 1+ 2.0 3+ 3+ 4+ 3.3 2.3
Triton - 2+ 0 - 1+ 1.0 - 2+ 3+ 4+ 3.0 2.0
STP-EDTA-TSP - - - 1+ 1+ 1.0 - - 4+ 4.0 2.0
Tiypsin-EDTA-Triton - - 1+ 1+ 1.0 4+ 4.0 2.0
Pancreatin-EDTA/Triton-CTAB - 2+ 1+ 1.5 3+ 3.0 2.0
aTreatments with an overall rank of <2.0 are not included.
b Scores, based on comparison with treated control, were assigned as follows. 0, No removal of biofilm apparent; multilayer biofilm (MLB, two or more cell
layers thick) and single-layer biofilm (SLB) both present. 1+, Poor biofilm renmoval, usually less than 20 to 30%; MLB and SLB both present. 2+, Fair biofilm re-
moval, usually 50 to 70%; MLB absent, SLB present. 3+, Good biofilm removal, usually 70 to 80%; MLB absent, SLB present. 4+, Excellent biofilm removal,
usually 90 to 100%o; a few scattered cells might remain, but there were no patches; no MLB or SLB present.-, No sample was treated with the indicated cleaning
c Overall score was determined by the formula given in Results.

Representative SEM micrographs in Fig. 2 and 3 show the pancreatin-Triton-EDTA treatment (Fig. 2g and 3g). The HC
relative rankings of selected treatments compared with the membranes appeared to be cleaned with higher efficiency in
control. The biofilm formed a confluent layer over the nearly all cases. This variability was demonstrated at other
membrane on both the HC and LC controls. The micro- sampling times with several treatments (Table 4).
graphs depict samples from the LC membrane (Fig. 2) and A number of the experimental cleaning formulations ap-
the HC membrane (Fig. 3) after 11 days of operation. In peared to exhibit bactericidal activity. For several of the
these figures, the range of cleaning effectiveness is demon- enzymatic cleaning treatments, a problem with the sterility
strated from no differences from the control (Fig. 2h and 3h) of the solutions made counts of CFU inaccurate, and some
to >90% removal of biofilm (Fig. 2f and 3f0. treatment schemas, such as SDS and Triton, were initiated
The various chemical strategies and combinations of strat- after the study had begun.
egies illustrated in Fig. 2 and 3 included enzyme-surfactant- Table 5 shows the percentage of reduction of numbers of
chelator combinations (b, e, and g), denaturant-detergent bacteria compared with the control for the compounds found
combinations (c and d), an enzyme-detergent combination (f) to have a rating of .2.0 in the SEM evaluation. The urea-
and a biocide-detergent combination (h). The methylene SDS combination was the most effective as a bactericide and
bisthiocyanate (MBTC)-cetyltrimethylammonium bromide was also a successful cleaning treatment. Biz consistently
(CTAB) treatment (Fig. 2h and 3h), representing a biocide- showed good reduction in numbers of bacteria, but many of
detergent combination, did not reduce the biofilm when the other cleaning strategies produced more uneven results.
compared with the treated control. On the other hand, the Some of this variability may have been due to the lack of a
Biz treatment (Fig. 2f and 30) showed excellent biofilm highly reproducible method for removing all bacteria from
reduction on both LC and HC membranes. Some variability the treated and control membranes.
in cleaning efficiencies between the LC and HC membranes The cleaning effectiveness of the highly bactericidal com-
is seen in the urea-CTAB treatment (Fig. 2d and 3d) and the pounds (>90% reduction in numbers of bacteria) is shown in

FIG. 2. Representative SEM micrographs showing the relative effectiveness of various cleaning treatments in removal of biofilm from LC
RO membranes after 11 days in operation. (a) Treated control membrane, given a score of 0 (no biofilm removal). (b) Membrane treated with
esterase-EDTA/trypsin-Triton and given a score of 3+ (good biofilm removal, 70 to 80% reduction). (c) Membrane treated with urea-SDS and
given a score of 3+ (good biofilm removal). (d) Membrane treated with urea-CTAB and given a score of 1+ (poor biofilm removal, <20 to 30%
reduction). (e) Membrane treated with papain-Triton-EDTA/protease-Triton-EDTA and given a score of 3+ (good biofilm removal). (f)
Membrane treated with Biz and given a score of 4+ (excellent biofilm removal, 90 to 100% reduction). (g) Membrane treated with pancreatin-
Triton-EDTA and given a score of 2+ (fair biofilm removal, -50 to 70% reduction). (h) Membrane treated with MBTC-CTAB and given a
score of 0 (no biofilm removal discernible). Bars, 5 p.m.


I s,

_x _S 11

FIG. 3. Representative SEM micrographs showing the relative effectiveness of several cleaning agents in removal of biofilm from HC RO
membranes after 11 days in operation. (a) Treated control membrane, given a score of 0 (no biofilm removal). (b) Membrane treated with
esterase-EDTA/trypsin-Triton and given a score of 3+ (good biofilm removal, -70 to 80%4 reduction). (c) Membrane treated with urea-SDS
and given a score of 3+ (good biofilm removal). (d) Membrane treated with urea-CTAB and given a score of 2+ (fair biofilm removal, -50 to
70% reduction. (e) Membrane treated with papain-Triton-EDTA/protease-Triton-EDTA and given a score of 3+ (good biofilm removal). (f)
Membrane treated with Biz and given a score of 4+ (excellent biofilm removal, 90 to 100% reduction). (g) Membrane treated with pancreatin-
Triton-EDTA and given a score of 3+ (good biofilm removal). (h) Membrane treated with MBTC-CTAB and given a score of 0 (no biofilm re-
moval). Bars, 5 p.m.

TABLE 5. Effects of cleaning agents on reduction of counts of viable bacteria from LC RO membranes"
SEM % Reduction from control on day:
Treatment score
(range) 3 5 11 20 43 57
Biz >2.5 83.5 70.5 69.5 58.4 71.2 32.7
Urea-SDS 94.1 100.0 100.0 100.0 99.9 100.0
Pancreatin-Triton-EDTA NE" NE NE NE 88.9 18.3
Esterase-Triton/ NE NE NE NE 32.6 19.2
Papain-Triton-EDTA/ 97.8 NE NE NE 69.0 92.1
SDS 2.0-2.5 ND" ND 97.5 48.9 68.7 0.0
Triton ND ND 87.6 0.0 0.0 49.0
Trypsin-EDTA-Triton ND ND ND ND 31.0 0.0
' Treatments shown are those which received a score of at least 2.0 in the SEM evaluation (Table 4). There were no colonies isolated from the HC membranes
until 63 days had elapsed, when 2.0 x 102 colonies per cm2 were isolated from the control membranes. Colonies were not enumerated from the treated HC
*NE, Not enumerated; contamination from enzyme preparations.
ND, Not determined.

Table 6. Pancreatin-EDTA-Triton/CTAB showed some Other evidence that lends support to this hypothesis is that
cleaning potential, and urea-SDS ranked as a very good although no bacterial colonies were isolated from the HC
cleaner. For the most part, however, the highly rated membrane until 63 days had elapsed, the HC and LC
bactericidal combinations (those containing CTAB or urea) membranes appeared under SEM to be equally fouled by
were not very effective at removing biofilm. bacteria at each sampling time in the experiment. This
Identification of the bacteria recovered from the fouled evidence suggests that chlorine-inactivated bacteria may
RO membranes indicated that >95% of isolates were mem- also produce a biofouling layer on the RO membrane sur-
bers of the genus Mycobacterium, an acid-fast, gram-posi- face.
tive group of rod-shaped microorganisms (2). Mycobacteria Some chemicals consistently reduced the numbers of
form tenacious mucoid colonies on m-SPC agar, and at least bacteria by 30 to 80%. These compounds may not act
one strain has been recently demonstrated to exhibit a through bactericidal activity; the reduction in numbers may
marked affinity for the cellulose acetate RO membrane be due rather to the actual removal of the bacteria from the
surface (13). surface of the membrane. This effect would be preferred
over bactericidal activity. Chemical treatments which exhib-
ited this type of action included Biz, papain-Triton-EDTA/
DISCUSSION protease-Triton-EDTA, pancreatin-Triton-EDTA, and SDS
(Table 5).
Innovations in cleaning techniques for RO membranes The SEM photographs show some dramatic decreases in
have been sporadic and somewhat haphazard in their devel- biofilm that were not well reflected by corresponding counts
opment. Most techniques have been developed under actual of bacteria. Some of the membranes appeared virtually bare,
operating conditions by simply substituting new procedures yet CFU measurement revealed that a substantial number of
for old ones and passing along the insight gained. Many new bacteria remained associated with the membranes. This
cleaning agents have been utilized on the assumption that the effect may be due to one of several causes. The confluency
predominant fouling material is inorganic scale or precipitate of biofilm may have been so disrupted after cleaning that the
and that any organic material present is primarily humic samples that were measured were too small (1 cm2) to be
acids (3). representative of the whole sample. It is also possible that
The most common treatments for removing the fouling the processes of fixation and dehydration for SEM may
layer of RO membranes are periodic flushing with mixtures actually alter the biofilm, in this case enhancing the removal
of detergents and chelating agents, changes in pH, and the of bacteria from the membrane and exaggerating the report-
addition of antiprecipitants such as sodium hexametaphos- ed effectiveness of the cleaning treatments. Since SEM is the
phate or citric acid (3, 10, 19). most important parameter assessed in this study, it is critical
In this study, we have characterized the biofilm micro- that the limitations of this method be understood. However,
scopically and bacteriologically to examine the effectiveness assuming that the effects of fixation and dehydration are
of different cleaning strategies in the removal of a developing approximately equal across the treatments, SEM evaluation
biofilm. Our cleaning strategies, contrary to those in previ- should still be a good measure of the relative effectiveness of
ous work, have assumed that the major fouling entity is each treatment, although it may not be quantitative.
bacterial in nature with its associated organic and inorganic Analysis of effective cleaning treatments. Each treatment
by-products. incorporated one or several cleaning strategies. Using the
The present studies indicate that the most reliable evi- criteria from Table 4 to determine the effectiveness of
dence for the degree of biofilm removable was direct SEM biofilm removal, it is apparent that cleaning treatments that
examination. Bacterial counts did not correlate well with the were most successful (mean score, >2.5) had constituents in
visual observations via SEM. Strongly bactericidal com- each of the following categories: enzymes, antiprecipitants,
pounds were not necessarily effective in removing biofouling bactericides, and denaturing agents. We have already deter-
layers, and cleaning solutions that were effective in biofilm mined that bactericidal compounds are not necessarily effec-
removal were not necessarily bactericidal. This dichotomy tive in biofilm removal, so the remaining constituents require
of effects eliminates one of the proposed strategies as an closer examination.
effective mechanism of attack on the biofilm; many bacteri- Preparations containing enzymes. The enzyme-antiprecipi-
cidal compounds probably do not lyse and dissolve the tant-dispersant combination formed most of the very good
fouling layers. cleaners. EDTA, a chelator, was added to the enzyme

TABLE 6. Effectiveness of cleaning combinations that reduced counts of viable bacteria by at least 90% on HC and LC RO membranes
Cleaning effectiveness"
Treatment LC membranes on day: HC membranes on day:
3 5 11 20 43 57 Mean 3 11 22 63 Mean
EDTA-urea-TSP 0 1+ 2+ 2+ 1+ 3+ 1.5 2+ 2+ -h 1+ 1.7 1.6
Urea-SDS 2+ 3+ 3+ 3+ 2+ 3+ 2.7 3+ 3+ 4+ 4+ 3.5 3.0
Urea-CTAB 2+ 0 1+ 1+ 0 2+ 1.0 2+ 2+ 3+ 4+ 2.7 1.7
CTAB 0 0 1+ 0 0 0.2 1+ 1+ 3+ 1+ 1.5 0.8
MBTC-CTAB - 0 1+ 0.5 - 0 1+ - 0.5 0.5
Urea - 0 2+ 1.0 2+ 2.0 1.3
Pancreatin-EDTA/ 2+ 1+ 1.5 3+ 3.0 2.0
a Measured by SEM examination with scopes assigned as explained in Table 4, footnote b.
b_, No sample was treated with the indicated cleaning agent.
C Overall score was determined by the formula given in Results.

solutions to chelate any toxic metals that could retard highest score in the SEM evaluation. Biz is a commercial
enzymatic action. Triton, a nonionic detergent, was used laundry presoaking detergent which contains broad-spec-
because of its surfactant activity to facilitate penetration by trum enzymes, bleaching compounds, and detergents. The
the enzyme of the biofouling layer. In these combinations, exact mechanism of action of this compound, of course, is
the enzyme itself is believed to be the active agent, but not known because Biz combines so many different com-
enzymes used alone did not fare as well. Perhaps this was pounds. However, this combination of enzymatic, oxidizing,
because substances of such large molecular weight are and detergent compounds appears very efficient in removing
unable to penetrate the biofilm effectively without the aid of biofilm, especially when the film is less extensive, as evi-
surfactants of chelating agents. The enzymatic mechanism of denced by greater effectiveness at the earlier sampling times.
action is the proteolytic and glycolytic (esterase) action, The major drawback in using Biz as a cleaning agent is its
which disrupts the glycocalyx that probably surrounds the oxidizing properties, which endanger the integrity of the
bacteria, encouraging sloughing of the material. By attacking membrane. For several days before the sampling time on day
the exopolymers that are implicated in mediating bacterial 12, the ammonia concentration was accidentally lowered,
attachment, it is possible to solubilize the biofilm and clean exposing one membrane unit to 15 to 20 mg of free chlorine
the membrane. per liter. The membrane unit analyzed shortly after this
Use of enzymes under operating conditions has two major event showed signs of membrane failure and loss in salt
drawbacks, expense and lack of stability. The cost of rejection ability, and under SEM, elliptical depressions and
enzymes varies widely, depending on the source of the holes appeared in the membrane. The biofilm also seemed to
enzyme. Some can be quite expensive, and even crude be removed much more easily than at previous times. It is
preparations of enzymes are more expensive than cleaning also evident that HC membranes were cleaned more effi-
products currently used on RO membranes. Before enzymes ciently at all times than LC membranes were (Table 4).
can be considered as a viable alternative to present cleaning Because chlorination destroys the cellulose acetate mem-
methods, more evidence should be collected to support their brane, such oxidizing compounds must be used with care.
effectiveness against biofilms. Furthermore, each biofouling Repeated use of such products as Biz may cause deteriora-
problem should be analyzed to determine the nature of the tion of membrane integrity.
fouling layer (bacterial, organic, or inorganic), and a cost- In summary, the strategies which were most efficient in
benefit assessment should be sought. removing biofilm composed primarily of mycobacteria and
Preparations containing detergents. Another successful their organic matrix were an enzyme-chelator-dispersant
treatment in our schema was the urea-SDS treatment. This combination, an anionic detergent-denaturant combination,
treatment combined a chaotropic and bactericidal agent, and Biz. None of these was effective at all sampling times,
urea, with an anionic detergent, SDS. Some evidence has and all have some drawbacks in use, but the elimination of
been collected that cationic detergents are quite effective in alternatives (such as bactericides) as effective means of
solubilizing gram-negative bacteria, whereas anionic deter- biofilm removal may ultimately save costs to industrial
gents have more success in solubilizing gram-positive bacte- ventures. This study indicates that research into the funda-
ria (9). Furthermore, the bacteria isolated from the mem- mental mechanisms of biofouling of RO membranes is war-
branes belonged almost exclusively to the genus ranted to determine which classes of compounds and en-
Mycobacterium, which has a gram-positive wall structure. zymes will be most efficient in cleaning. In this manner,
SDS by itself ranked as a good cleaner, although its cleaning classes of compounds can be eliminated as inappropriate,
abilities were greatly enhanced when coupled with urea. and efforts can be concentrated on members of the classes of
Urea by itself did not rank high as a cleaning agent, possibly compounds that are effective for the particular fouling prob-
because it was applied at too low a concentration. Typically, lem at hand.
urea concentrations of at least 6 M are required to solubilize
most polypeptides (5). In other experiments, urea at concen-
trations of 6 to 8 M did in fact exhibit excellent biofilm This project was funded by the Office of Water Research and
removal (unpublished data). Technology contract 4107-160-81 through the Orange County Water
The three types of detergents which were utilized-cation- District.
The authors thank Carol Justice for her technical assistance
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