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Questions Answers

1. Getting error when run the backend Steps to resolve this error:
1) Create a database in MySQL using the
java.sql.SQLException: Access denied command: create database upgradpg
for user 'root'@'localhost' (using
password: YES) 2)Navigate to
Error starting ApplicationContext. To upstac-api-stub\src\main\resources\applic
display the conditions report re-run
your application with 'debug' enabled.
3)Change the value of username and
password according to MySQL

2. Error when starting yarn

Please follow the below steps and check.

I assume you are using a windows system

1.Open windows powershell
Before following step 2 , please make sure
you are using file UPSTAC UI(Frontend)
2. Navigate to upstac ui folder,
cd C:\Users\IdeaProjects\upstac-ui
(unzip the upstac ui file and give that path in
above command)
3. While you are in this folder run below
commands given in Session2 in same order
● npm install -g yarn
● yarn install
● yarn start
Wait for each operation to complete & then
enter another command. Upstac UI opens
up after the last command is successful.

Prior to doing above items, make sure node

js is installed in your system.

3. Getting error in installing yarn via This error happens due to a security policy
power shell that won't let scripts be executed on your
system without you having approved of it.
error ; You can do so by opening up a
PowerShell window with administrative
PS C:\Users\LENOVO> yarn install rights (search for PowerShell in the main
menu and select Run as administrator
yarn : File from the context menu) and run command:
npm\yarn.ps1 cannot be loaded set-executionpolicy remotesigned
because running scripts is disabled on
system. For more information, see
about_Execution_Policies at
At line:1 char:1
+ yarn install
+ ~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : SecurityError:
(:) [], PSSecurityException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId :

4. How do I connect to my sql Create a database in MySQL using the

command: create database upgradpg

How to setup MY SQL , watch the videos

mentioned in the below link:

5. Failed to compile.
./src/items.scss Could you try the following
(./node_modules/css-loader/dist/cjs.js? 1. Delete the package-lock.json file in
?ref--6-oneOf-5-1!./node_modules/post your UI folder
css-loader/src??postcss!./node_modul 2. Run the command yarn install
es/resolve-url-loader??ref--6-oneOf-5- 3. Run the UI application yarn start
Error: Cannot find module
x.js'. Please verify that the
package.json has a valid "main" entry

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