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Mental health is an important part of health just as physical health contributes to the overall well-

being of individuals, the physical health of young people is crucial to the country, where they

create the country's future. Mental illness is a major source of illness for young people in

Australia. These diseases include the most common depression, anxiety, and drug use (Sawyer 2009).


Mental health must not be seen as the mere psychological illness absence but it is a concept that

encompasses a variety conditions for mental health from the diagnosis of mental disorders to

good mental health. “Good mental health” requires more than just a lack of mental health issues.

Happiness is related to personal growth experience, intrinsic motivation, self-confidence, ,

constructive connection and ability. To live a healthy, happy and fulfilling life, I must have good

development and good psychological and emotional development. I think that if I do not have a

healthy and active mind, it will have the negative consequences in the world. Just like in a short

film, when a “Paste” experiences mental stress, his creativity is inhibited, that is a negative result

that not everyone may see? I think this is especially important at an early stage, because no one

sees or explains the first subtle symptoms of this disease.

My mental health is directly related to my academic success and satisfaction in the future. I think

the emphasis on academic achievement is very high, which outweighs the emphasis on

maintaining the well-being of students. I still find exam grades and academic achievement a

major concern in our education system due to learning pressures, competition, fear of falling,

deadlines, and other factors that negatively impact my mental health. Just as in a nutshell, the
question is whether “Paste” spells the letters correctly and ignores creative drawing. In addition,

I believe that based on my experience of monitoring other people's mental health problems, I

believe that ignoring the negative effects of mental health also hinders my social development,

which haunts me in social isolation and makes me unhappy.

I have seen other people leave school or engage in drug addiction to defeat the negative effect. I

think that mental illness affects my ability to create and preserve a useful social circle or to

interact with friends and others. During my studies, I have spent most of my time in schools,

colleges and universities. When I spend so much time in the classroom, educational institutions

can provide an ideal environment for stimulating mental health and also detecting the first signs

of behavior change and mental illness. The social, emotional, intelligence, and activities

discovered over time can help me build resilient personalities and set an example that allows me

to control their mental health throughout life (Nguyen, 2013).

Numerous studies have shown that adolescence is the golden age of mental illness, with about

half of patients appearing before the age of 14 (Kessler et al., 2008). Because of mental disorders

in Australia and the majority of young people in secondary and tertiary education, the incidence

of “mental health disorders” is mainly high in universities and colleges. We have noticed that

young people with severe mental disorders can seriously damage them, which can eventually

lead to disability. I believe that the school year is a key factor in developing social and emotional

skills and abilities. The school years have been a precedent for how young people cope with their

mental health in old age. The literature also shows that one third of all diagnoses of mental

illness are related to adverse events in childhood. Although children's experiences have a

profound effect on happiness in adulthood, school has always been a major source of stress in

children's lives. School stress is known to be one of the main causes of mental health problems
among young people. I see an increase in the number of students suffering from depression,

anxiety or stress. As we saw in the short film, the pressure of the school on the right path

increases, so does the “Paster's” creativity, which also reduces due to anxiety.

I think that my mental health problems affect my educational growth and even have a lasting

negative impact on my health, social and professional status. I have more opportunities to take a

school break or face refusal. In addition, my specialist said that my emotional health as a child

was the most important indicator of my life satisfaction and personal success as an adult. I

believe that schools alone will not be able to teach and work to remove the various barriers to

learning for people with intellectual disabilities like me. The literature shows that cooperation

between parents, family and society is beneficial in creating conditions for students like me. This

collaboration can provide schools with the resources and support they need to meet the complex

needs of students (Dix 2011). This kind of cooperation has proved to be a guarantee for

children like me, as it promotes positive mental health, helps to reduce environmental problems

and improves my learning and social skills. As we saw in the short film, parents can make their

son happy by acquiring creative instincts.

I believe that as the prevalence of young people with mental health problems in society with

education and the social environment increases, there is an increasing need for people to learn

about the impact of social prospects on mental illness. In fact, only after researching various

mental health problems can I better understand my experience. I believe that if we look back at

the historical developments that have shaped society's attitudes towards me and other people

facing these problems, we can gain a deeper understanding of current socio-political concepts

and the effects of mental disorders (Roush & Sharby, 2011). From this point of view, I would

encourage isolation and avoid a society that can embarrass me. I get sympathy and compassion
from others. From this perspective, a medical perspective developed that changed the faith and

behavior of the community. This is one of the most common opinions that people consider

mental illness to be abnormal and pathological.


Young people with various mental health problems are increasing. Mental health must not

simply be considered an unidentifiable disease. However, people can face a variety of mental

health problems. Most mental disorders in adulthood occur in adolescence and childhood.

Therefore, the mental health of adolescents is especially important. Traditionally, society has

looked at mental illness from different perspectives. Society's attitude towards ethics in medicine

has become the point of view of a society with mental disorders. Young people have experienced

public prejudices and suicides in various fields of education and social affairs and should be



Dix, T. and Yan, N., 2014. Mothers' depressive symptoms and infant negative emotionality in

the prediction of child adjustment at age 3: Testing the maternal reactivity and child vulnerability

hypotheses. Development and Psychopathology, 26(1), pp.111-124.

Kessler, R.C., Gruber, M., Hettema, J.M., Hwang, I., Sampson, N. and Yonkers, K.A., 2008.

Comorbid major depression and generalized anxiety disorders in the National Comorbidity

Survey follow-up. Psychological medicine, 38(3), p.365.

Nguyen, D.T., Dedding, C., Pham, T.T., Wright, P. and Bunders, J., 2013. Depression, anxiety,

and suicidal ideation among Vietnamese secondary school students and proposed solutions: a

cross-sectional study. BMC public health, 13(1), pp.1-10.

Roush, S.E. and Sharby, N., 2011. Disability reconsidered: the paradox of physical therapy.

Physical therapy, 91(12), pp.1715-1727.

Sawyer, M.G., Pfeiffer, S. and Spence, S.H., 2009. Life events, coping and depressive symptoms

among young adolescents: A one-year prospective study. Journal of affective disorders, 117(1-

2), pp.48-54.

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