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Daftar pustaka

1. Major MA. Phisiology of the Mouth. Russel W. Bunting. Oral hygiene. 3th ed.
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2. Berkovitz BKB., Holland GR., Moxham BJ. Oral anatomy, histology and
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3. Newman M.G.H.H. Takei.P. R.Klokkevold. Carranzas Clinical periodontal.

Tenth edition. Elsevier : Missouri. 2006.
4. Herbert Wolf. Edith rateitschak-Pluss. Color Atlas of Dental Medicine:
Periodontology. Germany: Thieme. 2005. H.14
5. Grossman, Louis. Ilmu endodontik dalam praktek. Jakarta: EGC; 1995
6. Masthan, Kmk. Textbook of human oral embryology, anatomy, physiology,
histology and tooth: Jaypee Brothers: 83-87p.
7. Carranza, Jr. dan Newman. G.M., 1997, Clinical Periodontology. 8 th ed.. W.B
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Jakarta : Hiprokrates, 1993. Hal 95-100
8. Grossman L.I. Ilmu Endodontik dalam praktek . Ed. 11. Jakarta : EGC, 1995.
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9. J.D. Manson & B.M. Eley. Etiologi Penyakit Periodontal. Buku Ajar Periodonti
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