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a a) URBAN oN IE PLAN Healthy tree-lined streets are a key component of ue oe oe OK) trees grow along the city's streets. These trees green our neighborhoods, clean our air and water, absorb greenhouse gases, improve public health and provide Rr ese Uae are estimated at millions of dollars annually. SO ee UO) provides a long-term Ce esc Ran Ly ‘Adopted by the Board of Supervisors in 2015, the ee eee ecco ae ey expanded, healthy and thriving street tree population ee acca WHY A PLAN? SMALL & SHRINKING TREE CANOPY INADEQUATE MAINTENANCE FUNDING HARSH GROWING ENVIRONMENT San Francisco has one of the smallest Due to declining urban forestry funding, San___‘San Francisco's streets are a difficult tree canopies of any major U.S. city Francisco Public Works can no longer care place for trees to take root and flourish and it's actually shrinking, New street forall the street trees under ts purview. Asa Small growing spaces, compacted sol tree plantings are not keeping pace result, Public Works is transfering maintenance drought, neglect, improper care and with tree removals and mortality. responsibility for thousands of street trees to. vandalism make it hard for street trees Tens of thousands of potential street fronting property owners. This controversial to survive and reach maturity. tree planting spaces remain empty. [program has raised concems about the long term health ofthe citys street trees. Key Recommendations ‘The Plan provides a long-term vision and strategy for the city’s street trees focused on these key recommendations: Maximize the benefits of street trees San Francisco's street trees provide a wide range of benefits - social economic and environmental. The Plan recommends sslecing tees speces nd) eed planting locations to maximize sz » pollution removal (air + water) ae Fi Sey > carbon sequestration ve < California Sycamore » habitat creation » traffic calming > walkabilty » public health » stormwater capture » neighborhood beautification Grow the street tree population by half ae PTET SEE TT tt tae (50,000 new trees) 105,000 PPEPEPPREEELEPEE The Plan recommends planting sret oes FPPPPPE REP Seater ten = Aaproxatey 2.00 new set ies SEO t TT Pe tT aca pelea 155,000 PPE REPEPETTTTTE of replacement trees. An associated funding and maintenance program is Toren ? a? g oe ? ® ¢ @ ¢ ee? ? ee? required to carry out this expanded planting program to ensure the long: Fe Oar ree Cae term health of these new trees. Establish & fund a citywide street tree maintenance program ‘The Plan recommends centralizing ‘maintenance responsibilty for 100% of the city's street trees under the Department eee ee of Public Works, Under such a program, iow homeowners would be relieved from © rt iit maintaining street trees and repairing tree- Senet related sidewalk damage. City residents and —_@ muysomaascn vistors would aso see significant growth of the urban forest overtime EXISTING Creating a citywide street tree maintenance MOSTLY PRIVATE program would require securing longterm sen intapuceset FULLY FUNDED PROGRAM 100% PUBLIC and dedicated funding. Possible funding ferceiete cn | eee eee tools include general obligation bonds, an figecereershity Te aniasas hee Aeon ee Sea es assessment cistict, parcel tax and General Fund revenue. Manage street trees P A throughout their entire : a ee life-cycle compost @— @ secoun @SAPLING 5 The Plan recommends managing San Francisco's wooo prooucts @- street trees throughout their entire life-cycle including: » A Street Tree Nursery to grow street trees focally through a community partnership ‘tat creates green jobs, education and skill AGING STREET TREE development opportunities. URBAN Woon @: » Tree Removal & Succession Plantings to prevent potential hazards from dying or aging ‘trees and to stabilize tree canopy and ensure age diversity. » Urban Wood Re-use to create second-life products from trees removed from city streets such as furniture, building materials, mulch, art or other uses. STREET TREE WORKING GROUP STREET TREE NURSERY STUDY SUMMER/FALL 2015, SUMMER 2015 ‘Supervisor Scott Wiener has ‘The Planning Department and Public organized a working group of Works are conducting a study to neighborhood and business explore creation of a Street Tree organizations to help formulate a Nursery in San Francisco. The study long-term funding solution for street will identify site requirements and tree maintenance in San Francisco. operating models to promote a local The group will identity finance and community-based system of tree policy recommendations. propagation and care. CITYWIDE STREET TREE CENSUS 2015 - 2016 The Planning Department and Public Works are conducting an inventory of every street tree in San Francisco - all 105,000 trees. The Citywide Street Tree Census marks the first time data on species, age and location has been collected for the entire street tree population. We a SenFranciecs SUBLIC Planning ete URBAN] FOREST Jon Snae catia Sort ban Flanagan Pan Manager Deputy Bureau Manages, Bec Bret SF Penning Department See Use& Mapping enc ofthe Urban Fores (a 575.8088 Pub Wonks (a6) 268.0779 (415) 641-2674 carla

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