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Marija Boban 1, Miodrag Ivkovic2, Vesna Jevtic2, Dusanka Milanov2

University of Split
University of Novi Sad, Technical faculty Mihajlo Pupin Zrenjanin

Abstract – This work emphasizes importance of 2. GOALS AND STRATEGY OF DATA QUALITY
Customer Relationship Management (CRM) data for
success in business, especially in marketing, sales and This should form the introduction to the need for a data
customer services areas. The data quality is essential for quality strategy within organization. The strategic
deployment of increasingly integrated operational and objectives should aim to relate data to the success of
analytical CRM systems, as well as for meaningful set of organization and goals. It is often best to start by filling in
customers’ metrics maintenance. This work represents a grid to identify how the results of data strategy will
goals and strategy, factors and management program of impact organization, as below. Common goals for CRM
data quality, as well as, data privacy and data security in system are: improving communications, creating multiple
CRM systems. touch points to serve the customer, strong relation with
Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), reduced waste of
1. INTRODUCTION mailing budget, compliance with data regulations.
Achieving the level of integrated, consistent customer
CRM data play very important role in marketing, sales data necessary to support CRM initiatives does not come
and customer services areas of business and like a source easily. Most large enterprises have an average of five to
of very valuable information are often treated as a ten operational sources containing customer data (see
business assets. When it comes to customer information, Figure 1).
poor data quality can lead to problems that are no less Given a single, integrated view of the customer is the
important. Quality of customer data is essential for cornerstone of CRM, a common pitfall is to attempt to
enterprises and their ability to successfully deploy and achieve this view through a single, integrated database.
maintain increasingly integrated operational and For all but the simplest enterprises, however, such as
analytical CRM systems, as well as maintain meaningful universal database remains elusive — held out of reach by
set of customers’ metrics. Therefore, consistency and the intricacies of multiple lines of business, geographic
quality of customer data are critical components for CRM diversity and a legacy application mix. Therefore, most
success. The CRM data stored within the CRM system enterprise CRM implementations will be forced to use
include information contact details as well as other customer information sourced from multiple data stores.
information related to people, organizations and accounts In this environment, identifying the most-appropriate
or related to records of orders and communications linked operational sources from which customer data elements
to each of these. Information that are collected by can be acquired involves significant analysis. Questions to
particular person or organization are accurate or true at be resolved include:
the moment of recording. These information are prone to
become inaccurate during time, and that what holds true  Where data reside?
for one moment in time may change in future. By  What format they have?
integrating customer information from multiple touch  Where are duplicated data?
points into one, accurate, current record, enterprises can  Do the overlapping data have incremental value?
rely on consistent segmentation to drive their treatment of  Which data sources are the most reliable?
customers and reveal true purchasing behaviors and
patterns to forecast future sales accurately. Quality of data Enterprises must have three types of data to effectively
is subject by the following key issues: manage their customer relationships: descriptive,
behavioral and contextual. The interaction among these
 How can enterprises create and maintain a database information types must be understood to provide a
of consistent, high-quality customer information? coherent picture of the customer relationship.
 How can consistent, integrated customer interactions  Descriptive data focuses on the customer, which
be enabled across multiple channels? could be an individual, a household, a business or
 How will enterprises evolve their analytical systems some combination of the three. Demographic,
to reveal key customer insights? lifestyle and psychographic data fit into this category.
 How can customer insights be profitably applied to Much of these data come from the enterprise’s
inbound and outbound customer interactions? operational systems or from external data providers.
It is readily available and, therefore, yields little
 How to provide privacy for customers’ information?
competitive advantage.
 Behavioral data includes details on the transactions data leads to misleading, incomplete, and confusing
and interactions that comprise the relationship information, it lowers adoption – another major reason
between the enterprise and its customers. Acquiring why CRM projects fail.
relationship data have proven to be the biggest
Accurate information and reports are the life blood of an
challenge for many enterprises, because they must
effective sales force. Without it, management does not
strike a balance between collecting too much and too
have the data to make good decisions, sales reps do not
little. These data personalize the customer/enterprise
have the tools to turn leads into customers, and the
company will find it difficult to reconcile CRM data with
 Contextual data are the least common type of data in other systems. The results are lost opportunities
information for an enterprise to have; however, an and revenue, frustrated users and customers, and a lack of
enterprise is unlikely to maintain strong customer user adoption.
relationships without an understanding of their
context. Because contextual data are both, diverse To ensure consistent high data quality, the users need to
and unstructured, it is difficult to integrate them with be trained, and companies need to create and implement a
operational customer relationship systems. data quality process, and use available technologies to
automate the process whenever possible. A six-step
3. FACTORS OF DATA QUALITY approach that is working for many companies includes as
Industry analysts point the finger at bad data as one of the
top three reasons why CRM projects fail. Because bad

Figure 1. The Quality and Consistency Challenge in a Heterogeneous Data World [2]

3.1. Data Profile and Context necessary types of cleansing algorithms and functions in
order to raise the level of quality.
Data profiling is all about understanding data. Companies
3.2. Data Control
should know where their data come from: spreadsheets,
backend systems, or sticky notes all over reps’ desks. An Data control includes achieving data accuracy and
inventory of the data should be taken that includes the ensuring the right users have access to the right
following information: information, which also means blocking access, as
 The data sources should be listed as well as the needed. To control data, they should first be cleaned by
names of the fields in which data are stored; removing duplicates and errors. Then, processes should
 Any potential problems with the data should be be set up and technologies used to keep data clean. Some
noted. Companies should ask questions such as: Do guidelines can be outlined as follows:
we have automated quality checks before new record  Use automated routines or tools to clean your data;
can be saved? Are all fields mapped correctly?  Prioritize your data cleanup effort. First fix data
Context defines the type of data and how the data are which are highly visibly and frequently used, such as
used. Ultimately, the context of your data determines the addresses and emails. Fix business-specific
information next, such as opportunity types and
stages. Finally, remove any duplicated fields; for 3.6. Assign ownership, train users and commit to a
example, do not repeat account information in the data-quality process
contact object;
Users need to know the importance of data integrity and
 Get your users to fix their data. You can alert users
how to do their part in any data-quality initiative. During
when data records are incomplete or do not conform
users training, companies should show them how data
to data-quality standards;
quality directly affects their work. It’s also a good idea to
 Use exception reports and data-quality dashboards to assign ultimate responsibility for each region’s data to a
remind users when their accounts and contacts are super user, geographic lead, or other business owner.
incorrect or incomplete. Scheduling a dashboard
refresh and sending that information to managers is a
great way to encourage compliance;
 Review your profiles and role hierarchy and make
sure the hierarchy, teams, and groups are kept up to
Best practitioners of Customer Data Quality (CDQ)
date; management program combine vision, technology, culture
 Meet frequently with management to keep up with and business rules to cultivate more intimate and relevant
organizational changes; relationships with their customers.
 Define the Create, Read, Update, and Delete (CRUD) Establishing a successful CDQ program requires more
rights for each profile to ensure users can work with than just applying the right data quality software to the
data, as needed. problem. It is imperative that organizations first identify
3.3. Integrate data and storage and resolve any underlying business or cultural issues
impeding customer information management. Prioritizing
Most organizations have data in more than one system. objectives to be achieved with the CDQ program is the
Whenever there are duplicated data in several systems, it next order of business.
is easy for information to get out of synch. One way to When those fundamental matters have been adequately
avoid this problem is to integrate systems so that updates addressed, an organization can confidently embark upon
in one system automatically update the others, resulting in the implementation of a CDQ program, which is
a single source of “truth” and making it easier for end comprised of the following components:
users to access information. When designing the  Discovery & Analysis
integration, company should evaluate their business  Data Conversion & Cleansing
applications to determine which one will serve as system  Data Quality Maintenance
of record for the synchronization process. The system of
 CDQ in Enterprise-wide CRM
record (or master) can be a different system for different
 Legality & privacy
business processes.
Best practitioners of CDQ will not stop once they have
Every data quality strategy must consider where data
physically reside. Considering storage as a data quality completed the initial data analysis, data conversion and
factor ensures the physical storage medium is included in data cleansing. Ongoing data quality processing is
necessary to maintaining the integrity of any CRM
the overall strategy. System architecture issues – such as
system. Changes are constantly being made and new data
whether data is distributed or centralized, homogenous or
is always being introduced into the system from various
heterogeneous – are important. If the data reside in an
sales channels, including and especially the Web.
enterprise application, the type of application (CRM,
The Web presents a special challenge to data quality
ERP, and so on), vendor, and platform will dictate
maintenance because the responsibility for data input lies
connectivity options to the data.
more with the e-customer and less with the organization.
3.4. Augment data Organizations that value their customer information will
place a data quality filter at all customer interaction touch
To make a CRM system even more valuable, the data
points, including the Web. This filter is the organization's
should be augmented with information that will give the
defense against customer data corruption. After the CRM
salespeople and managers an edge. For example,
system is populated with cleansed and linked data,
companies should make the most of internal market
organizations will want to focus their preventative data
intelligence, such as purchasing patterns or competitive
quality measures on the front-line, rather than on more
analyses. To understand what kind of data are valuable,
costly and time-intensive back-office clean-up. Just as
they should survey the sales and marketing users to see
business rules were critical to the conversion, data quality
what they want the most. Also, an internal information
filters must be flexible and robust enough to support the
about customers’ behavior and buying patterns should be
organization's established business rules. This consistency
collected and then evaluated, if it is helpful.
will ensure the organization's data quality conversion
3.5. Monitor data efforts are maintained going forward.
Achieving high-quality data is not a one-shot effort, but
requires ongoing vigilance. Establishing policies,
processes, and tools for monitoring data is crucial to
maintaining data quality. A centralized process for mass The right to data privacy is heavily regulated and rigidly
data loads and data-cleansing projects should be defined. enforced in Europe. The European Court of Human
Rights has given this article a very broad interpretation in
its jurisprudence. According to the Court's case law the The notion processing means "any operation or set of
collection of information by officials of the state about an operations which is performed upon personal data,
individual without his consent always falls within the whether or not by automatic means, such as collection,
scope or article eight. Thus, gathering information for the recording, organization, storage, adaptation or alteration,
official census, recording fingerprints and photographs in retrieval, consultation, use, disclosure by transmission,
a police register, collecting medical data or details of dissemination or otherwise making available, alignment
personal expenditures and implementing a system of or combination, blocking, erasure or destruction;" (art. 2
personal identification have been judged to raise data b)
privacy issues.
The responsibility for compliance rests on the shoulders
Any state interference with a person's privacy is only of the "controller", meaning the natural or artificial
acceptable for the Court if three conditions are fulfilled: person, public authority, agency or any other body which
alone or jointly with others determines the purposes and
1. the interference is in accordance with the law,
means of the processing of personal data; (art. 2 d)
2. pursues a legitimate goal and
3. is necessary in a democratic society. The data protection rules are applicable not only when the
controller is established within the EU, but whenever the
Private companies are engaged in threatening activities,
controller uses equipment situated within the EU in order
especially since the automated processing of data in CRM
to process data. (art. 4) Controllers from outside the EU,
systems became widespread. As the entire member states
processing data in the EU, will have to follow data
of the European Union are also signatories of the
protection regulation. In principle, any on line shop
European Convention on Human Rights and the
trading with EU citizens will process some personal data
Convention for the Protection of Individuals with regard
and is using equipment in the EU to process the data (the
to Automatic Processing of Personal Data, the European
customer’s computer). As a consequence, the website
Commission was concerned that diverging data protection
operator would have to comply with the European data
legislation would emerge and impede the free flow of data
protection rules. The directive was written before the
within the EU zone.
breakthrough of the Internet, and to date there is little
Therefore the European Commission decided to jurisprudence on this subject. That is why all of the EU
harmonize data protection regulation and proposed the countries have developed their own legislative in data
Directive on the protection of personal data. In full name, protection on the traque of these directives. 1
Directive 95/46/EC on the protection of individuals with
In contrast European state-to-state approach, Canada has,
regard to the processing of personal data and on the free
through Personal Information Protection and Electronic
movement of such data contains a number of key
Documents Act - PIPEDA2, chosen an organization-to-
principles which must be complied with. Anyone
organization approach that is not based on the concept of
processing personal data must comply with the eight
adequacy. PIPEDA does not prohibit organizations in
enforceable principles of good practice. The personal data
Canada from transferring personal information to an
must be:
organization in another jurisdiction for processing.
1. Fairly and lawfully processed;
Organizations not governed by PIPEDA for commercial
2. Processed for limited purposes;
activities within a province need to be aware that PIPEDA
3. Adequate, relevant and not excessive;
applies to transborder transfers. However, under PIPEDA,
4. Accurate;
organizations are held accountable for the protection of
5. Not kept longer than necessary;
personal information transfers under each individual
6. Processed in accordance with the data subject's
outsourcing arrangement. The OPC can investigate
complaints and audit the personal information handling
7. Secure;
practices of organizations.
8. Not transferred to countries without adequate
protection 1
For example, in Croatia, the protection of personal data is regulated
The directive regulates the processing of personal data,
since 2003. by the Law on protection of personal data, as well as the
regardless if the processing is automated or not. Personal Law of the right to data privacy. On the traque of European directives,
data are defined as "any information relating to an as the crown of this process, information security is regulated and
identified or identifiable natural person ("data subject"); enforced since 2007. by the Law on information security. In Serbia the
an identifiable person is one who can be identified, Law on protection of personal data is also issued in the year 2010. also
on the traque of the European Directives.
directly or indirectly, in particular by reference to an 2
The Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada (OPC) has
identification number or to one or more factors specific to developed these guidelines to explain how the Personal Information
his physical, physiological, mental, economic, cultural or Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA) applies to transfers
social identity;" (art. 2 a). This definition is meant to be of personal information to a third party, including a third party operating
very broad. Data are "personal data" when someone is outside of Canada, for processing. The guidelines do not cover transfers
of personal information for processing by federal, provincial or
able to link the information to a person, even if the person territorial public sector entities. Nor do these guidelines deal with any
holding the data cannot make this link. Some examples of specific rules governing transfers for processing that may be found in
"personal data": address, credit card number, bank provincial private sector privacy laws. For more information look at
statements, criminal record. ◦Federal Privacy Commissioner – Guidelines for Processing Personal
Data Across Borders, ,
08. 02. 2011.
6. INFORMATION SECURITY MANAGEMENT range of threats in order to ensure business continuity,
SYSTEM AND THE CREATION OF SECURITY minimize business risk, and maximize return on
POLICIES IN CRM SYSTEMS investments and business opportunities.

Evidently, in modern digital economy, information is the

lifeblood of business and organisations are increasingly
dependent on the use of information systems and
networks to process information. Computer ’literacy’ is
now widespread making systems ever more open to
abuse, whether deliberate or accidental. Consequently,
businesses are increasingly at risk through use of the very
tool introduced to increase efficiency, i.e. information
technology (IT). Managers must therefore address these
risks where they would affect their systems and the
information used on them in terms of:
 confidentiality
 integrity
 availability.
as it is shown on the Figure 2[10].
Figure 3. Model of Risk Management Method
In organisation environment, information security is
achieved by implementing a suitable set of controls,
including policies, processes, procedures, organizational
structures and software and hardware functions. These
controls need to be established, implemented, monitored,
reviewed and improved, where necessary, to ensure that
the specific security and business objectives of the
organization are met. This should be done in conjunction
Figure 2. Basics of Information Security Management with other business management processes.
System Information security policy3 in accordance with the
Security requirements are identified by a methodical application of ISO 27001:20054 4.2.1 b must be defined
assessment of security risks. Expenditure on controls as follows:
needs to be balanced against the business harm likely to “The organization must do the following:”
result from security failures. The results of the risk
assessment will help to guide and determine the  Define the scope and limits of ISMS in terms of
appropriate management action and priorities for business features, organization, its location, assets
managing information security risks, and for and technology including details and justification of
implementing controls selected to protect against these any exclusions from the scope
risks.  Define the ISMS policy in terms of features,
business, organization, its location, assets and
Risk assessment should be repeated periodically to technology that:
address any changes that might influence the risk o includes a framework for setting goals and
assessment results. If managing an organization’s establishing overall sense of direction and
information security risks quality, the most important is to principles for acting in relation to information
choose the best methodology. The model of Risk security,
management is presented at the Figure 3 [11]. o takes into account the business and legal or
In the increasingly interconnected business environment, regulatory requirements and contractual
information is an asset that, like other important business obligations related to security,
assets, is essential to an organization’s business and
consequently needs to be suitably protected. As a result of
this increasing interconnectivity, information is now 3
General security policy is binding for the entire organization. With
exposed to a growing number and a wider variety of defining of a specific security policies, general security policy is
threats and vulnerabilities. Information can exist in many specified and descends to the lower operational levels. Specific security
forms: it can be printed or written on paper, stored policies regulate individual aspects of business processes that wish to be
maintained under control of ISMS. The area for which are defined the
electronically, transmitted by post or by using electronic specific security policy must be within the scope of the ISMS and the
means, shown on films, or spoken in conversation. policy must be consistent with the general policy of the ISMS.
Whatever form the information takes, or means by which
it is shared or stored, it should always be appropriately 4
ISO/IEC 27001:2005 - Information technology - Security techniques --
protected. It is important to stress that information Information security management systems - Requirements
security is the protection of information from a wide
o it is consistent with the organizational context of own legislative in data protection. Information security in
strategic risk management within which will be organisation environment is achieved by implementing a
made the establishment and maintenance of suitable set of controls, including policies, processes,
ISMS; procedures, organizational structures and software and
o establishes the criteria by which risks will be hardware functions. These controls are part of information
evaluated (see 4.2.1c)), and security management system which ensures
o is approved by management. accomplishment of specific security and business
objectives of the organization.
And according to the requirements of Annex A:
A.5.1 Information security policy – the goal: "Provide
guidance and support from management for information
security in accordance with business requirements and ACKNOWLEDGMENT
applicable laws and regulations.
This research is supported by Ministry of Science and
A.5.1.1 Information security policy document must be Technological Development, Republic of Serbia, under
approved by management, must be published and all the project number TR32044 “The development of
employees and relevant external parties must be familiar software tools for business process analysis and
with it. improvement”.
A.5.1.2 "Information security policy must be viewed at
planned intervals or if significant changes to ensure the
lasting relevance and effectiveness.
1. George Fratian, Planning your CRM SAP
6. CONCLUSION Implementation, Galileo Press, 2008
2. CRM Data Strategies: The Critical Role of Quality
As it is shown, consistency and quality of CRM data are
Customer Information, Gartner, Executive Report
crucial for business success. In order to prevent
incorectness of data, enterprises develop strategy and Series, 2003
goals of data quality. Enterprises use descriptive, 3. Russ Lomabrdo, CRM for the Common Man, PEAK
behavioral and contextual data types to effectively Sales Consulting, LV, USA, 2006
manage their customer relationships. 4. Jill Dyche, CRM Handbook A Business Guide For
CRM Customers, Addison Wesley IT Series, 2004.
Factors which ensure consistent high data quality are 5.
represented by six-step approach including: data profile 7.
and context, data control, data integration and storage, 8.
data augmentation, data monitoring, assigning ownership, 9.
users training and commitment to data-quality process. _090127_e.pdf
Important issues of CRM systems are data privacy and 11. Wilhen Associates Limited/ Project Frameworks
information security policies. Data privacy is very Solutions Limited October 2002.
delicate issue and every EU country has developed its

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