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1. definition
An arthropod is an invertebrate animal
that has an exoskeleton, a segmented
body, and jointed appendages.

2. types of arthropod
1. Trilobites
2. Chelicerates
3. Myriapods
4. Crustaceans
5. Hexapods
3. characteristic

1. Exoskeleton
arthropods are invertebrates, which
means their bodies do not have internal
bones for support.

2. segmented bodies
arthropods have bodies that are
internally and externally segmented.

3. jointed appendages
the name arthropod actually comes
from the greek “artho”, meaning joint,
and “pod”, meaning pot.
4. bilateral symmetry
an arthropods body can diveded
vertically into two mirror images. This is
called bilateral symmetry.

5. open circulatory system

an arthropods has an open circulatory
system. This means instead of a closed
circulatory system of interconnected
veins and capillaries, an arthropods
blood is pumped through open spaces
called sinuses in order to reach tissues.

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