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Study Notes Dated : 2006-11-25

Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1:
What is your dream job?
Answer :
Take away from English authors their copyrights, and you would very soon take away
from England her authors.

Question 2:
What is one thing you miss about being a kid?
Answer :
No dancer can watch Fred Astaire and not know that we all should have been in
another business.

Question 3:
What was your first smartphone? How did you feel when you got it?
Answer :
No pain, no palm; no thorns, no throne; no gall, no glory; no cross, no crown.

Question 4:
Do you like horror movies? Why or why not?
Answer :
A person can stand almost anything except a succession of ordinary days.

Question 5:
What is the biggest holiday for your family?
Answer :
The prime of life is that fleeting time between green and over-ripe.

Question 6:
What is the last thing you do before you go to sleep?
Answer :
Imagine a school with children that can read or write, but with teachers who
cannot, and you have a metaphor of the Information Age in which we live.

Question 7:
If you had to change your name, what would your new name be?
Answer :
If the garden of Eden really exists it does so moment by moment, fragmented and
tough, cropping up like a fan of buddleia high up in the gutter of a deserted
warehouse, or in a heap of frozen cabbages becoming luminous in the reflected light
of roadside snow.

Question 8:
What did you do this past weekend?
Answer :
The efficacy of our prayers depends on how we care for one another.

Question 9:
What's the strangest movie you have ever seen?
Answer :
We lay aside letters never to read them again, and at last we destroy them out
discretion, and so disappears the most immediate breath of life, irrecoverably for
ourselves and for others.

Question 10:
The world has become infested with rabid dogs with the intelligence of a 5-year-
old, where do you hole up to survive the \u201ca-pup-calypse\u201d?
Answer :
Never praise a sister to a sister in the hope of your compliments reaching the
proper ears.

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