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Date: 8/1/2021

To: National Speleological Society

Subject Line: Cave Pollution

From: Adam Westerbeck

Good afternoon,
I regret to inform you that over the last couple of decades more and more caves have become
polluted which leads to some major problems. Caves are an important part of the environment
and American history because they contain natural resources and are used for scientific research.
Caves are becoming polluted by humans not properly disposing of the things that they bring in
the cave. This issue can cause cave life to become endangered and lead to the cave being
destroyed. If a single organism is harmed from a toxic chemical left in the cave, this can lead to a
domino effect because of the food chain.
There is a solution, however. All you need to do is dispose properly of the things you bring into
the cave. Whatever goes into the cave also needs to come out of the cave. Additionally, any
material or object that contains toxic chemicals should be kept track of throughout the time in the
cave as these are especially dangerous.
Disposing properly of everything brought into the cave is necessary because if nobody does
anything then the pollution in caves will continue to get worse and worse until the caves are
destroyed. You will benefit greatly if you follow the solution above because you will be able to
continue exploring caves and will not disturb and endanger any cave life.
I am writing this email so we can set up a meeting to discuss this in further detail.
Thank you for taking the time out of your day to read the entirety of this email but I assure you
that you won’t regret it. I am available weekdays from 9-5 and you can reach me at my email
below. Please provide a time that you are available to meet so that I can schedule a meeting that
everyone can attend.

Thank you,
Adam Westerbeck

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