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Committee: Disarmament and International Security Community

Agenda: Maintaining International Peace and Security by Controlling the Use of Weapons and
Artificial Intelligence

Country: Democratic Republic of Congo

The General Assembly (GA) was established under Chapter IV of the United Nations (UN)
Charter. Since the General Assembly is the main organ of the United Nations and has
representation from every UN member states. It is first committee of General Assembly. The
First Committee deals with disarmament, global challenges and threats to peace that affect the
international community and seeks out solutions to the challenges in the international security
regime. It considers all disarmament and international security matters within the scope of the
Charter or relating to the powers and functions of any other organ of the United Nations; the
general principles of cooperation in the maintenance of international peace and security, as
well as principles governing disarmament and the regulation of armaments; promotion of
cooperative arrangements and measures aimed at strengthening stability through lower levels
of armaments.

Violence has plagued the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) since its emergence from
Belgian colonial rule in 1960. Forty years later, on July 10, 1999, DRC, along with Angola,
Namibia, Zimbabwe, Rwanda, and Uganda, signed the Lusaka Ceasefire Agreement for a
cessation of hostilities between all belligerent forces in the Congo. The Security Council
deployed the UN Organization Mission in the Democratic Republic of Congo (MONUC) in
November 1999 to support the ceasefire. In July 2003, the Security Council imposed a 12-
month arms embargo in the eastern part of the country where armed conflict continued. In May
2005, the Council expanded the arms embargo throughout the DRC territory. UN Under
Secretary General for Humanitarian Affairs Jan Egeland stated that Eastern Congo was scene
of the greatest humanitarian crisis in the world today, with a death toll outstripping that of
Sudan's Darfur region. DRC's rich natural resources -- including timber, diamonds, copper,
cobalt, gold, uranium and coltan -- clearly fuel the conflict. Local militias, backed by Uganda,
Rwanda and mining multinationals, get supplies of food, money, and military hardware in
exchange for smuggled resource riches. A UN panel of experts released a report accusing
Rwanda, Uganda and Zimbabwe of systematically exploiting Congolese resources and
recommended the Security Council impose sanctions. In response to regular attacks on the
civilian population in the Beni area, the Congolese armed forces (FARDC) and the United
Nations Organization Stabilization Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo
(MONUSCO) jointly planned offensive operations that were launched on 13 November 2018
with the intention of disrupting Allied Democratic Forces (ADF) activities.

Democratic Republic of Congo would like to give some solutions:

1. All states that did not signed yet or not ratified the treaty which is the eight remaining annex
2 states to do so without further delay

2. Also have to encourages all the state signatories to promote the universality and early into

3.Also have to recall the statements by each of the five nuclear weapon when they gave security
assurances against the use of nuclear weapons to non nuclear weapon parties.


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