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Seeing the comment section bombarded with Rose comments is kind of funny and happy.

Its funny
because a complete new generation and fanbase from a completely different music culture and genre
just now discovered a masterpiece that guitarists and rock lovers have been enjoying for more than a
decade. Im happy that you guys enjoy and appreciate this craft of John. Welcome Kpop fans, John Mayer
is the greatest guitar hero of this generation.

Dayum ,Rosé,we kinda have same taste in Music . Been listening to this song for the last few years and I
didn't know that you'd cover this ... So happy for both JOHN and Rosé,cause this song deserves a raise .

Rose cover brought me here. I was deeply in love with her cover. But this is for some reason more
heartfelt to me. That guitar skills can cure almost anything lols. But yeah, I must say the original is
indeed on another level. I don't understand why people would say the cover is better. It was really good,
yes but this is the instance that can prove nothing beats original. :) I love both versions of course but
kudos to the original. Rose has such good taste in music. <3

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