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Group 1a- Con Fuoco Comets: Ty, Kait, Logan, Haddie, Gage

Terms and Symbols

 Staccato-detached and short
 Sharp- raise the key one half-step
 Flat- lower the key one half-step
 Natural- cancels a sharp or a flat
 8va- play an octave higher or lower
 Forte- loud
 Piano- soft
 Pianissimo- very soft
 Fortissimo- very loud
 Mezzo Piano- medium soft
 Mezzo Forte- medium loud
 Crescendo- gradually get louder
 Decrescendo- gradually get softer
 Fermata- hold the note longer than its value
 Ritardando- gradually slow down

Music History
 The first musical instrument was the voice.
 Music passed from one person to another is called Folk Music.
 Composers are people who write music
 Learning songs by listening or copying is called learning by rote

Staff, Intervals,Alphabet, Rhythm

 Be able to identify steps/skips/same note and if they are moving up or down
 Be able to step and skip up and down the alphabet
 Be able to name the note/rest and how many counts it gets (quarter note 1 count, half rest 2 counts etc.)
 Be able to name the notes on the staff or keyboard (whatever student has learned)
 Be able to identify all the parts of a grand staff- bar and brace, G clef/treble clef, F clef/bass clef, measure, bar line,
repeat sign, double bar line, 5 lines and 4 spaces on a staff

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