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9  Answer sheet   B Intermediate

Exercise 1 Exercise 6
1 no / none 1 e|lec|tro|nic
2 much / plenty 2 im|pa|tient|ly
3 no / not 3 dis|co|nnect
4 room enough / enough room 4 de|vice
5 much / many 5 un|comfor|ta|ble
6 none / any
Exercise 7
7 little / few
1 boot _____________
8 much / many
2 clock _____________
9 enough big / big enough
3 horse _____________
very few / very little
4 car _____________
Exercise 2 5 phone _____________
1 ____________________ 6 ____________________ 10
2 ____________________ 7 ____________________ GVP total 50
3 ____________________ 8 ____________________
4 ____________________ 9 ____________________ READING
5 ____________________ 10 ____________________ Exercise 1

20 1 A  ■ B ■ C 
■ 6
A  ■ B ■ C 

2 A  ■ B ■ C 
■ 7
A  ■ B ■ C 

3 A  ■ B ■ C 
■ 8
A  ■ B ■ C 

Exercise 3 4 A  ■ B ■ C 
■ 9
A  ■ B ■ C 

1 turn off it / turn it off ___ 5 A  ■ B ■ C 
■ A  ■ B ■ C 
10 ■
2 switch your phone off / switch off your phone
___ Exercise 2
3 plug the TV in / plug in the TV ___ 1 _____  2 _____  3 _____  4 _____  5 _____
4 turn down it / turn it down ___ 15

Exercise 4 Reading and Writing total 25

1 ____________________ 6 ____________________
2 ____________________ 7 ____________________ LISTENING
3 ____________________ 8 ____________________ Exercise 1
4 ____________________ 9 ____________________ 1 ____________________ 4 ____________________
5 ____________________ 10 ____________________ 2 ____________________ 5 ____________________
3 ____________________
Exercise 5
1 ____________________ 4 ____________________ Exercise 2
2 ____________________ 5 ____________________ 1 A  ■ B 
■ C ■ 4 A  ■ B ■ C 

3 ____________________ 6 ____________________ 2 A  ■ B 
■ C ■ 5 A  ■ B ■ C 

3 A  ■ B 
■ C ■

Listening and Speaking total 25

English File Intermediate Photocopiable © Oxford University Press 2013

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