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Date: 7/22/2021

To: National Speleological Society

From: Adam Westerbeck

Subject: Cave Pollution and How to Solve the Problem

Action Required: Send an email to all subscribers about the information described below

Distribution List: Subscribers

Caves are an essential part of the environment and an important part of history. “Caves are
fundamental to human history. They are simultaneously places of shelter and places of deep,
dark danger. They are places of birth and of burial, dwelling places and sanctuaries from
persecution” (Fletcher 53). Caves are a place for animals to go when searching for a place to hide
as well as a place where certain animals live. Additionally, caves serve as places to research for
scientists. Because caves are extremely important, it is crucial that they be kept in great condition
by making sure that the amount of pollution caused by humans is kept to a minimum. I am
writing this memo so that you can use the information given for your own work so that more and
more people know about cave pollution.


Pollution in caves has been an ongoing problem in the last couple of decades as more and more
people have been interested in exploring them. The main culprit of cave pollution is by humans
themselves. People exploring caves are leaving trash and other items left behind in caves that
harm the cave life and the cave in general. Due to humans being the main reason for pollution in
caves there is an easy fix. The fix is following one rule; whatever goes into the cave must come
out of the cave. Following this rule will ensure that there are no items left behind that could
potentially harm the cave. As members of the National Speleological Society it is important to
get people to at least know this rule about cave exploration.

What Goes in Must Come Out

Trash left in caves by humans can lead to a domino effect on the cave life because of the food
chain. Toxic chemicals that harm the smallest organism can lead to the biggest organism being
harmed as well. There is a golden rule when exploring caves which has been developed over
time and it goes “take nothing but pictures, leave no trace of your visit and kill nothing but time,”
which expands on the fact that nothing should be left in the caves (“Keeping Caves Clean, 2021).

How Disposing of Items Brought on the Trip Will Help Cave Ecosystems.

Firstly, not leaving anything in the cave will allow the animals that live in the cave to continue
thriving in the environment that they are currently in. Secondly, if trash is found that is not yours,
disposing of the trash that the other explorers left behind will also keep the cave ecosystem
where it is supposed to be. As described above, caves are an important part of human history and
making sure the cave ecosystem is kept in balance will ensure that they will continue serve as a
critical part of human history.


Overall, caves are an essential part of human history and maintaining the ecosystem within the
cave is no easy task. Additionally, caves are home to a variety of animals and serve as a place for
animals to hide in times of danger. Lastly, caves are places to explore for everyday people and
scientific researchers looking for something interesting. Because of all the facts stated above, it is
crucial that caves are kept in pristine condition, meaning it is important to follow the golden rule
of caves when exploring them. Steps to follow when going into caves include disposing of your
trash as well as others if left behind, make sure anything that contains toxic chemicals is stored
properly, and to follow the golden rule. Make sure that when letting our subscribers know about
cave pollution that all of the information above is accounted for.


When Cave Exploring, it is important to follow the recommendations below to keep the caves
ecosystem in proper condition. These recommendations are for you to write about in your own

 Make a list of everything you are being into the cavethat is brought into the cave
 Pick up others’ trash if left behind
 Pay special attention to items that require batteries
 Never leave anything in the cave
 Stay safe
By making a list, you will be able to keep track of everything you brought into the cave so you
can make sure it came out of the cave as well. Picking up others trash follows the golden rule and
will help keep the cave in the proper condition. Paying special attention to batteries will make
sure that they don’t end up in the cave and releasing toxic chemicals that could harm the cave
life. Finally, making sure you are safe is the most important recommendation as you do not want
to get lost in the cave.

Crane, Ralph J., and Lisa Fletcher. Cave. Reaktion Books, 2016.

“Keeping Caves Clean.” Missouri Caves and Karst Conservancy, 9 June 2018,

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