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Q1What are villi? What is their function and location?

Ans The inner walls of small intestine have thousands of finger like outgrowths.
These are called villi.The villi increase the surface area for absorption of
digested food .Each villus has a network of thin and small blood vessels close
to its surface .The surface of villi absorbs the digested food material.

Q2Where is the bile produced? Which component of the food does it help to

Ans Bile is produced by liver and is stored in gall bladder for some time. It helps
to digest fats.

Q3Name the type of carbohydrate that can be digested by ruminants but not
by humans. Give the reason also.

Ans Cellulose is the type of carbohydrate that can be digested by ruminants

and not by human being. Cellulose is digested by the action of certain bacteria
in ruminants where as human being lack cellulose digesting bacteria.

Q4Why do we get instant energy from glucose?

Ans Glucose is the simplest form of carbohydrate. It provides energy to the

body .Carbohydrate like starch when consumed digests into glucose .When
glucose is consumed it does not have to be digested and hence provide instant
energy to the body.

Q5Write one similarity and one difference between the nutrition in amoeba
and human beings.

Ans Similarity-Food that is consumed in amoeba and human beings are always
in complex form. It is broken down into simple form by the process of

Difference-Human beings have mouth and a complex digestive system whereas

amoeba does not have mouth and digestive system. Digestive juices are
secreted in an alimentary canal in human beings whereas digestive juices are
secreted in food vacuole in case of amoeba.
Q6Can we survive only on raw, leafy vegetables and grass? Discuss.

Ans No, humans cannot survive only on raw, leafy vegetables or grass. This is
because grass is rich in cellulose and human being lack cellulose digestive
bacteria in their digestive system.

Q1Describe the process of digestion on amoeba.

Ans Amoeba is a microscopic single cell organism. It has a cell membrane

nucleus and much small bubble like vacuoles .It captures the food by pushing
out one or more pseudopodia. The pseudopodia encircle the food particle and
engulf it. The food becomes trapped in food vacuole. Digestive juices acts on
the food trapped in food present in the food vacuole and break it down into
simpler substances.Gradully the digested food is absorbed by the cell.

Q2Differenciate between absorption and assimilation.


Absorption Assimilation
Passing of soluble digested food into It is the stage when digested food is
the blood stream used up by the body for energy,
growth and repair

Q3What is meant by the term Peristalsis?

Ans It is a wave like movement cause by the alternate contraction and

relaxation of muscles of alimentary canal that helps in pushing the food

Q4How does tooth decay occurs?

Ans Too much of sweet food left in between the teeth is being acted upon by
the bacteria and convert it into acids which cause tooth decay.

Q5Name the secretion of inner lining of stomach .State their function.

Ans Secretion of inner lining of the stomach is as follows:-

1) Mucus-It protects the inner lining of the stomach.

2) Hydrochloric Acid-It kills the bacteria present in the food makes the medium
acid that helps the digestive juices to eat.

3) Digestive juices-It breaks down the proteins into simpler substances.

Functions of large intestine is to absorb water and salt from the undigested
food material .Remaining waste passes into the rectum and releases as faecal
matter from anus.

Q6 Describe the process of digestion in small intestine.

Ans Small intestine receives secretions from liver (bile) and pancreas
(pancreatic juice).Besides its wall also secretes digestive juices.

Bile secreted by liver digests fats. Pancreatic juices secreted by pancreas acts
on carbohydrate, fats and proteins.

The intestinal juice secreted by lower part of small intestine completes

digestion of all components of food.

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