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Peer Review for First Draft of Theory of Writing Essay

Eng 5—Professor Monterrey

Author:Carina Calixto Title:My Theory of Writing

Reviewer: Montserrat Pintor

Follow the directions:

1. Read the essay once through and annotate each paragraph, looking for the main idea.
On the paper
2. What is your overall impression of the essay?
I really like how she started her essay off. She gave a lot of good examples on how she
accomplished the four goals, but she didn’t further explain why the examples connected
with the goal itself. I would have loved it if she tied all her thoughts back to the main
goal, that way the essay would have stayed organized all the way through.
3. What is the author’s overall point?
The overall point I see present is how certain English 5 assignments have influenced the
writer’s new definition of writing.
4. What questions arise about the piece (questions that you had as you read and areas that
you felt needed elaboration, etc.)?
How do you plan on taking these new found skills to future classes? What is writing to
you exactly? You kinda beat around the bush instead of directly saying it.
5. Read the essay again, highlighting in green any details that seem unrelated, and in yellow
all quotes.
On the paper
6. Are the paragraphs coherent? Does the essay seem organized in a specific order? If not,
what do you recommend?
Yes, the paragraphs all start off by saying what goal she will be discussing. Some
paragraphs lack focus, but overall she did a good job of staying on topic.
7. Does the writer use transitions? Mark any places where transitions are needed.
Yes, at the beginning of every paragraph.
8. Does the author discuss each of the four learning outcomes?
Yes, she dedicated a paragraph for each.
9. Does the author provide adequate support for how they have met the learning outcomes?
Yes, although some are a little confusing (1st body paragraph and 3rd ).
10. Do the quotes support the author’s message? If they do not support the content of the
essay, why? Lastly, does the author comment on the quote, or does the author simply state
the quote without any further commentary?

She doesn’t use too many quotes. She summarizes for the most part as her evidence. All
the quotes she does use fit the overall purpose.She also does give further explanation on
the quotes she does use.

11. How does the essay prompt you to think differently?

The essay makes me realize Carina will leave this class with different found skills then
Peer Review for First Draft of Theory of Writing Essay

Eng 5—Professor Monterrey

the ones I’ll be leaving with. That’s how you know everyone's mindset and learning
process is different.
12. Go through the essay once more and mark any spelling, punctuation, or grammar areas
that you believe should be revised before submitting the document. You don’t need to
make corrections—just highlight in blue.

On the paper

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